Friday, September 2, 2011

DIETS DON'T WORK! How To Eat More and Lose Weight!

Eat more to weigh less? I know it sounds wrong. Most of us have been beating ourselves up over our inability to take off the pounds and keep them off. We try diet after diet and some work for awhile. I once lost 85 pounds on Weight Watchers and even became a Weight Watcher lecturer. But I gained back 95 pounds. I lost 85 pounds again on the Atkins diet but gained back 100! I really can't afford to gain any more weight by dieting!The University of California recently reviewed 31 previous studies on the effectiveness of diets. Researchers found that the majority of dieters in the initial studies now, 5 years after the diet, weighed more than their starting weight. Repeatedly losing weight and gaining it back creates dangerous wear and tear on the body and is linked to heart disease and stroke. The study concluded that most dieters would have been better off not going on the diet at all!What does work? You'll be surprised at how taking these simple, small, gemon-sense steps will set you on the path to a healthier, thinner you:EAT MORE! Stop skipping meals! No drastic calorie reductions! Whenever you drop your daily calories, your metabolism is designed to begin storing fat rather than losing it. You are setting yourself up for failure. Keep your caloric intake at at least 1200 calories to avoid the "store fat to prepare for famine" response. The trick is to fool both your metabolism and your psyche by eating more but different foods. Eat fewer refined, processed foods but more geplex carbohydrates like whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Eating at least 6 servings of fruits and vegetables is the first step to painless weight loss because:Fruits and vegetables fill up your plate and leave you feeling full and satisfied;Fruits and vegetables tend to be lower in calories than other foods;Fruits and vegetables contain enzymes that help with digestion;Fruits and vegetables tend to be higher in fiber that helps burn fat, stabilize insulin and drop pounds!EAT MORE OFTEN! Eating enough times during the day keeps your metabolism moving and your fat burning. Three meals and three snacks give you plenty of opportunity to get all those fruits and vegetables in! Dried fruits and nuts make a handy between-meal snack that is easy to take with you in your daily travels.DRINK MORE! In order to keep our metabolism functioning at peak efficiency (burning fat), we must keep our body well hydrated. Drink water when you first get up and before every snack and meal. Keep a big bottle of water with you and drink throughout the day. If you feel thirsty, you're already dehydrated!MOVE MORE! Whatever you're currently doing for exercise, do more! Most of us can walk. You can get an inexpensive pedometer and see how many steps you take in a typical day. Then do 1,000 steps more and 1,000 steps more than that next week and so on. You are not only burning calories, you are stepping up your rate of metabolism.SLEEP MORE! Sleep more? I thought we were talking about weight. Actually, going to bed too late and sleeping too little interferes with nightly adrenal regeneration, lowering the rate of metabolism and promoting weight gain.These small, simple changes in lifestyle are not likely to lead to quick and dramatic weight loss. But losing weight too fast can lead to constipation, gall stones and hair loss! Slow and steady progress, like the turtle, will win the race in the end and give you the chance to make these changes a life-long habit.(And don't worry that you won't be able to afford a whole new wardrobe in your new size as you lose weight. That's what The Purple Turtle Women's Clothing is here for!)

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