Sunday, September 11, 2011

Inspecting Used Clothing for auction

I know this seems like gemon sense but this bears repeating: When selling your used clothing (and don't always assume new is perfect either) review and review! I can't tell you how many times I have purchased items from people off okay that arrives with stains. I mean stains that ANYONE can spot--not those watermark stains that you have to squint to see.

When preparing your item for auction, I highly regemend examining all your clothing in several different lighting (perhaps outside, inside, etc.). Also, don't just look it over once, but many times. Before I get ready to auction something I usually will review everything for stains, hold items up to direct light, indirect light, then again while I am taking pictures and then (okay, I admit I am bordering a little on the obessive here) while the auction is running I will usually do a double check and then again while I pack the item/s up for shipment at the end. I also have a relative or friend look something over just to make sure I haven't missed something. And check for holes too. It can happen, perhaps your little one snagged their (your) favorite sweater on a rose bush and you forgot about it.

Do you have some stains? Then take pictures! Do a close up zoom, put a dime near it or some other small object so that the potential bidder has an idea of how bad or minor the stain is. (Use photobucket for downloading too, they are free! and insert multiple photos in your item description).

Of course no one is perfect! Even I have missed minor stains before, although it is rare it does happen but hey, at least I tried!

Also, as a buyer, NEVER assume something is stain free. Just because someone states that an item is in "great shape", keep in mind they (the seller) may hold a different opinion on what that means and they may think that may include stains.

Are you packing away clothes for next season to okay next year? Well, make sure to thoroughly wash and inspect everything and store in an air tight bin, NOT cardboard boxes nor filsmy plastic as pests can get in. I always do a light wash also, with oxi-clean and if it warrants it, I dissolve 1 cup of oxi-clean in warm water and let the clothes soak and then do a final wash. Great for getting out those formula stains, etc.!

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