Thursday, October 8, 2009

Automatic Feedback?

I don't know if it has been suggested before, but how about giving buying and sellers automatic feedback for people who do not give any feedback. Personally I work with the idea that if you are selling something that you should give feedback once payment is received and before you ship the item. At that point the buyer has fulfilled their side of the process. Like I said that is personally what I believe and that is how I work when I sell something. I know there are people on the eBay that will not give feedback until they get something in return. I have personally gotten email from sellers when I buy from them reminding me to give them feedback and they will follow (which seems like cohesion to me). On the flip side the buyer should give feedback once the item is received, reviewed and everything checks out well. They should not be coming onto eBay and waiting to see if they got feedback from the seller and refusing when they don't have anything. I just got through a few weeks of selling off my worldly possessions I sold or bought from 27 different people (2 buying, 25 selling) since September 1. Fourteen of them have replied with feedback and 13 have not; some of these are now 3 weeks old. All but one of my buyers got feedback before shipment. The only person who did not receive feedback was someone who ignored all emails and didn't pay for the item until I took out a claim (this person I obviously wouldn't give positive feedback to anyway). My suggestion is why not make it so after 31 days if you do not receive feedback from a person that eBay automatically give you the feedback. I am under the impression if there is a problem with the purchase that a buyer would be on immediately trying to hash out the issue (at least I would be) so if a month passes from when you would buy something and you had nothing bad to say the experience must be somewhat good. Maybe 45 days for international shipping. Just from my example there are 13 outstanding ratings that as far as I know everything is positive with. As it stands now they are 13 ratings that I should have as positive and I will never get them (why .. maybe because I already gave them feedback so there is no leverage for me to get them to give feedback?).

Orignal From: Automatic Feedback?

Check this out.

Do you guys think this is odd (Link)? The seller has 66,000 items listed and only 285 feedbacks.

Orignal From: Check this out.

Do you find it is now hard to leave feedback on EBAY.

Hi,, I have always been very good about leaving feedback. But recently something has changed, and sometimes I can't figure out even how to leave feedback. A friend and I was talking about this the other day and she is also having problems. Today, I went in to catch up on a couple of items and thought I new how to do it and it just doesn't seem to work. It should be easy to do, or people like me won't do it.

Orignal From: Do you find it is now hard to leave feedback on EBAY.

buyers leaving negative feedback for stupid things

i had a perfect feedback rating. i sold a shirt to someone . they said it was the wrong size. i told the person i'd give them a refund if they returned it. the person left me a negative. i sent ebay an email and they did nothing about it. i 'm so pissed at this bs system they have going here.

Orignal From: buyers leaving negative feedback for stupid things

Block users without Paypal? Neg by mailed payment buyer!!!!

I was at 100% then I get a neg from a buyer who dida buy it now on a fixed price listing thatwas set to exclude buyers without a Paypal account!!!!She insisted on a mailed payment, and did not pay.Why should I get negged because ebay was supposed to block such users from buying my items!!!I am so pissed I will be removing my items for sale.This site has really gone too far against sellersand I for one have HAD it with this unfair feedback system.UGHHH!Sewbusybiz

Orignal From: Block users without Paypal? Neg by mailed payment buyer!!!!

No feedback

I have noticed I give sellers feedback, but sellers don't always give me the buyer feedback. I always would pay for my items ASAP thinking this is what I would want someone to do for me. Can anyone give me one good reason why I should give feedback when I don't get any.

Orignal From: No feedback

Would you bother to leave feedback for this seller?

I filed a claim via paypal for an item won back in sept, when I received no item or response from the seller. She's rapidly gaining lots of Negs for the same reason. Her phone's been disconnected, and she's probably headed for NARU status, but should I bother to leave feedback of any kind in the meantime? I haven't come across this situation before, but as a former seller I try to give other sellers the benefit of the doubt. WWYD?

Orignal From: Would you bother to leave feedback for this seller?

Sorry goeasy*go, will not respond to any more

You have always posted good advice and I have usually tried to listen. This just made me mad as I knew this was not you. I don't always agree with you, but you have never been biased in the way your imitator was. By the way, you have advised for many years, and some of your advice really helped me in the pinch. I really appreciate that.________________________________________ Live and let live. Life will take care of it's own.

Orignal From: Sorry goeasy*go, will not respond to any more

I like the new feedback system

It warns me of sellers with less than 100% feedback.

Orignal From: I like the new feedback system

Post an after-sale message to

Hi all I'm new to this board. How do I post an after-sale message to a seller. I'm having issue getting the seller to respond to my emails regarding an defective item I received, I was promised a replacement would be sent out on Sept. 3rd ...I have not seen it yet. I emailed them for its status, they stopped replying my emails, btw they are power seller. Ebay resolution center is not much of a help because the transaction has been more than 45 days. It took 20-25 days for an item to get to USA from HongKong and vice versa, but ebay policy has put a cap of 45 days max in order to post a complaint in their resolution center. I also need some advice as what to do to get my money back. The seller sends stuff in from HongKong, btw. Thanks,

Orignal From: Post an after-sale message to

OT: Please keep me in your prayers......

My cat is in very poor health at the moment.Her health just took a turn for the worst all at one time.She has lost alot of weight also.She started getting this way about a week ago.She has got to the point now to where she will not eat and her walking ability has gotten real poorly.I had to take her to the litter box this morning and she just laid in it.I have been montoring her very closely and making sure that she is comfortable.She is around 14 or 15 years old and the best cat in the world! I may have to take her to the vet but I am very afraid of what they will tell me.I can't imagine the thought of having her put down.She means the world to me and she slept on my bed every night beside me until this past week as she has got too weak to jump on and off the bed.I fixed her old cat bed and laid it beside the bed so that she does not have to jump.This is taking a very emotional toll on me.I prayed to God last night for him to heal her or not to let her suffer with any sort of pain.I know he knows what is best.Her name is "Pumpkin" because of her cute orange nose.Please keep me and my cat in your prayers as I am going through a very tough time at the moment.Thanks

Orignal From: OT: Please keep me in your prayers......

new feedback option

it takes an act of congress to leave feedback for someone. am i the only one feeling this?

Orignal From: new feedback option

How would you like to get this question from a buyer?

Q: hello I am interested with your vintage xxxxx Serie xxxx which was made in Tchekia for xxxxxxxxx. . Is he playable as is ? In low pitch (Axxxx or Axxxx?) I have no credit card nore cheque nore paypal. I can pay via International Post order in your national currency. Can you accept or no ? In Belgium and in Europe we only pay via bank transfers from count to count with no tax fees. Thanx for your feedback. Quid shipping cost to Belgium ? I recently payed 65 $ for a xxxxxx xxxx with UPS from USA to Belgium. Regards, Claude - Sorry I WON'T have NEVER PAYPAL : it is US bullxhit and not completely secured. LAst week in Belgium an informatician has seen his count used by a thieve who was using all his paypal count. Besides one has to pay fees to an American company (paypal is NOT European). # answer is no # 2....he is so blocked, no matter what anyone may think.

Orignal From: How would you like to get this question from a buyer?

Buyer now NARU'ed..question on reinstatment/neg

I had a thread about one buyer under 2 id's and 7 unpaid items (6 under one ID, 1 under the other ID). I opened 7 disputes, 6 have closed with no reponse from the buyer to the dispute. That name NARU'd right after I closed the first 6 cases. I still have one open dispute that has a few more days to go before I can close it, but I noticed today that that ID is now NARU. I'm not entirely sure if this means that I can go ahead and close that dispute and relist the item. Or if I have to/should wait as I would as if the member was still registered and close on the 8th day. Is it possible for the member to get the ID reinstated and then because I didn't wait the 8 days before I closed the dispute give me a neg? I'd like to go ahead and relist the item, but I'm not sure if I should because the case isn't closed, even though the buyer is NARU. Am I in the clear to relist or no? Stewie Says Relax

Orignal From: Buyer now NARU'ed..question on reinstatment/neg


WAKEY WAKEY FEEDIES. The sun is up, birds singing, squirrels gathering nuts. A good day to be alive..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The beatings will continue Until seller morale improves


10yrs 2020 feedbacks and my 1rst NEG!!!!!

ebay is making it hard on sellers that try to do right. I get this negative feedback and never had a chance to resolve the buyers problem with the item. Where is the justice!!!

Orignal From: 10yrs 2020 feedbacks and my 1rst NEG!!!!!

no feedback for a long time

Can I still sell with this name? I have had no new feedback for several years I think. Not sure quite ebay for a while. Although ebay doesn't look all that anymore. But can i still use it? to sell?

Orignal From: no feedback for a long time

Sellers that don't leave feedback for buyers???

Recently I have found that sellers don't want to bother with feedback. Am I alone in this? I'd like to hear from others. I always pay for my auction wins promptly, if not immediately then within a few short hours. Sellers do not leave feedback based on my performance as a buyer, but instead wait until I leave their feedback upon receipt of the item. Okay, I accept that. Twice lately I have given 5 Star ratings to sellers (which I almost always do), and I can't get them to leave feedback for me as a buyer who paid promptly and left them perfect feedback. I've contacted them both twice now, and they still don't or won't leave my positive feedback in return. Is feedback just a crock or what? I'm really weary of this.

Orignal From: Sellers that don't leave feedback for buyers???


Subject: HSN JUST RAN A STORY ON RATING SYSTEMS BEING REDONE BY EBAY AND THE LIKE: I was just sitting here listing some items and a story came on hsn about internet retailers overhauling feedback and rating systems BUT HOLD ON.............. the story said buyers were too nice and in fact left overly confident and inaccurate information on feedback when buying on line . Then went on to say ebay and the like would be overhauling their systems to reflect more accurate feedback . WHAT!!!!!!!!! They also said most people want to believe they got a deal so they leave positive feedback even if it was not , Who get's this . When recipricatory feedback was removed any chance of that went away I do not get this at all - unless they are looking at more specific information


What has changed? Buyers are no longer leaving feedback

Can someone please explain what has changed over the last month or so because I am noticing buyers are not leaving feedback. I know it is not mandatory, but thought it would be completed out of common courtesy. I do not sell tons of items at a time, so all positive feedback helps with my future sales. Is there anything we can do to enforce buyers leaving feedback when they have encountered a positive experience?

Orignal From: What has changed? Buyers are no longer leaving feedback

Buyer scams Seller

A buyer bought a gift card from me. Never contacted me after that. He quickly filed a dispute and escalated it to a claim. I called him and sent him many messages. No response. He filed saying the gift card had no balance when he clearly used it. Hence, I called the gift card customer service and they quickly sent me proof of all his transactions. He goes ahead and leaves me negative feedback. First time I received a negative in my 5 years on ebay. How can I remove his negative feedback because he actually tried to scam me? He won the the claim but currently there is an appeal so I am providing documentation, an affidavit and a police incident report. He also "returned" to me a different gift card that says $25 but of course has no value. I sent him a full $100 gift card.

Orignal From: Buyer scams Seller

Release of PayPal funds

Thanks to all who answered. I had no idea. We normally open packages immediately but because of illness hadn't. We will open it shortly. Again thanks to all who responded.

Orignal From: Release of PayPal funds

eBay's New Feedback Policy Thrills Scammer Buyers !!

eBay has allowed another buyer to post fraudulent negative comment, by saying "sorry, we understand you are probably frustrated about someone not being honest....yada yada, but it doesn't qualify for being removed, but you have alot of other good comments.....!! "...goody goody. SO BASICALLY, eBay is fully representing fraudulent buyers. Sellers have no representation, even when they completely follow procedures.... I have over 1000 seller feedback comments with 100% positive rating. Until now. Does eBay really think this is a fair solution? Eventually every seller WILL experience the unfairness of the feedback procedure. There will be huge competitor soon, and sellers will show eBay how it feels to be dumped on.

Orignal From: eBay's New Feedback Policy Thrills Scammer Buyers !!

I deleted items in 'my won' section, can't leave feedback

Hi, everone, I deleted a ton of auctions from my ebay, the items won, it use to be that when you deleted items, you could get them back, that you only deleted them temporarily. But now I can't seem to find an option to get them back. I have bought tons of great merchandise over the last weeks, and dealt with some wonderful sellers, and I like to give 5 star ratings to all my sellers, even if the shipping was slow, because I know there are so many 'impossible to please' buyers out there. Can anyone tell me how I can either get them back into my ebay, or is that impossible? Also, it use to be, that when you did just one feedback, if you hit the button that says, 'leave more feedback', that it would automatically bring up all the auctions you had purchased, and gives you an option to leave feedback then. But I hate to wait until I'm ready to leave it all, before I start leaving it. Any suggestions?

Orignal From: I deleted items in 'my won' section, can't leave feedback

What a shame...

I received a response from eBay about a negative I received, and this was in the response... *Fortunately, your eBay reputation is based on all the Feedback you receive, not a single comment. * That one negative knocked me out of everything that I have worked so hard for...makes no sense to me... Since they feel this way about the public preception, then they need to reconsider the way they treat an eBay seller... Been doing this since 1999 and this is the first time that I have really been completely dissappointed... The negative was because an item was lost in the mail...mailed timely, but not delivered for nearly a month.

Orignal From: What a shame...

Can non-paying buyer leave feedback

Can non-paying buyer leave feedback? If seller files UID, can buyer file feedback.

Orignal From: Can non-paying buyer leave feedback

follow-up feed back

There should be a way to bulk list a follow up feed back to to our customers,rather than having to do each one seperatly. This would be a great asset and Time saver.Food for thought Mr.C's This

Orignal From: follow-up feed back

Feedback Blues

Purchased Christian Dior Men's Pajamas. Photo did not portray correct pattern at all. I was going to send back, but husband liked them - so we kept them. I sent seller an email asking if I could expect better photo representation in future, but no reply at all. I'd buy from them again, but since they haven't responded - no deal. I tried to leave negative and neutral feedback (since I did keep the item), but it seems ebay feedback will not accept anything but positive feedback. At least that's what's happening to me. I also will not do any more buying from any sellers who do not leave feeback for me, and that's been several. You scratch my back.......

Orignal From: Feedback Blues


I have run into the WORST BUYER EVER. It is a long story but my question is am I required to refund shipping cost. I know I am being scammed. He has sent me numerous nasty emails. Reported me three time to ebay. I tried to have him cancel this sale before he received and return. He even tried to get home telephone number. This is all in less than a week. This started before he even received. I have written to ebay, of course it can take 2 days for them to respond, (that is what they say I have seen it take a week). And my next question is can I leave any kind of warning for futhur sells in feedback. I am not nasty, I try hard to be a good seller, have never had any complaints before. Any kind of advice would be helpful. will they take a complaint on this buyer? I know we have no rights as sellers. He has done this before I talked to other sell he makes up things. I will refund him I understand, For what ever reason he has a bowl that is broke. He just let me know it was broke gave me 1 on my dsr and a neg feedback. For the last couple of month my dsr are a hair under 5 maybe overall 4.93 or somewhere close. See I am not a bad seller. I just want to know how to handle this.

Orignal From: Refund

Can a Power Seller leave negative feedback?

I had a problem with a Power Seller and it was settled in my favor by Paypal. The seller has since contacted me and stated that new eBay policy allows him to leave me negative feedback if I leave him negative feedback. Is this true?

Orignal From: Can a Power Seller leave negative feedback?