Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Why cold process soaps are good for your skin!!!

Hi everyone. My name is Cindy Woods and, for the last almost 4 years, I have been making soaps and selling them on okay. In the begining I used to make the melt and pour ones. In other words, I used to buy the base, melt it, add some fragrance and that was it. But I realized that I didn't have any control over the quality of the soap or control over ANYTHING that I was selling. So, I thought it was time to offer something better to my family and to others that appreciate a good and moisturazing bar of soap. And in my searchings I found the COLD PROCESS SOAP METHOD that means making soaps using a gebination offatty acids and sodium hydroxide (lye). In the process of mixing water, lye and fatty acids, a chemical reaction called saponification occurs and the soap is created.
The number one benefit that I found making COLD PROCESS soap is that I got to choose what oils, vitaminsand herbs I want to add to create a perfect bar of soap that is good for any type of skin. The second benefit is that NO ARTIFICIAL or HARSH ingredientsare added in the soap. Sometimes, soap dye is added to give color to it. But, even that can be created using natural ingredients like herbs.
Of course, we need LYE to make soaps. But as I said before, the lye is what holds and blends the oils together. The amount of Lye used in my soaps arecarefully measured and are kept to a minimum. Plus,the soapshave to cure for at least3 weeks before being ready to use.The reason we curelonger is to give you a harder and long lasting bar. Just that simple.
The handmade Cold Process soap bars are creamier and luxurious because the soapmaker takes the time to research the ingredients, to testuntil the perfect bar is created it. It gives the soap maker the freedom tomake bars ofsoap that can reachspecificskin problems like super dry skin or oily skin. In my soaps, I use a mixture of Olive Oil, Coconut oil, palm oil, castor oil, canola oil and sufflower oil. You can feel the oils in your skin.. That, in my opinion, isthe big difference between cold process soaps and regular bars bought at the supermarket or the melt and pour ones.
And mpre: there is not one RECIPE for it. The soapmaker can createhis/her own to help deal withdifferent types of skin. Once I tried my first bar, I could not stop using it. Have you tried it yet?
Thanks for reading and, please, vote at the end of the page to let me know if this information was helpful to you.

God Bless, Cindy

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