Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Paraiba's The Queen of all gems!

What a grand world it is if you own a Paraiba Tourmaline. The queen of them all, Brazilian Tourmaline is rare and very expensive. This copper bearing form of Tourmaline can range in price for a clean stone from 5000.00 per carat to 60,000.00 per carat. The color range can start at a yellow aqua and go all the way to a wonderful deep deep neon like blue. As a matter of fact most of the material from brazil that is copper bearinghas a neon like or electric color quality.
Nigerian Copper Bearing Tourmaline also hit the market in about the beginning of 2005. This material is now considered by GIA as Paraiba as well, it offers the same makeup as the material from brazil. However, the Nigerian material was limited in it's color range to mostly aqua or mint green. This material has tripled in cost since the beginning of it's very short life span and is now said to be at it's end, if you have a chance to grab one of these, please do so as the potential for future monetary gains on this material are about unlimited.
Mozambique Copper Bearing Tourmaline was introduced to the American market just a few months ago and has begee all the rage for it huge range of colors. This material can range in color spans from a mint green, aqua, blues, teals, fushias, and deep deep violets. This material has quickly gained fame for it's wide color span and the pricing is increasing by the moment. These stones are now selling in Thialand for as much as 1000.00 per ct for a perfect stone. The experts say that if you are planning a purchase of this fine material you want to buy the stones with even the slightest of red needles in it. This will prove the origin and offers a signature that the material from Brazil and Nigeria does not. I am now offering a small amount of this find at a pricing index of 100.00 per ct, the stones in this collection are just beautiful and offer all of the traits that a true collector should look for. Rest assured I will be keeping a few of these investment grade stones for myself.

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