Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Regarding the above "guide" concerning Chinese made knives, and other goods, please consider the following:
Any knife is only as good as the steel from which it is made. What Elistuf failed to mention is the fact that by and large, knives made in China are overwhelmingly produced in volume on production lines, with very little emphasis paid to the metallurgy of the blades. Chinese blades are continually inferior due to the poor manufacturing process incorporated in the making of their knives.
Unfortunately, most Chinese , mass-produced consumer goods are inherently of a very low grade and considered sub-par in the realistic world. Contrary to what Elistuf states, I for one, do NOT have a hidden agenda by stating that Chinese corporations are widely known to produce shoddy products which are raced to market in order to turn a profit with no regard to "repeat" customers.
I would invite you to accessBusinessPundit and be informed of the ills Chinese poor quality cast upon just ONE manufaturer that out-sourced his operation to Shanghai, China. One needn't be a rocket scientist to see the correlation between cheap, uncaring labor and the resulting poor quality it begets.
The bottom line is: Chinese knives are junk, plain and simple. For a quality blade, stick to those countries with a proven track record in cutlery production: Germany, America, Britain and Spain...and remember, you get what you pay for. Cheaper is rarely better.

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