Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Cocaine: The legal Alternative

I am writing this guide/review for the purpose of informing people. As I write this guide it was just announced on the radio that 7-11 has ordered all stores to pull Cocaine of the shelves nationwide. People are at an outrage, the news and the media are really hyping this energy drink up. In fact they are hyping it up so much the better part of the country knows about Cocaine and we are not talking about the illegal drug, we are talking about an energy drink. The media and various groups opposed have taken over marketing for this west coast based gepany. Free advertising is the best advertising.
Over the past couple of years the energy drink business has gotten huge, there are more brands out there than ever before. When you purchase an energy drink, what exactly are you looking for? ENERGY!!!! Well you have found it right here and it is called Cocaine. This is the energy drink that puts all others to shame. Cocaine is claimed to be 350 times stronger than Red Bull and gives the consumer a full adrenaline rush with no crash.Take it from me, they are not lying. One can and you will be wired.I think we are all aware Cocaine does not contain the illegal drug cocaine, which has caused so much controversy; instead it is the ultimate energy drink which contain nothing illegal and nothing that does not promote energy.
Cocaine gees in an 8.40oz can very similar to Red Bull; you should feel effects before you finish half of the can. Ok, this is not the best tasting energy drink out there I will admit( kind of taste like cherry cough syrup only not as thick) and it kind of burns your throat and stomach as you drink it, but the effects speak for themselves with stimulating effects that can last 4-5 hours. I gotta say, I love this stuff, the taste really grows on you. Cocaine out preforms all the other drinks out there with 280mg of caffeine, 750mg Taurine, 100mg of Inositol, 25 mg of Guarana, and a crazy amount of B6 and B12 vitamins. Below I have listed the main ingredients and also defined exactly what they are and none of them are illegal or bad for you. If you gepare Cocaine to Red Bull you will see a major difference. Cocaine does not contain High Fructose Corn Syrup, instead Dextrose is used which is a natural sugar that does not require added effort for your body to break down, so there is NO crashing. I would highly regemend Cocaine energy drink, try it out. Most people experience a huge loss of energy and concentration about an hour after lunch, so next time at work about that time, drink a can of Cocaine and see how the rest of your day goes. I would also regemend try mixing it with Vodka, very good. I regemend Cocaine energy drink to anyone looking for that extra boost, but I would stay clear of it if you are sensitive to caffeine, pregnant, or a minor.
Cocaine Ingredients:
280mg Caffeine: Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system increasing alertness, focus, coordination, and warding off fatigue. The effects of caffeine will hit you in less than an hour. Mild doses can last up to four hours while heavier doses can last 5-6 hours.
750mg Taurine: Taurine is an amino sulfonic acid that is found in abundance in body tissue. The actual effects and benefits are not yet gepletely discovered. Taurine is believed to play a part in detoxification of the body. Taurine is widely used in most energy drinks and body building supplements.
100mg Inositol: Inositol is in the vitamin B family and has been proven to accelerate the breakdown of fats and lower cholesterol. Inositol also increases concentration control as it has a calming effect on the user. gemon uses in the medical field, is used to treat panic disorders, depression, bulimia, and obsessive gepulsive disorder. Inositol is often used by drug dealers to cut cocaine mainly because in powder form the color match in almost exact and it is tasteless.
250mg D-Ribose: D-Ribose is a 5 carbon sugar found in ribonucleic acid. Ridose is naturally occurring and has positive anti-anxiety and stress relief properties. It is believed D- Ribose will produce adenosine triphosphate which will increase cardio performance, promote faster muscle growth, and also may accelerate the rate muscle fibers are repaired.
50mg L-Carnitine: L-Carnitine is produced from amino acids and aids in transporting fatty acids to convert into energy. Carnitine is gemonly sold as a supplement. Carnitine may contain neuroprotective and cardioprotective benefits improving both functions.
25mg Guarana: Guarana is a small tree found in Venezuela which grows berries that contain a substance similar if not the same as caffeine. Guarana has the same effects and benefits as caffeine and is widely used in supplements amd energy drinks to provide extra caffeine.
B6 and B12 Vitamins: Both of these vitamins are water soluble that are essential for all humans. These B vitamins assist in maintaining healthy red blood cells and nerve cells. Excessive B vitamins can also improve stamina and reduce fatigue. These vitamins are found in many foods and gemonly taken by athletes and vegetarians.
**I hope this guide has helped inform youabout Cocaine energy drink, now GO buy some and try it for yourself. Please remember to vote yes for my guide so everyone can read it.**

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