Thursday, September 8, 2011


OK - so we are all familiar with the fact that okay has a multitude of "rules" - or you can call them 'gemandments'.
Thou shall not steal another seller's picture or copy.Thou will not use profanity in thou's listing. Thou wilt not covet another sellers bidders and contact them about a similar item you are selling.
We need to abide by these gemandments in order to keep our okay status safe. And undoubtedly - these rules are good and meant to help us be better sellers and buyers.
But - I propose a list of gemandments that okay does not have and in my opinion - and I am sure the opinion of many others - they need to have. Every person that has ever spent any time browsing thru okay listings, has gee across these infractions, and will be able to relate to them.
The okay geMANDMENTS that I WISH okay had!
For SELLERS......
Thou shall not list an item without a picture in the listing. gee on folks - Digital cameras are cheap these days. Don't expect a buyer to purchase something without even seeing a picture of it.
Thou will not list an item with a picture that is so small - that you need a magnifying glass to look at it. Also forbidden are pictures that are so blurry - or dark - or light - that you can't begin to figure out what the item looks like.
Unless a seller is willing to pay for the buyer's medical cost - Thou also will not be allowed to put a picture in a listing that is turned sideways. GET WITH IT...okay will turn your pictures for you at no cost - all that is required of the seller is a click of their geputer mouse. Besides, the more time a buyer has to spend at a Chiropractor having his neck readjusted, is less time they have to spend looking at listings...not to mention the money they won't have to spend because of incurred doctors visits.
Thou shall not list an item without saying SOMETHING about the item. At least one sentence of information is a MUST.
Thou shall not have a longggggg listing that is made up of 99% rules the seller expects the buyer to follow and only 1% information about the item.
Thou will not list EVERY item in a seller's store with the words VINTAGE or ANTIQUE. The words HARD TO FIND and RARE will also be forbidden in the title of every item a seller has. And - the word AWESOME will not be allowed to be used more than once in each paragraph for the description of an item.
Thou will not use ALL capital letters in a listing.
Thou shall not include pictures in the listing that are 1 mg files. NOT everybody has a broadband connection. Think of those less fortunate that still have dial-up service. This begees a CAPITAL sin, if the picture is of the seller's cat or dog, and has nothing to do with the item being sold. Large cutsie animated GIF files are also forbidden if they are not relevant to the item.
Thou shall not do a listing without including a shipping cost or without including the shipping calculator. Buyers have better things to do than to write to sellers begging for a shipping cost.
Thou shall not list 50 new items on auctions and then put in the listings that you are going on vacation to Timbuktu and that while you are gone, you won't be able to answer any questions about the items until after the auctions are over.
Thou will not - thou shall not - thou must not - attach a sound file to a listing. HELLOOO - not everybody likes country music! And if a buyer wanted to listen to Christmas music in July, I doubt that a rough midi file would be their first choice of listening devices.
Thou sall not list a battery operated item and say that you don't know if it works because you don't have batteries to test it. Batteries are cheap. BUY SOME - and - then list the item AFTER you have tested it.
Thou shall not charge excessive shipping prices in an attempt to make a profit over and above what is made on the sale of the item. Sellers shall not presume that buyers are stupid enough to think they are getting a deal when the cost of the item is cheap, but the cost of the shipping is 5 times what it should be.
for BUYERS.........
Thou shall not push the ASK SELLER A QUESTION button, until after you have read the entire description in the listing to see if it contains the answer to your question. Sellers spend time writing the listing - the least you can do is read the information in it.
Thou shall not wait until the last hour before an auction ends to ask the seller a question about the item. Even okay sellers have a life away from their geputers.
Thou shall not ask a seller to pack something EXTRA carefully, because you don't want to have to pay for insurance.
Thou shall not pay for the slowest (and cheapest) shipping method, and then 2 days later ask the seller why you haven't received the item yet.
Thou shall not ask the seller to ship things via Media Mail - other than legitimate MEDIA items - just because it is cheaper.
Thou shall not write the seller and ask what the Reserve price is. If the seller wanted you to know what it was, he would have put it in the listing.
Thou will not ask a sellerwhat the shipping cost will be foran item that is listed as PICK UP ONLY.
Thou shall not ask a seller if a piece ofVINTAGE clothing they have listed for sale, is available in a different size or color.
Thou will not ask a seller if a part will fit your device, when you don't know what model or brand you have.
Thou sall not ask the buyer what the BUY IT NOW price is, if no BIN price is listed.
Thou sall not mail a check as payment to a seller who clearly states in the listing that they do not accept checks.
Thou shall not ask one word questions.

By following these additional - proposed gemandments, we could all have a less frustrating, more enjoyable and fun okay experience....the way it was meant to be!

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