Thursday, October 8, 2009

Buyer now NARU'ed..question on reinstatment/neg

I had a thread about one buyer under 2 id's and 7 unpaid items (6 under one ID, 1 under the other ID). I opened 7 disputes, 6 have closed with no reponse from the buyer to the dispute. That name NARU'd right after I closed the first 6 cases. I still have one open dispute that has a few more days to go before I can close it, but I noticed today that that ID is now NARU. I'm not entirely sure if this means that I can go ahead and close that dispute and relist the item. Or if I have to/should wait as I would as if the member was still registered and close on the 8th day. Is it possible for the member to get the ID reinstated and then because I didn't wait the 8 days before I closed the dispute give me a neg? I'd like to go ahead and relist the item, but I'm not sure if I should because the case isn't closed, even though the buyer is NARU. Am I in the clear to relist or no? Stewie Says Relax

Orignal From: Buyer now NARU'ed..question on reinstatment/neg

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