Thursday, October 8, 2009

OT: Please keep me in your prayers......

My cat is in very poor health at the moment.Her health just took a turn for the worst all at one time.She has lost alot of weight also.She started getting this way about a week ago.She has got to the point now to where she will not eat and her walking ability has gotten real poorly.I had to take her to the litter box this morning and she just laid in it.I have been montoring her very closely and making sure that she is comfortable.She is around 14 or 15 years old and the best cat in the world! I may have to take her to the vet but I am very afraid of what they will tell me.I can't imagine the thought of having her put down.She means the world to me and she slept on my bed every night beside me until this past week as she has got too weak to jump on and off the bed.I fixed her old cat bed and laid it beside the bed so that she does not have to jump.This is taking a very emotional toll on me.I prayed to God last night for him to heal her or not to let her suffer with any sort of pain.I know he knows what is best.Her name is "Pumpkin" because of her cute orange nose.Please keep me and my cat in your prayers as I am going through a very tough time at the moment.Thanks

Orignal From: OT: Please keep me in your prayers......

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