Friday, September 11, 2009

Why do sellers have to act so defensive?

On my buying id I had an auction end on Sunday and paid shortly thereafter. Seller says he "usually" ships within 2 days and will send me the confirmation number when shipped. Well today is Wednesday and still no confirmation number so I shoot him an email asking rather tersely "So when can I expect the package?" He emails me back saying how sorry he is and that Monday was a holiday and how there was a death in the family and I'm like whoa, I only want to know when the item will be shipped. He didn't have to be so defensive about the situation. Maybe it was because of the email I sent. No hello or how are you or things like that. Just a simple, direct email that cuts to the chase. I always send these kinds of emails to get their attention if I feel I've been ignored. It works every time.

Orignal From: Why do sellers have to act so defensive?

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