Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Seller not being left feedback

Hi everyone...I've been selling on eBay part-time for a while. I took a break and I'm back selling now. I mostly sell vintage costume jewelry but right now I'm selling all kinds of things. Anyway, out of the last 27 sales 10 people have not left me feedback! I used to be one to not leave feedback until it was left for me - now I just leave it, so all 10 of those people have received feedback from me. But I am total baffled by this lack of feedback for me. I consider myself a good seller. I work hard at my business. No one is complained to me by email or anything.....just no fb. It kind of pisses me off. What would you do? Would you email them and ask them if there was a problem, or would you just suck it up and let it go? This has never happened to me before. Before I took the break from selling the feedback thing was the usual give and take with the periodic hassle. This is horrible.

Orignal From: Seller not being left feedback

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