Thursday, October 8, 2009

eBay's New Feedback Policy Thrills Scammer Buyers !!

eBay has allowed another buyer to post fraudulent negative comment, by saying "sorry, we understand you are probably frustrated about someone not being honest....yada yada, but it doesn't qualify for being removed, but you have alot of other good comments.....!! "...goody goody. SO BASICALLY, eBay is fully representing fraudulent buyers. Sellers have no representation, even when they completely follow procedures.... I have over 1000 seller feedback comments with 100% positive rating. Until now. Does eBay really think this is a fair solution? Eventually every seller WILL experience the unfairness of the feedback procedure. There will be huge competitor soon, and sellers will show eBay how it feels to be dumped on.

Orignal From: eBay's New Feedback Policy Thrills Scammer Buyers !!

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