Saturday, September 10, 2011

GLASS GLOSSARY - Q - R: Words Used to Describe Glass

Definitions of: Quezal glass - reproduction - rubina verde - ruby glass - ruby-stained glass

Q - R

A - B Ca - Cz D - EF - LM -Op Ov - PePi - Pz Sa - Ste Str - Z
Glossary Table of Contents
The purpose of this guide is tohelp buyers understand termsgemonly used by E-Bay sellers to describeold American glass (1850-1930).Please leave feedback by pushing the button at the bottom of the page.Many thanks to all the E-Bayers who have contributed photos to this glossary!

Quezal glass lamp shades featuring a blue hooked feather pattern.Shown at right is the iridescent "Lustre" interior ofone of the blue courtesy ofsaraantiques

Quezal Glass. Quezal Art Glass

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