Monday, August 31, 2009

Feedback DSR Help

OK so this is more of a question of what every one else does to keep there DSR's up. I have 100% feedback and pretty good DSR's all but for one. It is still good but I would like to get it higher. It is my communication. I customized my seller e-mails and things like that, respond to every feedback left, I send a personalized e-mail to buyers through ebay telling them their item shipped, and I even put a nice thank you card in every order that goes out. Yet, my communication is the lowest out of all my DSR's, why is this? I know it is not terribly low but shipping time I have 5 out of 5 so I know its possible and 4.9 out of 5 for my Item as described. So what is the deal with the communication one? Am I trying to hard at it and that is why people score me less for this? What do you guys (and gals) do to try and keep your customers happy with communication? Any ideas for me at all? I just don't want to get down the road with selling and get much more feedback and have this DSR go down lower.

Orignal From: Feedback DSR Help

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