Saturday, September 10, 2011

Buying DVD-Audio, DTS music DualDisc and SACD

Thepurpose of this guide is to providereviews ofdiscsI own.Theyare based on thequality of the sound to me. Not everyone has the same opinion but there should not be many discrepencies.
**NEW!!!I haveincluded relative valuesbased on what I see in the market. I say relative because thereis no price guide so anyone can decide what to sell it for.The priceslisted arefor near mint and sealedcopies only. Some have Japanese editions. Depending on the title and rarity, thevalue could jump$50-$150. Remember, these will never be produced again. Whatever is out there is it!
First let's define the terms.
DVD-AUDIO-providesHI RESOLUTION, (HI REZ),Multi Channel Surround Sound, (MCSS),orHI REZ STEREOsoundif you have DVD-Audio capabilities or DOLBY DIGITAL 5.1, (DD5.1),stereo for mostdvd players.Some can provide DTS sound. Some have video content, lyrics, photos, bios, etc, although to getALL of it you need a DVD Audio player. Some of it willshow on any DVD player.
DTS Music Discs- provideDTS, regular stereo,(DTS is a higher resolution but not as much as DVD-Audio's or SACD's).These DO NOT require a DVD-Audio playerbutyour DVD player and A/V receiver must haveDTS capabilities. The front of your units should have the logos/symbolssomewhere.
DUALDISC- a twosided disc. One side isregular stereo, the other is HI REZ MCSS.Think of it as being two CD's glued together. Although I have not had any problems,I've read some players have trouble playing them because of the thickness, especially Panasonic.The cdside will play on any DVD/CD player but theHI REZMCSS sound can only beaccessed withaDVD-Audio player.
SACD (Super Audio gepact Disc)-OK, thereareSACDs with MCSS soundonlythat will only play in an SACD capable player.There is a hybrid SACDTHATcan be played on any cd playerbut only the HI REZ stereo orMCSScan only be accessed with an SACD capable player.I don't know if there are single layer onlySACDs in HI REZ stereo or not but it would seem logical.
Most areout of print.Lack of consumer interest, need for special expensiveplayers. Now that more people are into surround sound the interest has spiked. Unfortunately the primary market has dried up.For the most part you will have to go to the secondary marketwhere prices can be reasonable or ridiculous. To be fair, even places like sell what the few they have for a premium price. I did a lot of Goggling and found some at smaller stores for great prices. I did also buy someat premium prices. Sometimes it can't be helped. Some are more rare than others. Flea markets are good places. If a dealer can't sell these specialty items they usually sell them cheap at some point or you can make a good deal.
Some peoplejust don't want to buy a disc they can't play in the car, (although there are some DD 5.1 car players on themarket but are very expensive now), or in their portable CD player. I can understand that as Ifelt that wayonce. Of course many people are into the MP3 player thing. I think that's great for carrying around but when I'm homeI want the best sound. MP3's just can't reproduce that warmsound or DD 5.1/DTS. To me the MP3 sound isharsh and cold.
As with most anything,study, research, experience the subject as best you can. It's hard to advise you on when/how to buy. You may see a listing on e-bay, but if you wait to see if more show up, you may miss out on the one. Always gepare prices. I've seen the same disc being sold for $11.95 and $35 brand new. Beware of buying used discs. Even though the seller may say it's in great condition, their idea of great condition could be different than yours. Personally, I do not want to buy scratched or dirty discs even if it does not affect playback. If it's a really, really rare one I might. Remember, the damage on the playing side, (although can be bad depending on the extent),is not as great as it can be on the label side. Always ask a seller very specific questions. Even then though, some sellers lie.
Below is the list of discs I own. Rating scale is 1-10, 10 being the best. I will make gements next to each. I'm mainly a rock

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