Thursday, October 8, 2009

Automatic Feedback?

I don't know if it has been suggested before, but how about giving buying and sellers automatic feedback for people who do not give any feedback. Personally I work with the idea that if you are selling something that you should give feedback once payment is received and before you ship the item. At that point the buyer has fulfilled their side of the process. Like I said that is personally what I believe and that is how I work when I sell something. I know there are people on the eBay that will not give feedback until they get something in return. I have personally gotten email from sellers when I buy from them reminding me to give them feedback and they will follow (which seems like cohesion to me). On the flip side the buyer should give feedback once the item is received, reviewed and everything checks out well. They should not be coming onto eBay and waiting to see if they got feedback from the seller and refusing when they don't have anything. I just got through a few weeks of selling off my worldly possessions I sold or bought from 27 different people (2 buying, 25 selling) since September 1. Fourteen of them have replied with feedback and 13 have not; some of these are now 3 weeks old. All but one of my buyers got feedback before shipment. The only person who did not receive feedback was someone who ignored all emails and didn't pay for the item until I took out a claim (this person I obviously wouldn't give positive feedback to anyway). My suggestion is why not make it so after 31 days if you do not receive feedback from a person that eBay automatically give you the feedback. I am under the impression if there is a problem with the purchase that a buyer would be on immediately trying to hash out the issue (at least I would be) so if a month passes from when you would buy something and you had nothing bad to say the experience must be somewhat good. Maybe 45 days for international shipping. Just from my example there are 13 outstanding ratings that as far as I know everything is positive with. As it stands now they are 13 ratings that I should have as positive and I will never get them (why .. maybe because I already gave them feedback so there is no leverage for me to get them to give feedback?).

Orignal From: Automatic Feedback?

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