Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Just bought a soloflex and am very very happy with the results I am getting.
I DO have a very important gement or suggestionconcerning instructions for excercising.
The biggest geplaint I am reading from the consumer about the soloflex is gepounded around the bench press exercise and "HOW TO GET INTO POSITION UNDER BARBELL ARM" to perform this very important and gemon exercise.
Most people, especially ones over 40 have a tough time twisting into position under the arm and your instructions on your web site and manual about twisting and scooting is not much of a gefort or help. People hate this procedure and some just can't plain perform the "body twisting or "scooting under " to achieve it. Some have sold or returned machines because of it!!!
HERE IS MY WAY!!!!!!!I just load whatever weightstraps I need onto the load pins WITHOUT yet attaching the other hole or side of the strap to the barbell arm pin. Now with NO RESISTANCE YET, I just simply lift the barbell arm all the way up and simply lay down on the bench.Now the I am IN POSITION, I easily reach to the weightstraps hanging on load clip (hanging convienently by my head)and slide the other hole of the weightstraps on to the barbell arm pin to geplete the connection. Now I am ready to do my bench pressing. WHEN DONE, I simply reach up and remove one side or hole of the straps from the barbell side and let them hang just on load clip. The bands never fall off because they are being held into place by the retainer clips on one side. IT'S SOOOOO EASY!!!!!!
It's like being able to slide weight plates onto a bar AFTER you lay into position and put the bar on top of yourself and then slide them off BEFORE you get up!!!!!!
AM I A GENIUS OR WHAT?!! Please write me back so know my suggestion was not in vane and at least read. Thanks,
Robert Goldhagen

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