Friday, September 2, 2011

List of Easton Press Signed First Editions

Here is an almost geplete list of the 'Signed First Editions' from Easton Press. If you gee across a copy that's not in this list, please let me know and I will update it.

Self-Consciousness by John Updike
Loyalties by Carl Bernstein
Life-Sketches by John Hersey
Crosswinds of Freedom by James McGregor Burns
Not That You Asked by Andrew A. Rooney
His Eminence and Hizzoner by John Cardinal O'Connor and Edward Koch
Love and Marriage by Bill Cosby
The Long Gray Line by Rick Atkinson
Red Victory by W. Bruce Lincoln
Men at Work by George P. Will
Beware the Naked Man Who Offers You His Shirt by Harvey Mackay
Bachelor Girls by Wendy Wasserstein
My Life in Three Acts by Helen Hayes
Fighting for Peace by Caspar W. Weinberger
Peril and Promise by John Chancellor
Out There by Howard Blum
Tell Me More by Larry King
Life on the Road by Charles Kuralt
Blown Away by A.E. Hotchner
Beijing Diary by Charleton Heston
Under God: Religion and American Politics by Garry Wills
The New Russians by Hedrick Smith
In the gepany of Writers: A Life in Publishing by Charles Scribner Jr.
The Next Century by David Halberstam
Collision at Home Plate by James Reston
What's Wrong with Sports by Howard Cosell
Bully for Brontosaurus by Stephen Jay Gould
Karpov on Karpov by Anatoly Karpov
Nixon: Ruin and Recovery by Stephen E. Ambrose
Three Blind Mice by Ken Auletta
Entering New Worlds by Max M. Kampelman
American Originals by Geoffrey C. Ward
Fates Worse Than Death by Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
Ginger by Ginger Rogers
Sages and Dreamers by Elie Wiesel
Windfall by William F. Buckley
The Happy Isles of Oceania by Paul Theroux
Undue Process by Elliot Abrams
A Life in Music by Daniel Barenboim
A Bus of My Own by Jim Lehrer
Inner Circles by Alexander Haig
Origins Reconsidered by Roger Lewin and Richard Leakey
The Wives of Henry VIII by Antonia Fraser
Horowitz - His Life and Music by Harold C. Schonberg
Riding the Yellow Trolley Car by William Kennedy
Push gee to Shove by Twyla Tharp
The First Dissident by William Safire
Looking for Gatsby by Faye Dunaway
The Four Dimensions of Philosophy by Mortimer J. Adler
Healing and the Mind by Bill Moyers
Turning Point by President Jimmy Carter
Out of Control by Zbigniew Brzezinski
The Book of Virtues by William Bennett
Voices and Silences by James Earl Jones
Herblock: A Cartoonist's Life by Herbert Block
The Art of Dreaming by Carlos Castaneda
Barbara Bush by Barbara Bush
Taken on Trust by Terry Waite
Further Along the Road by M. Scott Peck
Live from the Battle Field by Peter Arnett
On the Line by Larry King
The Camera Never Blinks by Dan Rather
The New Middle East by Shimon Peres
Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness by Peggy Noonan
Divided We Fall by Haynes Johnson
Certain Trumpets by Garry Wills
Global Paradox by John Naisbitt
Fear of 50 by Erica Jong
Lost Moon by Jeff Kluger and James Lovell
All's Fair: Love, War and Running for President by James Carville and Mary Matalin
Leveling Wind by George F. Will
Resurrection by John C. Danforth
Stranger to the Game by Lonnie Wheeler and Bob Gibson
Cleopatra's Nose by Daniel J. Boorstin
Broken Covenant by Moshe Arens
Adler's Philosophical Dictionary by Mortimer J. Adler
In Retrospect: The Tragedy and Lessons of Vietnam by Robert McNamara
I Was Right on Time by Buck O'Neill
This Side of Peace by Hanan Ashrawi
In the Arena by Charleton Heston
By George by George Foreman
One Man Tango by Anthony Quinn
Power, Pasta and Politics by Alfonse D'Amato
A Good Life by Benjamin C. Bradlee
The Politics of Diplomacy by James Baker
The Moral gepass by William Bennett
Time Present, Time Past: A Memoir by Bill Bradley
The American Family by Dan Quayle and Diane Medved
Messages from My Father by Calvin Trillin
Name-Dropping by Alan King
Why I Am a Democrat by Theodore C. Sorensen
I'll Always Have Paris by Art Buchwald
An Easy Burden by Andrew Young
Leading With My Chin by Jay Leno
Blues All Around Me by B.B. King
The Re-Enchantment of Everyday Life by Thomas Moore
In Heaven As on Earth by M. Scott Peck
The Right Word by William F. Buckley Jr.
Waylon by Waylon Jennings
Bouncing Back by Joan Rivers
Brain Droppings by George Carlin
Locked in the Cabinet by Robert B. Reich
Egypt's Road to Jerusalem by Boutros Boutros-Ghali
The Grand Chessboard by Zbigniew Brzezinski
A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World by Stanley Kramer
The New War by Senator John Kerry
When Do I Start? by Karl Malden
Climbing the Mountain by Kirk Douglas
Timequake by Kurt Vonnegut
Citizen Soldiers by Stephen E. Ambrose
Lost Man's River by Peter Matthiesen
Future Talk by Larry King
A Shining City by Ronald Reagan
Singing Lessons by Judy Collins
The Real McKay by Jim McKay
Don't Tell Dad by Peter Fonda
My Heart Laid Bare by Joyce Carol Oates
Pataki: An Autobiography by George Pataki
George Jones: I Lived to Tell It All by George Jones
Great Political Wit by Bob Dole
All Too Human by George Stephanopoulos
Bech At Bay by John Updike
Reporting Live by Lesley Stahl
Paul Simon by Senator Paul Simon
Front Row at the White House by Helen Thomas
For the Time Being by Annie Dillard
Heat by Dwight Gooden
Ex-Friends by Norman Podhoretz
Deadlines and Datelines by Dan Rather
The Times of My Life and My Life With the times by Max Frankel
You're Missing a Great Game by Whitey Herzog
The Redhunter by William F. Buckley Jr.
Reason for Hope by Jane Goodall
Just Revenge by Alan Dershowitz
Name Dropping: From FDR On by John Kenneth Galbraith
Get a Life! by William Shatner
Bagombo Snuff Box by Kurt Vonnegut
Worth Fighting For by Dan Quayle
gemand Performance by Jane Alexander
'Tis: A Memoir by Frank McCourt
My First 79 Years by Isaac Stern
In Praise of Public Life by Joseph Lieberman
Married to Laughter by Jerry Stiller
Cybill Disobedience by Cybill Shepherd
It's All Relative by Bill Cosby
Lying Stones of Marrakech by Stephen Jay Gould
Special Prisoner by Jim Lehrer
Don't Make Me Stop the Car! by Al Roker
Nothing Like It in the World by Stephen E. Ambrose
Eyewitness to Power by David Gergen
Anything Goes! by Larry King
The Golden Age by Gore Vidal
A Life in the 20th Century by Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr.
Licks of Love by John Updike
Great Presidential Wit by Bob Dole
Maestro by Bob Woodward
I Don't Want to Go to Jail by Jimmy Breslin
The American Dream by Dan Rather
A Passion to Win by Sumner Redstone
Around America by Walter Cronkite
Lake Wobegon: Summer, 1956 by Garrison Keillor
War in a Time of Peace by David Halberstam
Hello Darlin' by Larry Hagman
Memoirs by Edward Teller
The Music of Silence by Andrea Bocelli
The Great Movies by Roger Ebert
American Scoundrel by Thomas Keneally
Genes, Girls and Gamow, After the Double Helix by James D. Watson
Still Woman Enough by Loretta Lynn
When I Was a Young Man by Bob Kerrey
The Judges by Elie Wiesel
We'll Laugh Again by Art Buchwald
My America: What My Country Means to Me by Hugh Downs
Worth Fighting For: A Memoir by John McCain
Memoirs by David Rockefeller
An Amazing Adventure by Hadassah and Joseph Lieberman
A Long Way From Home by Tom Brokaw
This Just In by Bob Schieffer
An Independent Man by Senator James M. Jeffords
Funny Letters From Famous People by Charles Osgood
Madame Secretary by Madeleine Albright
The Majesty of the Law by Sandra Day O'Connor
General Ike by John S.D. Eisenhower
Friends of a Feather by Bill Cosby
Ask Me Again Tomorrow by Olympia Dukakis
Gettysburg by Newt Gingrich and William Forstchen
Reflections: Life After the White House by Barbara Bush
The Pleasure of My gepany by Steve Martin
Never Give In by Winston S. Churchill
A Call to Service by Senator John Kerry
Shameless Exploitation by Paul Newman and A.E. Hotchner
God Has a Dream by Desmond Tutu
Founding Mothers by Cokie Roberts
Why Courage Matters by Senator John McCain
Big Russ and Me by Tim Russert
It's Not Easy Being Me by Rodney Dangerfield
The Economics of Innocent Fraud by John Kenneth Galbraith
Herding Cats by Senator Trent Lott
Moving to Higher Ground by Wynton Marsalis
Golden Boy by Paul Hornung
American Soldier by Tommy Franks
A Paper Life by Tatum O'Neal
American Heroines by Kay Bailey Hutchison
Kiss Me Like a Stranger by Gene wilder
Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns Goodwin
One Soldier's Story by Bob Dole
Winning: The Ultimate Business How-To Book by Jack and Suzy Welch
Taking Heat by Ari Fleischer
By Myself and Then Some by Lauren Bacall
A Lotus Grows in the Mud by Goldie Hawn
Talking Back by Andrea Mitchell
Dean and Me: A Love Story by Jerry Lewis and James Kaplan
Take It Back by James Carville and Paul Begala
Never Have Your Dog Stuffed by Alan Alda
Are Men Necessary? by Maureen Dowd
Saving Fish From Drowning by Amy Tan
The Mighty and the Almighty by Madeleine Albright
The Only Game in Town by Fay Vincent
My Year in Iraq by L. Paul Bremer
NNNNN by Carl Reiner
America Back on Track by Senator Edward Kennedy
Wisdom of Our Fathers by Tim Russert
Iran Awakening by Shirin Ebadi
Faith and Politics by Senator John Danforth
At the Center of the Storm by George Tenet
I Shouldn't Even Be Doing This by Bob Newhart
Celebrations by Maya Angelou
America's Choice by Bill Bradley
Work Hard, Study and Keep Out of Politics by James Baker III
Ladies of Liberty by Cokie Roberts


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