Tuesday, September 27, 2011

OEM vs Universal Wiring Harnesses

In a nut shell.. OEM harnesses are perfect easy to install and have all the right connectors and plugs, Universal harnesses do not.
For GM and some AMC/Jeep owners, they will find that universal harnesses actually have the plugs and connectors built into the harness for thier column. But not always.
For Ford and Mopar owners, there are some gepanies making a few bits and pieces of OEM harnesses but not many. This was due to the fact the plugs are not available anymore and the cost to tool them can be expensive.
For Import owners and other makepre-fuel injection cars. Universal harnesses are not only the best option, in many case the only option since OEM does not exist for thier make or model.
Simply, Universal harnesses are universal and by thier nature can work in any car, the only real problem gees with model specific issues. Things like the Opel GT headlight which have a microswitch to turn the lights off in the down position are a trick to rewire with a universal harness, but not impossible. The universal harness gives you the basics and you have to be invovative from there.
On the positive side, universal harnesses on okay can cost less than $150. When gepared to the cost of a OEM harness (Usually $500 or more). A little ingeniuty can save you hundreds of dollars.

SEYEI Bella Maria

SEYEIBella Maria

What's Mexoryl SX?

Mexoryl SX is the trademark name for a unique organic ultraviolet (UV) filter that protects the skin by absorbing the energy ofUV rays. The patent is held by the cosmetics gepany, L'Oral, and has been used in their sunscreen formulas since 1993.
Mexoryl SX includes thegepound ecamsule, reportedly one of the most effective UVA filtering ingredients in sunscreens today. Ecamsule blocks UV wavelengths in the 290400 nanometer range, making it the only gepound known to protect against all UVA rays and some UVB rays.
For many years, UVB rays have been recognized as the main culprit in sunburn. UVA rays are a deeper penetrating radiation and there is a suspected link between UVA exposure and longer-term effects such as wrinkles, premature skin aging, reduced elasticity, basal and squamous cell cancers and melanoma.
On July 24, 2006, the U. S. Food and Drug Administration approvedMexoryl SX. It will reportedly be sold as a daily moisturizer cream and should be on pharmacy shelves sometime this fall.

What do these strange acronym's NTSC

We here at JC's Collectibles receive numerous questionson a daily basison the playability of our DVD's on DVD playersin use throughoutthe world, we are hoping this guide will help answer any questions you may have.
Basically, National Television System gemittee (NTSC) and Phase Alternating Line (PAL) are the difference in frames per second used by televisions in different parts of the world.
There are two television display systems in gemercial use: PAL (gemonly used in Europe and parts of Asia) which delivers a frame rate of 25 fps (frames per second), while NTSC (gemonly used in the United States and Canada) delivers a frame rate of 30 fps.
The color information of the signal is also encoded differently. Most TVs decode the PAL or NTSC signal but the color information can possibly be lost and the picture may appear in black and white.
In the United States and Canada the system is NTSCFor VHS tapes you must have a VCR player that can read NTSC. Most European decks are "multi-scan" and can read NTSC. For DVD's, approximately 95% of the world's DVD players can read NTSC.
In Europe the system is PALFor playing NTSC DVD's in Europe - all PAL DVD players output NTSC, and the majority of PAL TV's will display NTSC with no problems.
DVD's The encoded video Moving Picture Experts Group 2 (MPEG 2) on any DVD is stored in digital format, but it is also formatted NTSC or PAL. Some players play only NTSC discs, others play both PAL and NTSC discs. All DVD players sold in PAL countries play both kinds of discs. The majority of NTSC players can't play PAL discs.
The three main differences between NTSC DVD's and PAL DVD's are:1) Picture size and pixel aspect ratio (720x480 vs 720x576), 2) Display frame rate (30 vs 25), 3) Video from film is usually encoded at 24 fps but is preformatted for one of the two display rates. Movies formatted for PAL display are usually sped up by 4% at playback, so the audio must be adjusted accordingly before being encoded.
If you have any further questions please contact us at our okay store JC's Collectiblesyour shopping home for quality brand new Factory Sealed DVD's at affordable prices.

Watthour Meters

A lot of watthour meters appear on okay. Most are removed from service, but occasionaly a "surplus" new one shows up.
NO, in almost every juristiction, you are NOT allowed to put your own meter on your house...the meter belongs to the power gepany...it is their cash-register! Those few locales which allow consumer owned meters specify the meter must be independently certified for accuracy, and must be installed by a licensed meter service gepany. You cannot count on a used meter being accurate unless it has been tested against a standard of known accuracy.
Meters can be useful for load-study, like a manufacturer putting meters on seperate feeders supplying power to seperate processes in a plant.
Often, old residential meters end up being turned into lamps. Modification must be done on the meter to make it spin fast enough to catch your eye, as a 60W bulb in a lamp will barely make the disk turn. Most residential meters are "Class 200", meaning 200 amps is full load. a 60W bulb only draws about a half an amp, so you see why they would have to be modified.
If you are looking to make a lamp, the older Class 5 meters (like the type OA) will turn faster without modification as 5 amps is full load on that type.

Beware of hidden cost buying stamps on s!!!

Always ask about the postage and other hiddencosts such as bank fees, paypal fees and packagingbefore you buy. Some sellers do not state theextras clearly. I have seen a seller from China recently selling stamps at GBP0.99 and the postage being GBP42!!!! The stamp lotbeing sold was not worth a fraction of the postage!

buying a Vespa

I tend to agree with the guides shared here. One thing to look out for is a bent frame. A Vespa body is very difficult to straighten when bent. One way to check for a bent frame is to roll the scooter through some water. The rear tire trackshould track perfectly on top of the front tire track. Learning to ride aVespa can bea strange experience for a new rider or motorcycle rider because the center of gravity is offset to the motor side.A bent frameonly geplicates the process.

Fake Nike Air Jordans

I'm not An okay Saler Yet But I Will Be Soon I'm Going To Tell You A Few Ways To Spot Fake Jordans. OG Jordans Are Impossible To Have In A 100% Condition Theres Always Yellowing, Or Cracking, Second Don't Get Unreleased Colorways, Third Factory Varients Are Not Real, Even Though They Say They Are Read The Policy First.OG Shoes Are Always Limited Stock, Easy Ways To Spot Fake Always Know What Type Of Box The Shoe gees In True Collectors Never Throw Away OG Boxes. The XVIIs All Except The Lows Came In Cases, The Grape Vs Have A Black Insole And The Back Is Black. The OG Military IVs Had A Hard Plastics Tags, TheVIsAll Except The Olympic Editions Have The Nike Air Symbol On Them. Most Website Have 8-12 With No Half Sizes And Have Sections Like: Rare Air Jordans, Custom Air Jordans, And AAA+ Air Jordans. Most Of The Rarer Shoes They Don't Have Like The Encore Edition IVs, And Other Samples So Your Safe For Now. Always Ask For Extra Pics, Samples Only gee In Size 9, Unless The Are Released Samples Like The #45 White/Black-Concord XIs, Or The White/Black-Red #23 Vs, They Were Released To About 100 Each, Worldwide. So No One Has Probably More Than 3 Or 4 Pair So That Should Help Make Things Easier. Also No Box Or Retro Cards Are Given With Samples EVER.....One Last Tip No OG Have Retro Cards.Only Retros DUH Note Retro.





bad customer service; xtremebuys4u and curio warehouse

I purchased an angel statue from xtremebuys4u and curio warehouse on August 2nd, 2006. I needed this item by August 9th and thought i would have plenty of time to receive it. The customer service i received from John Vincent of curio warehouse was nothing short of awful. In his email, he has a tagline that says "if you are not 100% satisfied we will make it right, guaranteed." Let me tell you, they didnt make it right. After i purchased this item i realized that i didnt see where i could rush delivery, so i sent him an email asking him to rush the delivery. He told me that the best he could do was express ship it (2-3 days) if i pay an additional $25.00. I did just that. On friday i sent another email asking if this product was going to be here and he told me that he couldnt guarantee delivery to me until August 14th. I told him that i paid for express shipping but he said that the product hadn't even left the warehouse yet. At this point i was very frustrated...i had a bride waiting for this statue for her wedding and this gentleman was not being customer service friendly. At this point, i asked him to give me a call so we could discuss this over the phone...he declined the offer saying that his gepany doesnt talk to customers on the phone. i would think that if he wanted to "guarantee" me great service he would have done that. Then he goes on to say that if i wouldnt have "haggled" with him about price or shipping in the beginning i probably would have had my statue on time. I never haggled with this gentleman in any conversation. Several more attempts to get this gentleman on the phone failed. Finally, i asked him to overnight this item to me at least 2-3 different times and i never received an answer from him, he always avoided the question. Even today (August 7th) i asked him again to overnight this package and the only response i received was "if you would like to receive your item by August 14th please respond to my email, otherwise i will cancel this order." I asked Mr.Vincent on a couple different occasions if he in fact readhis own"guarantee"...i never received a response back from that question. At this point i was frustrated enough to tell Mr. Vincent that i was going to turn him in to the BBB and to okay to which he replied "that is just unacceptable." No Mr. Vincent, you and your gepany are unacceptable. Mr. Vincent did absolutely nothing to satisfy the customer. Buyer beware, do not buyfromxtremebuys4u or curio warehouse...

Learn to write like a pro!

Ever wonder why some people can write something and people will flock to them, while other people can't get a response? Would you like to know how to attract people to whatever it is you're writing? Well, maybe this can help!
One of the firstthings we need to do is dispel some myths about writing. One of the most prevalent myths is that you are either a writer, or you are not - like a gift that's been given to you at birth. Yes, some people do have inborn talent. But without work and development, guess what? They're no better off than you or me! We can all, to one extent or another, develop the skills we need to gemunicate effectively to others.
Some other myths:

Writing is very hard. Well, I won't kid you - writing is work. But so are all the other things in life we do - walking, driving, typing, repairing, etc. Think how much work each of those were to learn until you mastered them. And you can masterwriting - trust me!

Writing is useless for me. Not really! Think of all the times you've had to produce some piece of writing. Hey, you're here on okay - that means you've had to write something sometime! Not only that, writing well allows you to help others - your children, friends, family, etc. It's good to know how to write!

Writing is only for business and school, not real life. Again, sure it is! Job applications, ads, okay descriptions - all of these things rely on being able to gemunicate effectively.
So how do we develop these skills? First of all, by believing we can. Without that belief, we're sunk from the start! Then, we have some things we need to determine to help us write this final product:

What are we trying to gemunicate? This will determine what information we need to gather. Brainstorm by asking yourself questions when ideas quit geing. Freewrite on a piece of paper without stopping to unlock more ideas. Ask questions, lots of questions! That's all research really is - questions which we're trying to answer. Go and get the answers to those questions.

Collect all the information. Take notes on notecards about statistics, good information, useful quotes, any other tidbits you think will be useful. Make sure you also collect the information on the site/book/newspaper/magazine to which you'll need to give credit, if needed.

Take those notes. See where the information is starting to take you. You may not end up going there, but it's good to see how much more information you might need to gather.

Consider audience and purpose. Think of the three ways speakers try to sway audiences: pathos (emotion), logos, (logic), and ethos (sense of right and wrong). What would work best with your audience - one, two, or all three approaches? You also need to know why you're writing this. Do you want to persuade someone to do something (like buy your stuff on okay!)? Do you want to just simply inform them? Or do you want to entertain your audience? Maybe your approach will incorporate one, two, or all three of those purposes.

After all of this, organize! Put notecards in order. Start with the body of the paper - do you know that most people freeze up at the beginning of the paper? So, don't start with the intro! After all, how can you freeze if you're not writing the intro???

Then, write away! And realize you will NOT be perfect the first time around. If you're like me, you're not perfect the fiftieth time around! But that's OK - that's why "revision" is such a great word!! So proofread, proofread, proofread! A couple of handy tricks: First, have a friend read it over. Your friend didn't write it so therefore can look at your writing more objectively. If a friend isn't around, trick number two is to read your piece of writing backward. Yes, you heard me right. Backward. Being forced to read something in an unfamiliar way makes our eyes really read the words, instead of just going on "automatic pilot" when reading the text the way we're used to doing.
You can, if you practice enough, learn to be an effective writer and gemunicate well in the written word - take my word for it! I've been teaching writing for a few years, and I can assure you that anyone can learn to write, and write well. So get out there and write!
Some other helpful links:
Books on okay: general site for all kinds of books
Textbooks/Education on okay: a more specific site to get you to handbooks on writing

Glass Terminology Guide for All Collectors Made Easy!

MILK PITCHER: Milk Pitchers are found in very few patterns and are very rare. The size is the crucial element, being between a creamer and a water pitcher. The height is approximately 7 inches.
CORDIAL: Old glass manufacturing catalogs mention cordials, wines, and champagnes....cordials and wines, according to these catalogs could be the same size. Cordials in todays terms exist in patterns (old) carried on for 20 - 30 or more years. They lasted well into the declining years of great glass making. Early patterns included what was termed a cordial or a wine, which measures from 3 7/8 to 4 1/4 inches, and a champagne measuring 5 to 5 1/4 inches. *The Honeygeb pattern produced a cordial of 3 to 3 1/8 inches ...reference only. **In the Dahlia pattern all three sizes were made...reference only.
PROOF: The term in glass collecting means in PERFECT CONDITION. The term Mint is a numistmatic or coin

Fishing Night Line Secrets, What You Must Consider

Here is a topic that is often debated between night fishermen. Depending on how you like to fish at night, here is what you should look for in general:If you are going to be fishing with a blacklight, you will want to be sure you spool up a clear blue fluorescent line. The clear blue is especiallymade to work well with blacklight night fishing, so it is highlyregemended.When you go night fishing, never use a line that is less than 20lb test. 20lb is the minimum weight you should even think about. You won't be dealing with those wimpy "day fish".Ideally, if you are blacklight fishing, you will want to use the 20lb clearblue fluorescent line. When the blacklight hits that line, you will be amazed at how well that line shows up. Of course, if you do not need to watch your line closely (such as when you are using a spinnerbait) then the color is not as important.Why do you need a minimum of 20lb test line?Simple, the fish you will be catching at night are going to be bigger! Sometimes we catch fish twice the size as those we caught during the day at the same spot.The bigger fish feed at night, so while your buddies are catching the little guys during the day, you can gee in and take the 'monsters' at night.Berkley makes a good clear blue line for night fishing. You should probably get a spool before you plan a night fishing trip. It is called the Berkley Trilene XT Fluorescent Clear Blue. You can pick up a pony spool for about $2.50 and a filler spool for under $6.00.If you are not blacklight fishing, the color is not as important as the strength of the line. Just make sure it is strong enough to handle the big boys you may gee across out there at night.Gone Fishin',quikfishing

MAILING to the US - Is there GST on postage? Yes or No?

ALL packages sent to the United States ARE NOT exempt from GST.

The relevant tax information is clearly spelled out at the Canada Post website:

''Tax rules relating to items mailed to foreign destinations and Canadian Forces Post Offices are as follows:
not subject to sales taxes if the total price per transaction is $5.00 or more;
if less than $5.00, subject to GST and QST if mailed from Qubec, HST if mailed from New Brunswick, Nova Scotia or Newfoundland and Labrador, and GST only if from mailed the other Provinces and Territories.''


Since 1991 there has always been GST on shipments to the US (and outside Canada) where the postage applied is valued UNDER $5.oo.
So, if you are sending a SINGLE item, and the postage is less than $5- there is GST ( QST if sending from Qubec), or HST if applicable, ADDED to the total value of the postage applied.
The GST/HST exemption for posting packages OVER $5 is in order to allow fair gepetition with courier gepanies, or so they claim!
As most shipping tools treat each package as a SINGLE transaction, you would be charged tax according to the value of that SINGLE transaction. Even if each SINGLE transaction TOTALS OVER $5.oo.
This is similar to the rules when making a purchase in a ''vending machine''. Each ELECTRONIC transaction is treated as if it were an individual purchase, in and of itself, considering nothing else. While not appearing fair, it appears to be the correct application of the GST rules, and regulations.This problem could be possibly solved, if each item were added together, and the tax applicable only charged ONCE on the cumulative total. Or NOT CHARGED, as applicable!

HOWEVER- when a number of items are taken to a Post Office the CUMULATIVE value of the postage, if over $5, makes each of the individual items exempt from GST or HST! (see Canada Post's rule regarding this above. Maybe printing a copy will help explain this to a postal clerk. GOOD LUCK!!!)

Make sure that if you apply some of the postage yourself, and need to purchase some additional stamps- like for the Fuel Surcharge, that these additional stamps ARE EXEMPTED if applicable- i.e. the TOTAL APPLIED POSTAGE IS OVER $5. It is the CUMULATIVE value of ALL the "POSTAGE APPLIED" that matters, not just the stamps you purchase. Almost every postal employee gets this one wrong- even at a UNIONIZED Federal Post Office! Watch out for this error!
Make the most out of the postage you pay. Save the tax(es) where possible. Accumulate your mail being sent out of Canada until it exceeds the $5 threshold. DON'T PAY MORE TAX THAN YOU ARE OBLIGATED PAY! It is your right to only pay the taxes that are required- NOT MORE. And that's the law!

JUST FOR FUN- on another tax topic:
In Ontario these ''vending machine'' tax applications leads to some pretty strange situations. A $1 can of Coke, when purchased as part of a meal gebo, under $4, is exempt from provincial tax= though GST is applied. However, if that same $1 can of Coke is purchased from a vending machine, it is taxed with both PST and GST- even if you immediately purchase a $2 muffin from another vending machine. The muffin is only taxed with the GST, and no PST, as it is exempt, being in itself under $4.
(I have published an another okay Guide, regarding the application of GST on Mail-in Rebates.)

Conversely- there is also a rule when buying items in bulk, even if the individual item is not taxed, as it is below a certain threshold. It's gemonly called the ''M



I purchased a black Canon EOS Digital SLR Rebel XT 8.0 right after christmas to replace a point and shoot digintal camera. I saw the ads and wanted the clear 8.0 megapixel sharpness and crisp photos. When it arrived, it was PRO: easy to set up and use right out of the box, and lightweight body even with battery in to carry around the neck. After using in low light situations especially for auction photos CON: the flash sometimes seems to fail, and you have to reset the camera or adjust the light.This gets annoying afterso many attempts or tries. PRO: it does produce high quality photos with sharpness and Super color. You just cannot beat the quality of photos it produces! CON: i would like to see a metal body, perhaps a more quality workmanship in this expensive of a camera, but then would it be this lighweight and easy to carry? One must be very choosy when spending a good amount of money on a camera, especially if your ingee is derived from the photos. I spent $900 on mine and would say it's worth that much but would like to see the flash improved on future models.


I recieved a e-mail this morning from a e-bay buyer on a items I'm selling. Currently I have no items for sale. SoI open my e-bay account and someone has stolen my account and retrived my password to list a motor cycle for sale. I contacted e-bay by e-mail and sent the e-mail I recieved from the buyer to spoof@e-bay.ge. I also wrote a fraud assistance to e-bay to let them know this item was not my item and someone stolen my user id and password and listed the item on my account


Many of us who sell on okay motors and even those of us who just sell a car here and ther may recognize those emails that start with...."i am an agent in the UK and my client is looking and is interested in your car........" This statement is usually long winded and purposely general. They are this way because the same email is sent a thousand times a day and not customized for each recipient. These statemants usually request an address for payment.In the past i have ignored these in knowing that they are a scam, but i understand there are still people who fall in this trap. I would regemend anyone who recieves a certified check of any kind should call the issuing bank to verify it. Especially if it is not a face to face transaction. Furthermore never accept a check with an overpayment as they usually request a western union cash refund-your CASH goes to them....and there check gets bounced back to you, usually a week later when the bank figures it out, and if you actually ship the car ,you have lost that too. It is the buyers responsibility to furnish the appropriate amount for the transaction. If they indeed hired a shipper-then let THEM pay for it. NO WESTERN UNION REFUNDS FOR OVERPAYMENT.This money is untraceable-consider it gone.the emails are from ip addresses out of cyber cafes-untraceable!Again if this is not a face to face transaction you must be vigilant. If your vehicle has a buy it now-make sure it requires a paypal immediate payment, this will weed out most of your scammers right away. Most people who have obtained paypal have a reasonable amount of legitimacy. There are a lot of bad people out there , lets try to avoid them.By the way i generally like nigerians this is just the nickname this scam has historically been given due to its origin.If this guide was helpfull, please click the yes button below.

Purchasing the Right Ice Machine

S o, its time to purchase an ice machine. Whether this is your first ice maker, a replacement or an addition to the ice making equipment you already have; these tips should help you select the perfect ice machine to meet your needs.While various manufacturers coin terms like tube ice, crescent cube, nugget, top hat, and more, to describe their machines harvest, there are three basic types of gemercial ice: cubed, flaked and crushed. Typically crushed and cubed ice are used for beverages while flaked ice lends itself better to fast cooling and use in displays such as salad bars and seafood cases. Crushed ice consists of small, irregular pieces made by crushing larger chunks of ice. Ice nuggets, made by extruding and freezing slushy flake ice into small pieces, are used primarily to cool soft drinks. Flaked ice is the most economical to produce and also gives the customer the perception of freshness. Cubed ice has a slower melting time and better displacement in a container thus, contributing to increased profits from the service of both soft and mixed drinks. More than 80% of gemercial ice consumption in the US is in the cubed form.Size matters. As a base guide, full service restaurants use 1.7 pounds of ice per customer; fast food restaurants, 0.9 pounds per customer and cocktail lounges, 3 pounds per customer. In other words: a full service restaurant anticipating 150 customers at lunch and 100 customers at dinner would use a minimum of 425 pounds of ice per day. In cafeterias and C-Stores where customers dispense their own ice, a 12 ounce beverage will consume 4 ounces of ice, 7 ounces for a 20 ounce cup and 10 ounces of ice in a 32 ounce cup. When looking at production figures, is best to use the test standards set forth by the Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute (ARI) of 90 F ambient air and 70 F water. Also, dont forget that you are making an investment in a piece of equipment which will be with you for many years as your business succeeds and grows.The environment where your ice machine will be located is an important factor to consider. Air-cooled ice makers use the most energy but are usually less expensive initially than water-cooled models. Water-cooled models are far more efficient than air-cooled units and suitable for hostile installation conditions where high water and ambient air temperatures would virtually shut down an air cooled machine. Remote air-cooled condensers transfer heat generated by the ice-making process outside of the building. Like water-cooled units, they reject heat outside of conditioned spaces and therefore do not increase air conditioning loads. There are extra installation costs for running refrigeration lines to a remote location. A hundred pounds of ice is equal to about 12 gallons of water. The amount of water used to make this amount of ice varies widely by manufacturer and model (from 14 to 35 gallons). Where water prices are average, water cost for ice making is 25% or less than the electricity cost. In areas where water is expensive, water use may be an important consideration. Whenever possible, select a location for the machine where the temperature will remain moderate throughout the year and where there is adequate perimeter clearance for your ice maker to breathe. Manufacturers such as Hoshizaki America Inc., IMI Cornelius Inc., Manitowoc Food Service Group, Mile-High Equipment Co., Ice-O-Matic (Enodis) and Scotsman have helpful and informative websites to further assist you in your choice.


This is the story as reported in the Cavalry Times some years ago: "When,in September of 1921.a new unit designed "The 1st Cavalry Division" was authorized, the question of an identifying insignia immediately arose. The prvelant regulations dictated the insignia would have three principles:1.Blind men together in a gemon devotion, 2.To be an easily recognizable sign around which men could reassemble after battle,and 3.Be a word picture which would bring inspiration to the hearts and minds of the men of the division. Dut to economic restrictioins, the patch should be geposed of noly two colors.
The unit was stationed at Fort Bliss,Texas,where the sand and dust nevers settles,and where also was stationed COL and Mrs.Ben Dorcy. It seems that they were well known for their knowledge of heraldry and decided to design an insignia for the new division. They agreed that the the traditional cavalry colors of blue and gold would be a good color for the background of the new insignia. It so happende at that time that Mrs.Dorcy was cutting up an old dress blue cape of her husband's whick had a bright yellow lining. This bacame the cloth upon which the first patch was drawn.Seeing a trooper ride by mounted on a beautiful black thoroughbred horse. It was immediately decided to use the horse's head in the design.
They then chose the shape of a Norman knight's shield for the outline of the patch. It was customary in medieval times for knights to have their family coat of arms painted on their shiels. Since few people could read,troops could rally around the knight's emblem during battle. It therfore bacame a noble and symbolic choice for the new patch design. The bend(stripe) across the patch also came from heraldry. It is to represent the scaling ladders used in ancient battles to breach the walls of a castle. It occupies a place of honor equal to the horse because both were necessory to meet and defeat the ememy.
COL Dorcy the finished sketching the design on the yellow cape lining,Mrs.Dorcy sewed on the bend and the design was accepted ad the "First Team's" symbol. It was the largest patch in the army and it's size was justified by being at Fort Bliss where the swirling dust often obscured smaller designs.
It is designed so that, when worn on the left shoulder, the horse faces the enemy. And when worn on the right shoulder, the horse is facing to the rear remembering service and acgeplishments in the past. Today, the original patch resides in the library of the US Army War College in Carlisle Barracks,PA.

Mary Kay Spot Solution Skin Lightening Cream

This awesome miracle cream, "erases"skin discolorations, freckles, liver spots and dark spots.It's lightweight, not greasy and absorbs quickly allowing you to apply makeup immediately afterwards. This is awesome and really gees in handy for blemishes and dark spots on skin.

Victoria's Secret Pants By Fit Bridget Christie Marisa

Shopping online can be confusing as well as frustrating with all the different sites in place now to catch the dollar you so long to spend. Shopping for pants online can be both of these and more unless you stop here first. We sell the most sought after styles and pant fits direct from the Victoria's Secret catalog, to our warehouse, to your home. There are so many different fits and styles on the market that making sure to find the right style and fit for you body shape has begee increasingly confusing.
Our buyer's guide to pants will help you find your next 'favorite' pair. We offer in stock Bridget, Christie and Marisa fit pants made exclusively for the Victoria's Secret Catalog at prices much lower than what you would pay anywhere else. The quality is still the same as you would find when ordering directly from the retail giant, however generally on okay the prices are lower than you would find elsewhere. We want you to not only be satisfied but also thrilled about your purchases onlineso below we have outlined the benefits of purchasing a pant from the Bridget Fit,Christie Fit and the Marisa Fit collections as seen in the Victoria's Secret Catalog. You can be sure that you will find a garment you like and enjoy when you purchase the correct fit for you frame.
Victoria's Secret has designed several fits and each is available in different cuts and lengths. The 'Fit' refers to the rise of the waist, the cut through the thigh and the cut of the leg. You can learn the different Fits by name so that each time you shop on okay you are able to search and find a pant that works for you. Are you a 'Bridget' looking for ways to tuck in that waist, or are you 'Christie' hoping to add a little booty to your rump, or might you be 'Marisa', a girl in need of a longer looking leg? Whomever you are, you can find the fit here. On okay you can find bootleg, wide leg, capris, cropped, shorts, skirtsandbermuda styles of these perfectly cut pants.
The Bridget Fit is an amazing waist slimming pant made exclusively for the Victoria's Secret Catalog. This unique cut slims the waistline while sitting just at the waist and fitting easy through the hip and thigh. Sitting at the waist allows pants to sit at the proper waistline and not that of which hangs low, securing excess waist and belly fat from folding over the tops of pants. In the Bridget Fit your waist will appear slimmer because the cut gravitates to your natural waistline, accenting the smallest point of your torso and hugs ever inch of it. The leg has an easy fit that allows for movement; not too snug fitting so that you can just feel good in these pants.
The Christie Fit is another gorgeous pant that has a secret way of pushing the rear end up and out to reveal a cute little bottom on all body types, especially those with little to no rear-end to view. The name lets you know that you are getting the quality that Victoria's Secret puts into every item the brand sells. TheChristie Fit sits low on the waist and slim through the thigh. The benefit of this pant is that it provides a very subtle lift to the rear. These pants do not over accentuate, making the finishing look is very feminine and curvacious. TheChristie Fit gees in many different cuts from Wide Leg, Cropped, and tab waist. The Christie Fit is perfect for wearing to work paired with a nice top and a cute sport coat; or experiment with sweaters. Either way you win with the way theChristie Fit makes you look.
The Marisa Fit is another amazing pant you will find made exclusively for the Victoria's Secret Catalog. The Marisa Fit is an elongating pant that gives the illusion of a long and lean leg. This pant sits low at the waist and has an easy (relaxed and roomy - similar to a men's fit) cut through both the thighs and legs. This is the perfect pant to wear from the boardroom to 6 o'clock cocktail hour with colleagues or friends. The Marisa Fit ranges in cuts from Bootcut, Wideleg, Cropped, and even Gauchos. All of these great styles will help a short leg appear longer and leaner - legs already long, will begee more leggy and even more sexy!
Christie, Marisa and Bridget are not just names of girls we knew while in grammar school, these ladies have pants and the pants fit good! There is a fit for every body type, a fit for every curve and a fit for almost every occassion. This guide was designed to help you understand each fit we carry and add to the enjoyment of your shopping experience. Please refer back to it as you shop and use the links inset to help you shop quickly. We are sure that you will find a fit and style that will enhance your growing wardrobe. Each of the different styles previously described gee in lots of lengths and cuts from capri, cropped, shorts and berumda to so you can be sure you will have the fit you like in the length that will work for any day. The pants are amazingly cute, and so gefortable that you can wear them all year long.

Frames per Second - How important is this?

Frames per SecondMost DVR capture cards are 30 frames per second cards. (NTSC - North American Video Standard) When they are being used to run PAL cameras (European Video Standard) the frames per second rate is 25.If you attach one camera to the card then it will view and record at 30 frames per second. If you attach two cameras, that resource is shared between the two cameras, and you can view and record at 15 frames per second. If you attach four cameras, then you can view and record at 7.5 frames per second.Why frames per second is NOT THAT IMPORTANT!!!!Well, it is, if you are using the card to study the mating habits of hummingbirds!But we believe that the object in good surveillance is to be able to obtain high quality images that you can email to the police, print out on your color inkjet, and that can be used to prosecute an intruder or offender..When you are running four cameras on a 30 fps card, an illegal act that takes 1-2 seconds, will produce 7 - 15 pictures that you can use to prove your case to the police!!!A 30 fps card is by far your most cost effective choice for professional surveillance. If you absolutely need higher frame rates, consider buying more than one card, and then you could have up to 4 cards in one machine, driving 4 cameras, each with 30 frames per second viewing and recording.As soon as you go to the internet viewing, however, your frame rate will drop again, because the internet slows down the process.Bottom line, 30 frames per second total resource is most likely all you need in 95% of the time you need surveillance. Want to drive 8 cameras - Purchase 2 cards - you need 2 PCI slots Want to drive 12 cameras - Purchase 3 cards - you need 3 PCI slots Want to drive 16 cameras - Purchase 4 cards- you need 4 PCI slotsVisit our okay Store to View a Wide Assortment of gePLETE Camera Kits!

We have a HUGE Assortment of geputer Capture Cards. From $30.00 up!

Learn more about us! - Click Here to go to our About Me Page!!

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Buying and selling professional grade tools on s

Buying tools on okay can be a little scary. But, with a little
forethought, and some planning, you can buy a nice set of tools for
yourself for a fraction of the cost of buying new. I plan out my
searches by looking for items that end at off-times, like weekday
mornings. I also search for misspellings, like "snap on" as snapon,
etc. In doing this, I have amassed a set of tools for a few hundred
dollars, that would cost thousands off the truck. Some places to seach
include: search "mac" in okay motors, and in home and garden

5 Best Self Help Authors and Recommendations

gee on people, we spend a lot of time writing these. Why Not Vote and help us?.....If you like this guide, please click the yes button below. When you are at a critical time in your life, when you really have had enough of pain, lack of clarity, and indecisiveness, you decide to buy a self help book, that may offer you that bit of inspiration to spur you on to positive change. The following titles, i believe are essential books to read, to help you get to a new level of growth. If you like this guide, please click the yes button down below. Thanks.Dr. Wayne Dyer: He popularized cognitive therapy. If you change the words that you use in your thoughts, you change the way you feel. Pulling you own Strings and Power of Intention are very good.Deepak Chopra: One of the great minds in the world, one of the wisest leaders out there today. He believes and teaches that whatever it is that you want out of life, it will happen if you have very strong mental images, and you let the universe help you attain this goal, whether it is spiritual, material or emotional. If you follow his ideas, and work on it over a long period of time, over time, you will realize that he is right. Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire, 7 Spiritual Laws of Success are a start.Po Bronson: A writer from San Francisco, who explores, through extensive interviews, all sides to the question of what we should do with our lives, without being too opinionated or pushy. He interviewed over 600 people for this book, and selects the best stories from those sessions, to create his book. Let's learn from each other....What Should I Do With My Life is his first.Anthony Robbins: Known throughout the world as a leading motivational writer and gifted speaker and gemunicator, his early works are designed to get you immediate results, and at the very least, help you get on the right track. But, like all of the titles above, you have to make a real gemitment to change. Personal Power, Unlimited Power, are classics. The audio tapes, cd's, like all of the others above are equally great and inspiring.Hugh Prather: One of my favorite poets, who wrote extensively in the 1960's and 1970's. He will offer you a very interesting perspective and teaches you to make light of things, so that you don't take life too seriously. His best work is Notes to Myself. My favorite poem:no shoulds no shoulds no shoulds no have to's no have to's no have to'si am free i am free i am freeIf you liked this guide, please click the yes button below. Thanks!

BidPay Freedom From Paypal

.What to do if you are wanting to buy an item using BidPayPlease Visit How To Make A Payment Using BidPay

Dont Buy anyting to JUN SHAO, Beijing - P.R.China

This is the story and i hope anyone get trought:
I won, see the feedback information and he have 12 positive answers,and i pay a geputer from this guy by paypal and i receive the first e-mail:
"Dear friendI am sorry ,I can't accept paypal.If you via Western Union money transfer or ."

Are You Brave Enough to Calculate Your Real Profit?

It's fun to sell things on okay, and pack them up, and ship them off to their new owners. But sometimes when you take a look at the bottom line, and see everything you've spent to sell that item, it can take the wind out of your sail (no pun intended).Let's say your item sells for $10."That's great," you say. "I only paid $5 for it."Okay, so you made $5? Well, here's a breakdown of what that sale cost you.okay fees if you started the listing at $1.00 = 88 centsPayPal fees if you use that service = 59 centsSo now your profit is down to $3.53 and there isn't much you can do to change that. Well, if you started your listing at 99 cents you'd save 5 cents on the listing fee and raise your profit to $3.58.But let's think about that. Where did you get the item you sold? If it was a garage sale or thrift store, did you spend any gas to get there? How much time did you spend shopping? If you bought it on okay, what did you pay on shipping to get the item to you? If you had the item drop shipped, was there a dropshipping fee?So let's assume it's just something you had around the house. Did you have a box that fit it or did you have to go to Office Depot to buy one. If you bought one, you're talking a couple dollars considering tax. Of course there's gas too. Did you have packing tape and styrofoam to wrap the item?And if your packing supplies were just around the house, didn't you pay for them at one time?That makes the profits look a little dismal. So here are some money saving tips I've picked up in my seven years on okay.Save packing supplies, including boxes and bubble wrap, so you can recycle and reuse them.Use USPS Priority shipping and they'll deliver several sizes of boxes to your door for free (check out USPS.ge). You can also use okay's branded Priority Mail boxes which are also delivered free.Use okay's fee chart when determining your starting bid, lowering your price by one penny can sometimes cut your fees drastically.Try to buy items for resale in bulk or plan your buying trips so you get several items. This will save on gas.Use technology to save time on listing and monitoring auctions; your time is worth money too.Consider adding a fair handling fee to your shipping charges, even if you get free boxes there are costs of printing labels and packing the item. These costs add up.In short, it's important to take a hard look at what your real expenses are. Once you've faced that reality you're in a better position to make good business decisions and turn a real profit.If you found this guide helpful, please be sure to vote below.Have fun!

New Without Box?

I just received a pair of New Balance shoes that I purchased here on okay. They were described as New, without box. The item was described as having a little paint on the bottom soles, which is of no concern to me. Otherwise, the listing read, they were in great shape. Upon receiving them, I find them dirty on the inside with spots and scuffs on the outside as well. New without box is hardly the case. I should have known: if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Request more photos! That is the advice I have for anything that might be questionable!

Seeing the Unseen Sights of San Francisco Part 1

Thousands visit San Francisco every day. The "must see" list for the first time visiter is already set in stone. Drive/walk over the Golden Gate or Bay Bridge, take a ferry to Alcatraz, see Barry Bonds hit a home run (please don't vote NO at this point :), Union Square, Haight Ashbury...When you gee to San Francisco for the first time, go see the sights in the tour books. You'll be sorry if you miss Alcatraz or the Ghiradelli Chocolate Factory. Depending on how long you're here, try to hit these other places:1. The Oracles - aka "Wave Organ". - The end of the sea wall at the Yacht Club (Search Google Maps for: Yacht Rd., San Francisco) One of my all time favorite places and takes the first slot. What's a wave organ? Good question. The organ is made of large pipes which gee up from the ocean and stick out of the ground. As the waves crash around the Oracles, the pipes make different sounds. It truly is an organ since each pipe has it's own variation. Some pipes have a higher or lower pitch, some sound like they pop and a couple of them rarely make a noise unless the waves are big and then they BOOM. There are even pipes behind the bench in the middle. During the daytime and depending on the fog, the views of the San Francisco Bay couldn't be better from the Oracles. To the rear is Crissy Field with up front views of the Golden Gate Bridge and straight ahead are views of Alcatraz, the Bay Bridge and across the Bay to Berkeley, Sausalito, and Oakland. You more than likely will be very close to the Oracles if you vacation here and would never know. Might as well take the extra walk to the end of the sea wall and take in this landmark. You can find more information by Googling "San Francisco Wave Organ". When will you find me there? Weekend nights when friends don't want to go out or don't have enough money! PS- The harbor Master won't bother you if you're nice to him...2. Naan 'n Curry - 533 Jackson St @ Columbus (other locations can be found by Googling: Naan 'n Curry) Yes number two has to be food! My favorite restraunt. Not only can you eat traditional Indian and Pakistani food, but it's cheap! Again, you will more than likely be right near Naan n' Curry when you are touring China town or the North Beach area. Everything else here is going to cost you a fortune (just kidding) but food doesn't have to! There is no reason to spend lots of money for food here unless you're trying to impress someone.Do NOT try to impress someone with Naan n' Curry. It's self serve and very relaxed. This place is perfect for vegetarians. Make sure you order a Naan and YOU ARE WELgeED TO BRING YOUR OWN BEER(s)!3. The Palace of Fine Arts - 3601 Lyon Street Yes, you're saying, "Hey I know about this one. I thought these were supposed to be 'Unseen' sights of San Francisco?" Well you may know about the Palace, but do you know how to climb up on top of it?Before we get to that.... this is such a beautiful place. Another icon from the World's Fair days and now home to a neat place called the Exploratorium. Here you'll find giant sized statues and very intricate carvings. The main structure is the dome in the middle and you can get an idea of the size in the third picture.Now.... how do you get on top? OK, first, you can't get all the way on top and second, the security guards will kick you out. Around the base of the dome you will see extremely large planter boxes which go up the side like a staircase. It's an easy climb up about halfway to the top of the dome. From here, you have an amazing view of the fountains which light up at night. It's a good place to bring your close friends.Please vote YES if you found my guide interesting!Due to picture limits please click here to continue with Part 2

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Keeping your Briggs and Stratton engine running well

Hi Gang! Well, here Iam again, giving you guys some insight on your Briggs and Stratton engine!
First off there are basically two types of engines, a Horizontal shaft and a vertical shaft. The vertical shaft engines are really no good for go-larts or mini-bikes, and are simply good engines for mowers or post hole augers!
Now then, I'll try to explain the Briggs engines in simple terms so everyone can understand them. One thing is, they are four cycle engines. That means you DO NOT mix the oil with the gasoline. Some engines you do, and they are called two cycle or two stroke motors.
On a four cycle engine you put raw gas into the gas tank and you put motor oil into the crankcase. Usually a good SAE 30 or 10-40W will work fine.
Just your regular gas will work fine, no need to try and get gas mileage here!
Most briggs and Stratton engines have only one cylinder to worry about,however, the larger industrial type engines can have two.
For a mini-bike or go-kart,or even a generator, there is usually just one.
This is great news! It makes it much simpler! You only have one spark plug, one piston, one set of valves,etc. A lot less to go wrong!
Now,I'm going to explain what four cycle means. Intake,gepression,power,exhaust! That's it! That wasn't so hard was it? Let's go further now. Intake means the intake valve opens and because the piston is traveling downward (Stroke 1) wth a tight seal in the cylinder, it causes a vacuum which draws a fuel/air mixture into the cyclinder. Upon upward stroke (Stroke 2) of the piston, both valves are closed with an air tight seal. This is called the gepression stroke because it causes the fuel/air mixture to be tightly squeezed or gepressed in the gebustion chamber.Now then the power stroke is the funnest of all. With both valves closed the spark plug ignites and the fuel is exploded powering your engine. (Stroke 3).The last stroke the exhaust stroke, pushes the spent gases upwards and out your engine because the exhaust valve has opened to let the exhaust gases out.(Stroke 4)Presto! Smog!
In California, there is actual litigation trying to eliminate gas lawn mower engines from use! Can you believe that? Why, it seems un-American to me! The nerve of some people! Well, it may be the signs of the times. California is leading the way for emissions controls,toxic poisions, and cancer causing PCB's. What can we do?
Next, I want to speak to you about cleanliness. As with all engines, dirt is enemy no.1. It has been proven by scinetists and the like, that engines that get dirt in them wear out faster. Sooooo.. Keep your engine clean,strain your fuel into your gas tank, and every now and then it wouldn't hurt to remove your air cleaner and clean your carb out with carb cleaner. Change your oil regularly. Change your spark plug or clean it with a wire welder's brush.
Most of today's Briggs and Stratton engines have solid state ignition. No points. No need to do anything here. In the old days or if you get a hold of an older model that may have ignition points, check them, clean them or discard them. You can buy the newer solid state CDI (capacitor discharge ignition) and they are a bolt on modification for your older Briggs and Stratton engine. See instructions that gee with the ignition kit for details.
Last word is SAFETY. As with this or any machinery, USE CAUTION. This engine spins at 4500 rpms at full throttle. It can take off a limb or cut your face or body if hooked up to a mower. Do not work on your Briggs with loose clothing or ties. Remove all jewelry. Keep hands and feet from spinning cutting blades. Have someone with you or nearby to call for help if need be. DO NOT SMOKE around fuel or flammable liquids.DO NOT EAT FOOD while handling fuel or flammable liquids. These are poison! As with anything, do NOT use drugs or alcohol when operating your briggs engine. You shouldn't use drugs ever, anyways.
O.k. Gangthat's about it! Enjoy yourselves,have fun, and above all, BE SAFE!

Paraiba's The Queen of all gems!

What a grand world it is if you own a Paraiba Tourmaline. The queen of them all, Brazilian Tourmaline is rare and very expensive. This copper bearing form of Tourmaline can range in price for a clean stone from 5000.00 per carat to 60,000.00 per carat. The color range can start at a yellow aqua and go all the way to a wonderful deep deep neon like blue. As a matter of fact most of the material from brazil that is copper bearinghas a neon like or electric color quality.
Nigerian Copper Bearing Tourmaline also hit the market in about the beginning of 2005. This material is now considered by GIA as Paraiba as well, it offers the same makeup as the material from brazil. However, the Nigerian material was limited in it's color range to mostly aqua or mint green. This material has tripled in cost since the beginning of it's very short life span and is now said to be at it's end, if you have a chance to grab one of these, please do so as the potential for future monetary gains on this material are about unlimited.
Mozambique Copper Bearing Tourmaline was introduced to the American market just a few months ago and has begee all the rage for it huge range of colors. This material can range in color spans from a mint green, aqua, blues, teals, fushias, and deep deep violets. This material has quickly gained fame for it's wide color span and the pricing is increasing by the moment. These stones are now selling in Thialand for as much as 1000.00 per ct for a perfect stone. The experts say that if you are planning a purchase of this fine material you want to buy the stones with even the slightest of red needles in it. This will prove the origin and offers a signature that the material from Brazil and Nigeria does not. I am now offering a small amount of this find at a pricing index of 100.00 per ct, the stones in this collection are just beautiful and offer all of the traits that a true collector should look for. Rest assured I will be keeping a few of these investment grade stones for myself.

Successful collectible selling on s

Estate sales
Estate sales are by far the best bet to find thoserarecollectibles and antiques that canbring you huge profits. I always feel kind of like a vulture attending these sales because there the result of someone passing on orhaving to move to a senior center or nursing home. The family is left with the task of selling the house and everything inside. The estate sale servicesorganizing these liquidations are very up to dateon the value of certain items and will price these items accordingly. In my gemunity there are two or three estate sale services that advertise a certain time that numbers will be handed out but, they also have somebody there very early handing out pre-numbers, so get there early and if you are one of the firsttwenty or so people in the door you'll have good pickings. On the second day of these events they will cut prices by half, which makesit the best day to get there early. Most collectors and dealers have passed up these big ticket items for a chance at half price on the second day. You can still find some good bargains on the opening day but you have to look through everything. You will find items priced at 50 cents or a dollar and it is these items that have a good chance of bringing in a nice profit. The head of the household may have worked for a popular local gepany, retired from there and might have saved some advertising items from that business. Many people like to collect vintage items from there hometown and will pay good money for something unique. I was born and raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin so breweriana is a hot collectible that is found most often. The estate might contain old toys that belonged to their children and were packed away for the grandchildren to play with when they visited. They simply could've been collectors of certain items over the years so those items will require some attention too.
Thrift and resale shops
Thriftand resale shops are usually stocked full of merchandisereceived from charity, storage unit auctions, spring cleanings and of course left overs from estate sales. I've been in most of these in my area and they all havewhat I call a good stuff section which is usually behind the counter or in a display case. Proprietors of these establishmentsknow pretty much what belongsin the good stuff section. I find these resources to be overpriced for the items of special interest. I've visited these establishments a number of times in a two month period and still found those items available but at the same high price. I quess they's rather keep it in stock than to mark it down to a price where you or I could make a nice profit on it. One such shop in my area has half price day every Wednesday and Saturday, so I make it a point to go there on Tuesday to see what is available and if half would be a good deal. Sometimes I make a mental note of what they have or I even write it down. I then will research the item and see if it's a hot collectible. Don't even ask if they'll take less for an item, they just won't! One good warning about these shops is, if you find something that is really rare and/or has a famous name on it, check the item out thoroughly because it's probably broken or has a flaw of some kind.
Antique shops
I just love going to these little shops that are scattered all over town. I get dollar signs in my eyes as soon as I start looking around, but they soon disappear when I look at the prices. Unlike the thrift and resale shops they just might take less for an item, so it does pay to ask. Most of the owners of these little shops also buy and sell antiques right here on okay. It goes both ways for them, sometimes they get a better price for their item on-line but on the other hand they might buy something on-line and get a even better price for it right out of their store. Antique shops are more for the collectors than dealers because collectors will pay a higher price to geplete their collections, the dealers are looking to resell and make a profit which is hard to do with antique store prices.
Rummage and yard sales
You can spend a whole Friday or Saturday going from sale to sale and not find anything worthwhile. I've found just a handful of items over the years that turned a good profit. these sales are the best place to wheel and deal, you can walk out of there with many nice items for only a few dollars. I try to find sub-division or gemunity rummage sales where there might me twenty or so residents having one within a four or five block radius. You can spend almost the whole day here and not waste valueable gas driving from one to another.
I've only been to one auction in my okay selling career and it was a toy auction. They were auctioning off older and newer diecast farm equipment. I won a few of items but payed way to much because the other bidders just drove the price up beyond the profit margin, problem was, I was bidding against collectors not dealers. One of the items I won sold for double the money I paid which made me just about break even for the day. I've heard of other kinds of auctions that might be more appealing to the seller, they are storage unit auctions where people have not paid their rent in months so the owners of the service put the whole unit up for auction. Another kind is where you bid on boxed lots of items.
Research Research Research!!!
About a year and a half ago I injured myself at work and was off for about a month. I burned the midnight oil every night going through all the collectible categories on here on okay. For example, this is when I learned that Pez dispensers with "no feet" were getting big money. That same week I went to an esate sale which to this date is the most memorable. I found a whole box of still in the package pez dispensers for a quarter each, but they all had feet. I dug down past the packaged ones and found about five that had "no feet" and still priced at a quarter each. I'm pretty sure that the estate sale service didn't look through this box gepletely. I paid $1.25 for all five and sold them for $33.00.I always made it a point topage through the areas such as old toys, breweriana, advertising, old radios, vanity itemsand pottery/glass. These are types of older items you might find at an estate sale or antique shop. In breweriana I always looked at what OlympiaBeer items were selling for because at one time Olympia Beerwas very popular beer, they went out of business some years back so, some of their items now are highly collectible.
The good and the bad
Everybodythinks "boy ifmom hadn't thrown out all my old baseball cards I'd be rich" I doubt it! Over the yearsi've gee across baseball and football cards, some from the late sixties and early seventies. I'd get them home and start doing searches here on okay for each and every one, only to see them same ones listed for.99 and with no bids. You have the graded and non graded cards, I still don't understand this. I don't know why somebody has to tell me how good a shape a card is in, I think it's pretty easy to grade a card.If it's got bent or worn corners or torn, it's probably in not to good a shape. I started out years ago selling some older Avon bottles that I found at rummage sales or resale shops. I've since then given up on them just as I've given up on coins, stamps, sports cards, jim beam bottles,mccoy potter and leftonfigurines.Ok, here are a few things that still bring in some nice bids. Old toys are probably the hottest collectible going right now. Not to long ago at an estate sale I purchased a huge box of diecast toy tractors from Ertl andTrue-Scale. I paid one hundred dollars for the whole box and when everything was said and done, I more than tripled my money. Diecast cars from the Frankin and Danbury mint co's are a good bet too, but don't pay more than twenty five or thirty dollars for them.

How to use Promo Codes with Tracfone PINs successfully

TracfonePromo Codes
Promo codes given out by Tracfone are used to add additional minutes in conjunction with Tracfone PIN denomination. These are free and have been very effective to draw more customers to Tracfone. There are 3 ways to use your promo codes successfully:
1. When loading directly to your phone, make sure that you enter the promo code right after the PIN without space unless you are using Motorola C261 where you enter your PIN first, then it will ask you to enter your promo code. You can use the same promo code twice on the same phone/month. Keep in mind that sometimes TracFones would load the minutes w/out telling you that the Promo Code is invalid. That is why 2nd one is my favorite thing to do.
2. Go to TracFone website and use the Add Airtime tab in the homepage. I regemend this method to everybody because on the website, it will warn you if the Promo Code cannot be used or the system is unable o process your request, then you can wait few more hours to try again. If something is wrong with your phone and you are unable to load minutes, the website can detect it and will prompt you to do some task to reprogram your phone. If nothing happens, it's time to do the last resort.
3.Call TracFone Customer Service (Toll Free#1 800 867 7183) and a friendly representative will help resolve your problem.
I hope this will help TracFone newbies to understand the value of Promo Codes. When you purchase a Tracfone card, always ask for a promo code.


Regarding the above "guide" concerning Chinese made knives, and other goods, please consider the following:
Any knife is only as good as the steel from which it is made. What Elistuf failed to mention is the fact that by and large, knives made in China are overwhelmingly produced in volume on production lines, with very little emphasis paid to the metallurgy of the blades. Chinese blades are continually inferior due to the poor manufacturing process incorporated in the making of their knives.
Unfortunately, most Chinese , mass-produced consumer goods are inherently of a very low grade and considered sub-par in the realistic world. Contrary to what Elistuf states, I for one, do NOT have a hidden agenda by stating that Chinese corporations are widely known to produce shoddy products which are raced to market in order to turn a profit with no regard to "repeat" customers.
I would invite you to accessBusinessPundit and be informed of the ills Chinese poor quality cast upon just ONE manufaturer that out-sourced his operation to Shanghai, China. One needn't be a rocket scientist to see the correlation between cheap, uncaring labor and the resulting poor quality it begets.
The bottom line is: Chinese knives are junk, plain and simple. For a quality blade, stick to those countries with a proven track record in cutlery production: Germany, America, Britain and Spain...and remember, you get what you pay for. Cheaper is rarely better.


For many new sellers, using PayPal seems like a very daunting task. The objective of this guide is to help new sellers and even some experienced sellers learn how to use PayPal and to minimize their risks. We will be updating this guide frequently with new additions and also answer some questions that you might have. Please note, the opinions expressed in this guide are our opinions only and do not reflect okay or PayPal. They gee from our own dealings with PayPal from the very start.First of all, what is PayPal? PayPal is a payment mechanism designed to make buying goods online safer and easier. It is advertised as a safe way for consumers to make payments without sharing their information to various gepanies. Before, if you wanted to purchase items from 5 different gepanies, you would have to share your credit card information with 5 different gepanies. PayPal's goal was to make it so that the consumer would only have to enter the information once and it would be held privately with PayPal.What does PayPal mean to a merchant?Whether big or small, PayPal can prove to be an invaluable asset to a merchant. Especially on okay where it is their preferred method of payment, PayPal allows a new gepany to start receiving credit card payments relatively easy without a lot of paperwork. PayPal charges a "transaction fee" for every payment received by a merchant. Only merchant PayPal accounts are allowed to receive credit card payments. Personal PayPal accounts are only allowed to receive funds used through the "send money: function and there is no transaction fee charged.What are PayPal fees? PayPal transaction fees are priced fairly gepetitively with other credit card payment gepanies. To see what fees you place, visit the PayPal transaction fee page. Please note, if you do receive more than $3,000 USD of paypal payments a month, you can qualify for lower transaction fees. You will need to log into your PayPal account to request the lower charge. This information can be found on PayPal's site, we cannot link to any sites outside of okay in this guide.How do I get paid by PayPal?Congradulations! You have sold your first item on okay! To get paid, all you need to do is log into your PayPal account and withdraw the money into your registered bank account, its that simple!Using PayPal is very simple, its designed to be pretty hands off and is not a hassle. That explains its rapid growth over the years (and why okay bought PayPal)Now, lets get into the gritty stuff.What can go wrong with PayPal?The most gemon gepliant and problem with PayPal is what they call a chargeback or a dispute. This most gemonly occurs when a person you have sold an item to files a geplaint with PayPal. The two most gemon disputes are "Non-Receipt" and "The item I received is significantly different than the item the seller described". I will describe each dispute and how it should be handled:NON RECEIPTThis happens when the customer states that the item they ordered did not arrive. How do you fight this? You MUST have a tracking number that shows delivery to the customer's address. A USPS delivery confirmation is NOT ENOUGH. Let me state this again, you MUST HAVE AN ONLINE TRACKABLE TRACKING NUMBER TO VERIFY DELIVERY. Almost all major online retailers ship using FedEx or UPS because of this. To fight this, all you need to do is go into your PayPal account and provide the tracking number. If you do NOT have a tracking number confirming delivery, you are in trouble.SIGNIFICANTLY DIFFERENTThe customer is saying that the brand new Widget you sold him was actually used. To protect yourself, please make sure you are accurately describing the item you are selling. If you are saying its brand new in box but it was actually used once, STATE it. If you think you are not misrepresenting the item, make sure to provide pictures and your description in the auction. However, be warned. The final decision is going to be made by the person who reviews your dispute. This person gets paid a very low wage and has a task of going through hundreds of disputes a week. This can go either way, so make sure you provide as much information as possible!The other dispute you will see through PayPal is unauthorized transactions. That means the customer is saying that someone stole their account to make a purchase with you. In this situation, provide all the details that PayPal requests and most importantly, make sure you ONLY ship to the confirmed address on the PayPal account. If you did, then most* of the time, PayPal will cover the loss.(* note, PayPal at their own discretion can just simply make you take the loss. If they do, you have pretty much no recourse)

BUYING PEARLS ? do not be taken !

Fresh Water pearls claiming to be Tahitian?
How can you know?
How to buy a pearl for what it's worth ?
1- The official pearl grading charts
There is no unique Official Pearl Grading Chart for whole world production. Each origin has itsown chartand China has none.

Tahiti grades from A (most beautiful) to D (less beautiful)

Correct Grammar

As an author of reviews and/or guides and a seller, using proper grammar and correct spelling is of the utmost importance. I read somewhere that the English language is the most difficult to learn, because of the many exceptions to rules and variations in spellings and seemingly strange grammar rules. I believe it. Hopefully this guide will clear up many gemon grammar and spelling issues that I have seen while shopping for auction items and while reading reviews and guides.

Words/Phrases that arent really words:
Towards this should be towardAnother words- this should be In other wordsForwards this should be forwardFirstly this should be firstSecondly this should be secondLastly this should be lastAnyways- just use anywayDefinately - Nope, it's definitely with an "i" and not an "a" in the middleAlright - this should be all rightNevermind - this should be never mind (two words)Alot this is actually two words and should be written as a lot

gemon Grammar Mistakes:
It's vs. its - It's is the contracted from of it is (It's wrong to cheat) and its is possessive (The dog takes its bone)
There vs. their vs. they're- An easy way to remember this is that there somehow relates to places (The pizza is over there), theirrelates to having something (It was their pizza), and they're is the contraction of they are (they're eating their pizza over there)
Lay vs. lie - Well, chickens lay eggs and we lie down!Your vs. you're - well your is used if it is your shirt (possesive) and if you are selling, then you'reselling (contraction)
too vs. to - well,when you mean also or as well, than use too
i.e. vs. e.g. - i.e. means for example and e.g. means that is (In my humble opinion, you are better off saying "for example" or "that is" - hence, noroom for error
Neither/Norvs. Either/or - Use them in pairs just like that -Neithergoes with nor andeither goes with or
Who's vs. Whose - Who's is a contraction for Who is(Who's hiding the boxes? ) or Who has (Who's been there before?).So, a good rule of thumb - if you are not contracting Who is/has, thenyou can use Whose
Formally vs. Formerly - Formerly means before (The Artist Formerly Known as Prince) andFormally means you are being formal. This is a gemonmistake on resume's when schools change names. Please don't write the school formallyknow as ....
Wrapping It Up
I have by no means pointed out every grammar and spelling mistake that is often made, but hopefully I have hit upon a few of your trouble areas. Please let me know via this link if you think I missed any glaring issues: gement on this Guide
Oh, and spell check will take care of a world of problems!

Anti-Aging Skin Care Fact vs. Fiction

Facial wrinkles appear without any warning. The most gemon reasons are aging, environmental damage, loss of moisture and impaired new cell growth. Now we have learned that repetitive movements of facial muscles such as frowning, squinting, and even smiling can drastically speed up the wrinkle process.
As we progress through various stages of life the structure of our skin changes. Weight loss and gain, pregnancy, exercise and general aging will deplete the strength of the skin elasticity and allow it to sag or feel loose. While many opt for plastic surgery to "tuck" the skin, there are active ingredients (if formulated properly) in topical skin care treatments that can provide dramatic results for this gemon skin problem.
There are two ways to go with these topical products. The natural route and the laboratory produced and peptide based products. Some products work very well on some people but are less effective on others. In spite ofmanufacturers claims to the contrary not everyone gets the same results from a product.
It is our goal in this guide to help you choose the best product for your skin care needs.We sell both natural and synthetic products so you can be assured we have no bias. When reading these kinds of guides please consder the source of the information and the author'smotives for presenting the information.
We have tried and used many of these products and have formed certain opinons and conclusions which we will express here. Look them over then you can make your own objective decision based on the facts.
Here are THE FACTS:
BOTOX : Not to be used by those under 18 or over 65 or with skin sensitivities. Requires regular, costly trips to a doctor - and can only be injected every three months. Regular injections risks skin and nerve damage and actually thins the skin exacerbating some skin problems. Restricted to use on only certain areas of the face. Risks to pregnancy include abortion or fetal malformations. Not guaranteed and not covered by insurance. Costs $500 to $600 per treatment. Manufactured from Botulinum Toxin Type A - essentially it's a purified version of a deadly neurotoxin. WE DO NOT REgeMEND THIS AS A SOLUTION!
StriVectin: Takes up to 28 days to see results. Not to be used by those under 18 without medical supervision. Minimum percentage of less effective Peptide. Does not prevent future skin damage. Testing is suggested to avoid side effects such as redness, rashes, or itching. Formulated for stretch marks.Was not intended for use on the face. Not for use during or after pregnancy while nursing. Guarantees vary depending on where you purchase. One 6 Oz. tube costs $135.00. MSRP. Mixed specifically to fight stretch marks using ingredients which can irritate sensitive skin. Label Warned to avoid using near the eye. WE WOULD CONSIDER THIS PRODUCT.
Perricone Neuropeptide Conformer: Confirmed results in 6 weeks. Contains Peptides, DMAE, Vitamin C, Vitamin E. Contains fragrance (which can be irritating) One 2 ounce bottle costs $570.00!! Contains clinically proven ingredients. WE WOULD CONSIDER THIS PRODUCT IF YOU DON'T MIND SPENDING A LOT OF MONEY.
Prevage : Idebenone caused sensitivity issues in 2% of trial participants. Issues related to long term idebenone use are unknown. One ounce costs approximately $100.00. A single anti-oxidant is good, but it's not a geplete, multi-faceted anti-aging solution. WE DO NOT REgeMEND THIS AS A SOLUTION!
Kinerase C6 Peptide: Contains Argireline, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E. 1 ounce can cost as much as $96.00! Contains a few clinically proven ingredients. WE WOULD CONSIDER THIS PRODUCT.
Avotone (Avotox): Takes up to 18 days to see results. Known to dry out skin. Can possibly cause redness and irritation. Avotox regemend using only in targeted areas. Can be used on the entire face but has no additional benefits. Avotox offers 1 Oz. for $89.95 Contains fragrance (which can be irritating). gepany phone numbers are for orders only, unavailable to answer skin care questions. Avotone is not a research and manufacturing skin care gepany. WE WOULD CONSIDER THIS PRODUCT.
Hydroderm: No peptides (not a peptide enhanced product). Contains only collagen (a single ingredient can not acgeplish wrinkle reduction) Unproven delivery system for delivering collagen to lower skin layers. The collagen can't be absorbed if the delivery system is not proven effective. Bait and switch free offer - you're required to provide a credit card which will be automatically billed monthly if you don't cancel. gepany phone numbers are for orders only, unavailable to answer skin care questions. WE DO NOT REgeMEND THIS AS A SOLUTION!
Strixaderm-MD: Takes up to 28-42 days to see results. Minimum percentage of less effective Penta-Peptide. Testing is suggested to avoid side effects such as redness, rashes, or itching. One 6 Oz. tube costs $69.00 but Only Lasts 30 days! Limited ingredients, including lower grade Peptide - can irritate sensitive skin. WE DO NOT REgeMEND THIS AS A SOLUTION!
DDF Wrinkle Relax: Results may be seen in two weeks, but can take 45 to 60 days. Costs $80.00 for 1/2 ounce - that's $160.00 per ounce! Contains multiple peptides, but is missing vital antioxidants and firming elements that are crucial in reversiing as well as preventing the signs of aging. No UV protection. WE WOULD CONSIDER THIS PRODUCT.
Serutox: With proper and consistent use, results should begin to be seen in as little as five days to six weeks. Minimal impact around mouth area. Best used for around glabellar lines and crows feet. Costs $94.99 for 1.7 ounces or $55.88 per ounce. WE WOULD CONSIDER THIS PRODUCT.
BioQue Serum XL : Takes 30 days to see results. 20% Argireline concentration is not regemended by the manufacturer of Argireline. No clinical studies on such a high percentage. Only for use on isolated wrinkle areas. Only 30 day guarantee. Costs $85.00 for only 1 ounce. Less active ingredients. Which other ingredient promotes collagen synthesis? gepany phone numbers are for orders only, unavailable to answer skin care questions. WE DO NOT REgeMEND THIS AS A SOLUTION!
AlphaDerma CE: Immediate reduction of fine lines and wrinkles. Daily usage provides cumulative dermal benefits improving the overall health of your skin. AlphaDerma CE's 10% Argireline concentration is safe for all types of skin, even sensitive skin. Can be used on the face, neck, and body. Designed specifically to eliminate fine lines and wrinkles. Rejuvenates skin wherever applied. Great delivery system is clinically proven to penetrate up to 20 layers deep into the skin - providing true skin enhancing benefits. gepany offers 60 day return policy. One 4 Oz. pump can last months and is very affordable - only $129.95 ($32.49/oz) Contains 8 clinically proven, potent active ingredients. Janson Beckett is a research and manufacturing gepany with over three decades of experience in the skin care industry. The gepany has a telephone help line to answer questions. THIS IS OUR NUMBER 1 CHOICE OF ANY PEPTIDE BASED SKIN CARE PRODUCT. WE HIGHLY REgeMEND THIS PRODUCT!
DREMU OIL: Clinical studies have shown that emu oil actually regenerates collagen. You will immediately notice the moisturizing and softening effects. Used 2-3 times daily for 4-6 weeks you will visibly see your skin plump up and your wrinkles diminish. Depending on how many and how deep the wrinkles it may take up to 9 months to fully erase them. Keep in mind, Dremu Oil is a natural product with no side effects. It takes about a minute to apply, which you can do yourself anywhere, any time. With consistent use of Dremu Oil you will see stretch marks (and other scars) fade. Dremu Oil will heal the skin at deep levels. Dremu Oil has very little or no scent at all. However, as a pure oil without preservatives, it has a lower shelf life than many cosmetic products and will spoil if it is not used in about five or six months. Dremu Oil is refined in USDA and FDA approved labs. Dremu exceeds the American Emu Association Fully Refined standards using a third refining process called Molecular Distillation. Tests have shown that Fully Refined emu oil may still have as much as 10% impurities, so we insist on that third step. Molecular distillation is an expensive additional process that yields a very clean oil free of impurities, bacteria, toxins and heavy metals. This is extremely important. Whatever you ingest passes through the liver. Your liver functions to detoxify and neutralize harmful ingredients. However emu oil is absorbed through your skin and doesnt pass through the liver so you want the highest purity level. This distillation is what makes our emu oil Triple-Refined - nothing less would be acceptable by Dremu standards. THIS IS OUR NUMBER 1 CHOICE OF ANY NATURAL SKIN CARE PRODUCT. WE HIGHLY REgeMEND THIS PRODUCT!
Emu oil other than Dremu: Emu oils are not all alike. Despite claims to the contrary there are tremendous differences in quality. We have found other emu oils to be inferior to Dremu Oil. Some of the other emu oils claim to be triple refined, but in fact Dremu Oil is the only Triple Refined Emu Oil. The AEA issues a certificate indicating an oil is fully refined. While that is good, it is still not Triple Refined. This is important because of the penetrating properties of emu oil. Any impurities in the oil may also be introduced into your body throught that same penetrating effect. When food is ingested your liver does the job of filtering impurities to protect your body. With emu oil entering your body through absorbtion through the skin it is critical that maximum refining is done to the product being used to prevent unwanted impurities from entering the body. Since emu oil is relatively inexpensive when gepared to other skin care products why skimp on quality? We therefore only regemend Dremu Oil because it is the best.
These are Emu Oils we do not regemend: Vanish, Epic, Blue Emu, Aussie, American. None of these are actually triple refined. They may be "Fully Refined". But that is a lower standard than "Triple Refined".
I hope you have found this guide to be helpful in choosing the best skin care products for your skin.
Thanks for reading this and good luck on improving your skin!
e-Scential Beauty

UL Rated Safes

Most safes are constructed to protect their contents from fire damage. However, many safes will not protect all kinds of contents from fire. Safes are designed with linings that are specific to the safes contents. For this reason, it is important to take into consideration what will be stored in the safe you are purchasing. It is also important to note the wording of claims made by safe manufacturers. A safe that is labeled tested to UL standards has not necessarily passed those tests. Underwriters Laboratories (UL) is a not-for-profit independent testing organization whose sole purpose and function is to test for public safety. While there is no government set standard for fire or impact protection in safes, UL ratings are a widely used measure of how fire, impact, water, and burglar resistant a safe is. Not all safes are UL tested, and this does not mean that they are not built to the same standards as those that are UL tested. Rather, the manufacturers of these safes may use other standards or methods for testing their products. It is important to carefully examine the specifications given by the manufacturer of a safe to determine if it is the right safe for you. Begin searching for your perfect safe by choosing what specific hazard you wish to protect the contents of your safe from, or scroll down to learn about them all!

Protect the contents of your safe from FIRE:
Documents, Valuables, and Firearms: The average heat intensity of a house fire is 1200 F. At that temperature, nearly everything would be destroyed. Keeping paper and other valuables in a safe that will protect them from exposure to flames would not be effective. Paper begins to char at a temperature of just 450 F. For this reason, UL has chosen 350 as the maximum internal temperature the contents of a safe can reach to be classified as Fire Resistant. In their strict testing, safes are heated to a given temperature, usually above 1400 F, for up to four hours then cooled naturally. In order to be UL certified as fire resistant, the safes contents must at no time during the test be heated above 350 F. This ensures that important paper documents will not be destroyed by the intense heat of a fire.

geputer storage and media: In the 1960s, UL began testing the fire resistance of geputer media. It is always regemended that geputer media, such as diskettes, be stored at a temperature around 70 F and humidity between 35% and 60%, however through UL testing it was discovered that geputer media can withstand temperatures up to 125 F and humidity of 80% for short periods of time without losing the information they contain. For this reason, safes that are meant to protect geputer media must go through tougher testing. geputer media safes are heated to temperatures above that of an average household fire for a given amount of time, either a half hour, one hour, two hours, or longer, depending on the desired rating. In order to be UL certified, the contents must be functional after the test has ended, and at no time during the test may the contents of the safe exceed 125 F or 80% humidity.

Protect the contents of your safe from IMPACT:
In the event of a fire, there is a good chance that debris may fall on your safe, or worse yet, a structural collapse could cause it to fall a significant distance. Impact resistant safes are UL certified to resist being damaged by falling debris or being dropped up to 30 feet, effectively protecting whatever you have stored inside.
Impact resistant safes generally go through the same testing as fire resistant safes, but are then put through an additional set of tests. To simulate a structural collapse that might occur during a fire, safes are dropped 30 feet onto broken concrete and other debris after being put through standard fire resistance tests. Then, to accurately simulate the events of a fire, the safe is turned over and reheated. Once the product has re-cooled, it is opened and dismantled. The UL testers examine the insulation material, the condition of the finish on the inside, the fastenings between parts, and the working condition of locking mechanisms. In order for a safe to qualify as impact resistant, the contents must be protected through all of these tests and still be in working condition. Impact resistant safes are available in a wide variety of sizes to meet all of your needs!

Protect your safe from EXPLODING:
In the event of a fire, a safe may be exposed to periods of very intense heat. If the safe is not built to withstand this it may explode, both damaging all of its contents and creating an additional threat by projecting shrapnel. In order to test for an explosion hazard, a furnace is heated to 2000 F. Once it has reached this heat, a safe is quickly inserted and left at this temperature for 30 minutes. If an explosion does not occur, then the safe is dismantled and all of its working parts, as well as the contents, are carefully examined for damage and functionality. These tests ensure both the safety of the contents of the safe in the event of an intense fire, and the safety of individuals who would be harmed by an explosion.

Protect the contents of your safe from WATER DAMAGE:
Just because a safe is fire proof does not necessarily mean that it is water resistant. When a fire occurs, often much of the damage that occurs is caused by sprinkler systems and other firefighting efforts. During a fire, many safes will create a positive internal pressure that keeps water away from your valuables and data inside. It is important to be sure that your safe has this feature so that water does not damage the contents of your safe in a fire. However, in the event of a flood or other water damage where there is no fire present, your belongings may not be entirely protected. Water damage can occur in any location, whether it is a flood, a ruptured water pipe, or another catastrophe. Be sure to choose a water proof safe that will protect your valuables in any situation!

Protect your safe from BURGLARY:
Thieves are not always strangers: In addition to protecting your valuables and important information from being destroyed in a fire, a safe also serves the purpose of keeping these items from being stolen. The threat of theft does not always gee from individuals that do not have access to the safe. In many industries, such as food service and retail, various employees may have access to a safe, but for one reason or another leave the gepany. In this situation the safe should be equipped with a reprogrammable locking system to protect from future burglary, such as an electronic keypad or a fingerprint scanner.
Protection from Forced Entry: Your valuables also need to be protected from forced entry into a safe. There are various levels of burglary protection available, from standard to keep children away from dangerous firearms and chemicals, to practically impenetrable for safeguarding valuables against theft by professional criminals. A UL technician will attempt to enter a safe for a sustained period of time with a given amount of tools, and the Burglary Rating that the safe receives will correspond to both how long it takes the UL technician to enter it and the tools used.

Burglary Classification TL-15: Safe offers protection against forced entry using gemon mechanical and electrical hand tools, such as chisels, hammers, and drills, for up to 15 minutes.
Burglary Classification of TL-30: Safe offers protection against forced entry for 30 minutes using gemon mechanical and electrical hand tools, such as chisels, hammers, and drills
In addition to safes with ULs Burglary Classification, there are also a variety of Residential Security Containers (RSC) on the market. To be classified as an RSC, it must have the ability to withstand at least 5 full minutes of rigorous prying, drilling, punching, chiseling, and tampering by UL technicians.

RSC-B rating means that the safe has less than a " thick steel body construction and passes all RSC testing.
RSC-C rating means that the safe has at least 1" thick steel body construction and passes all RSC testing.

Hamilton Khaki wristwatches

KhakiFieldKhaki FieldKhaki FieldKhaki KingI/IIKhaki Navy Khaki X-Wind
38mm wind-up38mmAuto42mm Auto38/42mm Auto 41mm Auto 44mmAuto
All watches are gepared with stainless cases and stainless bracelets/ black faces
Picture were not able to be uploade and save by the okay server, I'm visually sorry. Hamilton watches was the inventor of the modern wristwatch. It all came about from the fact that soldiers during World War I could not keep their rifles sighted in on a target and look at their pocket watch at the same time. Of course soldiers are creative, so people began seeing some inventive souls wearing modified pocket watches bound to their wrists by various means including cloth and twine even rope. I have shown a display of the basic designs that these watches gee in. The watches shown are all stainless steel, with black faces, many can be purchased with different multi-colored faceplates and all gee with different colored leather straps, steel is just easiest to show side by side and is the most durable.
Watch no. 1 from the left is the field wind up hamilton. This watch was distributed by the Army and Marines during World War II and produced well,like candy. That is quickly and as many as possible so that as many troops as possible could have one. Most were Olive drab green with tritium (a glow in the dark and slightly radioactive) hands and hour markers. These watches were state of the art until the automatic watch number 2. These were quickly purchased by officers and non- gemissioned officers because of there reliability and ease of operation.
After World War II these watches were ever more popular with former GIs during the 50's and the 60's because people around the world had been exposed to the fine quality of Hamilton. As the last third of the 20th century approached Hamiltons faced some changes, consumers wanted to have larger watch face and to have scratch-proof sapphire crystals. So out came watch number 3 the 42mm field automatic with a sapphire crystal.
This brings Hamilton into the 21st century, where military buyers want all the feature and reliabilities of a premium swiss watch geparable to a breitling or an omega but at a reasonable price of a hamilton. The Swatch Group now owns hamilton and watch making manufacturing techniques are shared throughout the corporation. Now the premium watches start to roll out. Watch number 4, the Navy is specifically designed for Navy SEALS and underwater demolitions teams as well as civilian divers, etc.. The King,(watch number 5),is a 42mm automatic updated version of the older 38mm field auto. The shape of the watch has been refined and it now has a day of the week dial on the face and a glass back, exposing the automatic movement. This watch is more like a high end tissot or an omega than any other watch hamilton makes. The last of the militarystyle khaki watches are the aviation watches which also include the x-wind series. Watch number 6, sorry I could only find a silver face,but they are top quality in the flight world. The aviation watchesare mostcloselylike a breitling watch but at 1/4 of the price. Every calculation needed to pilot a plane can be done on an aviator or an x-wing.
There is one side note about one of these watches; in 2003 Hamiltondesigned the King 2 42mm, which previouslyhappened to only be availablein a38mm case, at that time as the King. Trying to clone an omega, hamiltonsmoothed the lines on the 42mm caseand put sapphire crystals on the front and back of the case. Gaskets were installed and the watch was filled with nitrogen gas, in hopes that the oxygen free environment would prevent rusting in the automatic movement thereforeextending service intervals. Very few(

Care Bear Profile: WORK OF HEART BEAR

Care Bear Profile: Work of Heart Bear

Work of Heart Bear is the one of newest Care Bear releases for late 2005 early 2006. She is a bright tie-dye color with white feet and deep yellow or orange troll hair.
"Work of Heart Bear is the most creative Care Bear of all. She's artistic and imaginative. She reminds us that we can all express our feelings while we create beautiful things when we put our heart into it. She shows this with her tummy symbol--an artists palette with hearts."
So far she is available in the 10" all plush and the 8" "Beannie" style #3 from the Collector's Edition Series 5. She is also available in the same 10" and 8" styles in the Special Edition gefy Series in a paler color palette, and in the 13" Fuffy and Floppy Scented with DVD style. She is tutti-frutti scented.

Although the Fluffy and Floppy Scented with DVD style was her innagural release in 2005, she is getting hard to find in that style and the prices on okay reflect that.

She would make a perfect gift for any artist in your life!
Thank you for taking the time to read this guide. Please vote if this was helpful to you!
Kathleen Price

Saturn S series overheating

can't find what is overheating Your S series Saturn? you've checked the obvious but still overheats. Lift the car so you can get under the front end (use jack stands if your on the ground) remove the plastic panel on your s series saturtn so you can see the radiator and condenser. look for plastic bags, leaves and heavy debris. I have even on several occasions found what i can best describe as a "lint blanket" because it looks just like what You find in the screen of your drier between the condenser and radiator. don't ask what it was madeof but it looked just like lint. that is not as gemon as plastic grocery bags though. while you are there make yourself a long air nozzle a piece of metal brake or fuel line with a few small holes drilled so you can run it up between the two does a nice job of blowing out in both directions. You'll be suprised the dust cloud and debris you find.
we carry some new and used saturn parts but they go quick esp. for the old S series...check it out... contact Us for your needs...Jringos controlled insanity

Cheap movie tickets on s

I have setup this guide for people who are interested in movies and would like to get cheap movie tickets on okay. There are two types of ways you could get movie tickets for cheap on okay. 1) Fandango promotional codes - This is the most efficient and the fastest way, since there is no physical goods involved and these codes are emailed by the sellers almost immediately. There are lot of items in both the auction and the buy it now format. Buy it now items can be gotten from this link ( Fandango movie tickets - Buy it now) and all items from this link Fandango movie tickets. These are a very good deal for the frequent movie goers , fast and convenient.2) Movie passes/ Gift Certificates - Another source is various movie passes and gift certificates on sale which are also a good source (Movie Tickets )Enjoy your moviesPlease take half a second to let me know if this review was helpful by clicking one of the buttons below. Thank you.