Friday, September 11, 2009

Sellers not leaving feedback for excellent paying customers

I pay instantly. Almost every item I receive I have to repair. As long as I can repair it? I leave the seller a very excellent feedback. However, sellers will not take the time to leave feedback for the buyer. Between the quality of the product being misleading. Still I've left every buyer except one out of 60 some odd purchases a very positive feedback, about a dozen or so sellers that I only dealt with once, did not leave any feedback for me. Again, I paid instantly with pay pal. I left them an excellent feedback. They are too lazy to do the same for me. Even when I e mailed them about it. The seller said everything on my end was perfect. Most still did not leave a feedback rating for me. Also, if you receive a defective product that is brand new? Some sellers only issue a partial refund. If a seller advertises a rebate on multiple purchases? Good luck trying to collect. Seller complain about Ebay customers. Well some sellers do not take care of their best paying customers. So to all the sellers that I've dealt with that snubbed me on my feedback rating. I'll never do business with you again. You just lost one of your best paying customers. Finally, if the quality of the items continue to be far less than what is advertised? I'm leaving Ebay altogether. I wish the other stand up buyers all the best. BTW, I'm aikstudiobass40. So the sellers that recognize my handle and did not leave me any feedback? You lost me as a customer.

Orignal From: Sellers not leaving feedback for excellent paying customers

Negative Feedback to Buy Back

A buyer posted a negative feedback saying bad packaging and item not new as described. Duh, item was damaged in the mail. I will no longer ship without insurance, lesson one. My issue is, the buyer has admitted the damage was done in the mail and they did not choose the insurance option but they will remove my feedback if I send them money. I feel this falls under the ebay buying feedback rule. It is also extortion which I also found in the help area. The response I receive is, we can not do anything about it. Also, why can't sellers leave negative if feedback was left unfairly like this in order to warn other sellers? Ebay has never responded to that question. Anyone else deal with an issue like this? Does anyone have any ideas or feel I am wrong?

Orignal From: Negative Feedback to Buy Back

Is it by feedback or stars or what??? I have just noticed this little yellow ribbon and am wondering how do you get one.... Any info is appreciated! Thanks a bunch NanaJules

Orignal From:

Slow Shipping?

I was perusing several sellers' profiles, and I noticed a common theme--buyers' leaving negative feedback for slow shipping. While I have never sold anything, only bought, I have the intention of starting. I don't understand how something like the speed of shipping is the seller's fault. If anyone else has thoughts on this, feel free to respond.

Orignal From: Slow Shipping?

Feedback for buyer

I'm I doing something wrong, I can't leave negative feedback for the buyer........they left one for me, saying that it took to long for item to ship.....I shipped as soon as check cleared thru pay pal, I can't control how long it takes pay pal to clear a check - AND - pay pal never notified me when check did clear!

Orignal From: Feedback for buyer

wow what a problem

I went to buy several items from a seller I don't know If I can give u the name of this seller but I was tring to buy 14 items from this seller and all the shipping and handling was suppose to be free and when It came to the end of the sale the invoice had S

Orignal From: wow what a problem

negative feedback

I received a stone that was ok and somewhat similar to the displayed stone I bought. I contacted the dealer and questioned the discrepancy. He/she replied back " if you want to get what you see go to my store" I do not feel this is warranted and I tried to leave a negative (neutral) feedback - after a week - but this hasen't appeared and I do not know why - I would not treat customers that way. Any comments?

Orignal From: negative feedback




Tuesday I Feel Better Chat

I'm getting over a nasty cold. Even sellers look good!

Orignal From: Tuesday I Feel Better Chat

Crazy harassing buyer left 7 neg feedbacks in one day, what now?

I have a buyer who kept me waiting for payment over a month, I started the proper procedure and then she promised to pay if I take off the report thingie, I did and shouldnt have, she paid, I sent the goods. She didn't buy insurance or tracking so did put it on. From day one she wanted a tracking number, Couldn't get it thru her brain that there was not since she didn't pay for it, then she started harassing me for my unprofessionalism. Then she started accusing me of not sending her items and only taking her money plus DAILY beratement for not putting tracking on the package. About the time the package was to arrive she she upted the accusations about me not sending the patterns. I even sent her a copy of the receipt showing that I had sent it. The upshot of it is that she daily harassed me about the package for almost 3 weeks, I eventually ended up calling the post office in her small town 3 different times. Seems the post office knows about her and have had on going problems with her about a number of things and I eventually gave her a full refund to get her off my back. Yesterday she left bad feedback on all 7 items in the package with more accusations. I replyed to the feedbacks and need to know what more I can do. I have kept every message and am so angry I could spit, I wish I could post the proper feedback in this buyers feedback area but we know how that is. With what she said in the last couple of e-mails after the refund was sent, I think she had infact got the package and just wanted to harass me because of not putting tracking on her package out of my own pocket. Any suggestions? My other feedback is great and can only hope folks read further than the bad stuff posted yesterday. Terry

Orignal From: Crazy harassing buyer left 7 neg feedbacks in one day, what now?

What Would Happen If All Sellers Boycotted Ebay For A Day

What would happen if all seller decided to boycott Ebay for a day? Would they finally realize that they cannot exist without us the Sellers?

Orignal From: What Would Happen If All Sellers Boycotted Ebay For A Day

Feedback error message

I am trying to leave feedback for a seller, and no matter where I click on the word "feedback," I get the same error message from the eBay website. The order is through, but it keeps redirecting me to the eBay site and not letting me input feedback anywhere. I tried clicking on "leave feedback" near the "contact seller" button/drop down menu on My Purchases, and it didn't work. I tried looking up the seller through the Feedback link and that didn't work. The seller even e-mailed me steps on how to do it, and those didn't work either. Is there something wrong with the site? Can anyone help me out?

Orignal From: Feedback error message

non paying strike

i am really getting tired of these people that bid, and dont pay. the ebay policy should be changed. i think this is the way it should work. hold the buyer and seller responsible . this is the way it should work. buyer doe's not pay. 1.waiting time should be reduce to 5 day's to pay. 2. after 5 day's two emails should be sent to buyer. 3. buyer does not respond. after two email's. case should be close. 4.seller get's credit, buyer get's a nonpaying strike. 5. buyer should get a negative for not paying, and also this should also affect his percentage. 6. ebay, must enforce the sale of the item ,cause the buyer is responsible for paying. ebay has a credit card on file, make them pay. plain and simple. hold the buyer accountable for his action, just like ebay hold's the seller liable. i bet if this rule was to be applied, all this non paying people would go away, and the problem too. just my two cent's.. alreyna007

Orignal From: non paying strike


i recently started to send emails to buyers asking them to return feedback. i have had numerous buyers give me feedback in the message area instead of the feedback area most of them were new buyers with less than 10 feedbacks. i think ebay needs to do a better job of educating new buyers on how and were to leave FAIR feedback. considering all the things they affiliate it with when you are a seller and the onesided nature of it is it to much to ask that ebay do a better job teaching buyers how to leave feedback. have others had this experience? and i have yet to figure out how to improve my dsr's when i don't know who leaves the low ones, it's like fixing a leaky boat in the dark with no tools in the middle of a deep lake. you know you could sink anytime but what can you do but keep bailing water.


Feedback system ... I rate it Negative!

I know I'm probably preaching to the choir...but I just want to vent! eBay will tell you that they made the changes to the feedback system to help make it more 'acurate'. The previous system caused buyers to be afraid to leave acurate feedback for the seller...fearing negative feedback for themselves in return. So eBay decides to forbid sellers to leave negative feedback for buyers. Wait, HOLD THE PHONE???!!! O.K. while this will allow buyers to openly express themselves without fearing retaliation from the seller, it leaves most sellers fearing leaving feedback for any buyer until they have received favorable 'positive' feedback from the buyer. All eBay accomplished is shifting the fear from the buyers to the sellers. It did nothing to aid in making the feedback system more 'acurate'. I have posed the following to eBay Customer Service numerous times in the past couple of months, after dealing with a number of transactions and not receiving the appropriate feedback from sellers because they are afraid to leave feedback before I leave them positive feedback. I have always paid for my bids within 15 mins of the auctions' close. I consider that immediate payment. It takes a couple of minutes for me to go through the PayPal system and create a specific message to the seller regarding shipping, etc. So within 15 mins the seller has their money, shipping instructions, and my initial correspondence to them regarding the transaction. I am a firm believer that once I have done that, as a buyer I have met all of my obligations in the transaction. Should I not then receive feedback regarding my actions? Most of what I am hearing from sellers these days is... "once you leave me positive feedback, I will post feedback for you." This leaves me feeling 'extorted' from, being that the feedback I deserve is being held for no reason but to ensure the seller receives positive feedback and all 5's in their feedback from me. As a seller, my only interest in the winning bidder's feedback is the member's payment history from previous auctions; do they pay promptly and communicate promptly with sellers. Other than that, I could care less about anything else, honestly. I suggest the following senario to help correct the flaws in the Feedback System: 1.) Use the payment flags already set-up between the PayPal site and eBay to automatically generate 'payment history' feedback for the buyers. Currently, when you pay for an item using PayPal, the PayPal system sends a flag to the eBay system to show that the item has been paid for. Use that same flag to either post the amount of time it took for the item to be paid for in the buyer's feedback, or use a grading system to do the same, such as: "POSITIVE" - Payment sent within 3 days "NEUTRAL" - Payment sent within 5 days "NEGATIVE" - Payment sent after 5 days. (Note: the number of days is just an example.) 2.) Reinstate the option for sellers to leave negative feedback for buyers. If they can only leave positive or complain to eBay for help(which other members won't see) then the system isn't acurate at-all. With the automatic payment history feedback, sellers wouldn't need to leave feedback, but could still leave detailed feedback regarding the transaction, i.e. "superfast payment", "horrible communication", "very nice to deal with", etc. With this system, the seller will not be able to lie about the amount of time it took for the buyer to pay, because the automated system would show exactly how long it took the buyer to pay. Also, the seller would not feel that they have no say in how the transaction progressed after the close of auction. Buyers now have the ability to leave acuracy points...the 5's for each area of the sellers' responsibilities as-well-as the standard feedback. I think that was a great addition, as the limited number of characters you can leave in a feedback is inadequate for most negative experiences. I think this would work well, as do all of my close eBay peers, be they family or friends. I look forward to hearing from my other eBay see what they think of my idea. Happy eBaying!!!! Be blessed.... Chris Green a.k.a. Texas Maestro

Orignal From: Feedback system ... I rate it Negative!

Lied in feedback and I have email to prove it

HI Please help with an undeserved neg. I had measurements in listing on a size s item and she did not read lisitng. It did not fit her boy. Listing was accurate! I emailed back and offered a full refund and she could keep the item and sell or whatever. She could not wait a day for the refund. I contacted her about this, but ... -not sure what I am allowed to say about her revising the wrong feedback-ugh! -can this feedback be removed since it is all a lie and I have the email to prove it!?. Thanks!ABBYS808 Abbys Quick Auctions - eBay Store

Orignal From: Lied in feedback and I have email to prove it

positive but a neg?!

I have just gotten a review that was a positive but yet the buyer stated something about me smoking... I DONT smoke! No one in my house smokes, and this item has never been around smoke... it was a freaking dvd... what gives?! Is there any way to request a positive review be altered? I don't want any future customers reading it and thinking my items are from a smoking house, because they are NOT!

Orignal From: positive but a neg?!

dsr is a night mare!!

Apparently even thought i have 4.8 or better in all my star catagories, i will not be set up for a "recommended seller in october" is this typical?It seems that even though a buyer changed their feedback from a neutral to a positive the dsr they left originally sticks. is that true? how can i bring up my dsrs in the next few weeks without selling a million more units? Does anyone know? And what does that little ribbon on your tag mean anyway?

Orignal From: dsr is a night mare!!

Buyer opened claim left negative feedback

I am not happy. Buyer told item was broken, offered an exchange or refund. She opened a claim at paypal, I provided how was packed. Paypal want her send back a package , and refund everything. She will get her money back and still gave me a negative. What can I do?

Orignal From: Buyer opened claim left negative feedback

Tell Me Please, Just What Is The Purpose of.......................

Buyers feedback????? Everyone has beauty but not everyone sees it. -- Anonymous

Orignal From: Tell Me Please, Just What Is The Purpose of.......................

Warning to All

I went to leave feedback on my buying ID for an item I recieved today. Item had free shipping but the reminder did not come up as I clicked to give feedback. I went and double checked the item and it did have the free shipping as I recalled so I dont know if there is a glitch or change has been made. Sellers who rely on this may want to do some checking and contact EBay. Buyers, if you are of the mind a seller owes you something for free, should lose money on transactions and as a result only leave five stars if the shipping is free, please double check and dont rely on the lack of a reminder when leaving feedback.

Orignal From: Warning to All

Links to informaiton regarding seller rules changes for Oct, Apr.

Incoming email, along with general lack of focus prompts this posting. Link The most discussed changes: 1. Seller can no longer offer postal insurance as an option or a separate line item. 2. Seller can no longer misrepresent transit responsibility in the listing. 3. Shipping is being tightened up. 4. International sales have less impact on stars. 4. The restriction line is changing from 4.1 to a percentage of star negs. The most crucial (in my opinion) is the change away from 4.3/4.1 as the mechanism to detect sellers who ebay thinks need to be making changes. Instead, there is a focus purely on 1-2 DSRs as a count and a percentage of total sales ("star negs"). The intense focus is on the description star, which for higher volume sellers must stay below 1% negative or be restricted. An important percentage of sellers must make changes to achieve this goal.

Orignal From: Links to informaiton regarding seller rules changes for Oct, Apr.

To many bad dealers/sellers.

My last two Ebay transactions where disasters. First I got a defective item, the seller naturally blame it on the shipping, in the second one the seller simply won't send the item. I guess because it went for to little money. Most of the sellers are so cheap, they list the items for nothing and no reserve price set. Than when nobody is bidding and the final sale price is to low, they trying to weasel out of the transaction. Here's the letter what I received today from the seller: "parcel post out of ketchikan can take up to a month I know what else I can do....julie" and the previous one after two weeks: "its been well over a week i need to go to the post office dont worry you will get your product or a full refund". I think the sellers negative feedback or feedbacks should be on the top of all the feedbacks he or she received, so everybody could see them immediately, and they sould stay there.

Orignal From: To many bad dealers/sellers.

one Neg feedback out of 420 and my ratings 98.7 ???

I dont get the math I guess... 1 neg feedback recently after about 7 years and 420 transactions..... shouldnt it be 99.7?

Orignal From: one Neg feedback out of 420 and my ratings 98.7 ???

What in the world is so hard about leaving feedback?

I don't understand some people. You sell the bloody item, package, send off, you get email they're happy with the product, you send them a kind email to please leave feedback and this is the point where everything implodes. Why? It takes what.....15-20 secs. to give feedback? What in the world is the problem? Sorry for the rant but it is frustrating.

Orignal From: What in the world is so hard about leaving feedback?

Misleading Titles Headings

It is the buyer's responsibility to read a listing and this is can not be debated. In life you shouldnt spend money on anything without atleast taking some measure to know what the item is. I am curious as to the majority view as to sellers that constantly post/use misleading titles. The buyer should read a listing but a seller who constantly does this should not be able to say read the listing when they are pulling a fast one misrepresenting items in the title. If a seller puts in the title "Outstanding condition" or just give the title of something without indicating it is a reproduction, then the fact it is a reproduction is in the "fine" print, I tend to believe they are trying to mislead buyers. What is the prevailing view on this because I am starting to get annoyed at a few sellers. Fine I read the description, which is my responsibility, but shouldnt the title at a minimum not be misleading and inaccurate? I bought an item like this once. I left a positive because all of the other aspects were very good, and my thought was "live and learn" I wont buy from seller again. The seller I bought from is constantly misleading in his descriptions and as I do searches his items come up and you have to examine the picture closely to see that he is not telling the truth in the title. If everyone takes my initial attitude he is getting away with alot and I dont know if a buyer has to carefully read a description to see any disclaimers that the item is not as it is represented in the title. Basically it is a practice of describing items in very good to outstanding condition then a line saying "over" graded but still nice. Problems could easily be avoided if what the item is is stated in the title rather than "perfect" condition, 1958 Widget. There is nothing to prevent just saying 1958 Widget. He also tends to find items where the description he uses is actually accurate and posts his items at a few dollars less, when in reality they should be much less. I would like others opinions on this.

Orignal From: Misleading Titles Headings

Shouldn't eBay have a 'product review' rating?

So...I went over to Amazon dot com last night. NOT to shop...I went to get 'product review' information so that I could make a more informed buying decision here on eBay. And then it hit me...why doesn't eBay allow for such a thing? Then another thing hit much negative feedback is due to a poorly performing or inferior grade product? Buyer's remorse surely gets worse when the quality or performance are lacking. Maybe because we the buyers and sellers are not asking for it? Or is eBay considering or implementing such a function and I just missed that information when I decided not to read one of the messages eBay Inc. sent to me? Dean

Orignal From: Shouldn't eBay have a 'product review' rating?

Seller wants FB asap so paypal can release the money??

Ok, a friend of mine won a used computer this weekend through BIT. The computer was so oddly cheap as compared to the others, that she snatched it up just an hour after he listed it. She paid for the item instantly with paypal (visa on file) the next day. However, the seller contacted her today and asked.... if he shows proof he mailed the item, will she leave positive FB so that paypal can "release" the money to him. Note: He also made it seem like the shipping came up more than he thought and he needed the money to help with the shipping fee (applying the guilt trip). Even if that's the case, how will he get 'proof' of shipping if he hasn't shipped it out as yet. Ok, I'm confused here. I advise her to NOT leave feedback until the transaction is completed, meaning that the computer is also working as described etc. What do you think of this? I didn't know paypal holds money until feedback, or is he pulling a fast one. I smell fish.

Orignal From: Seller wants FB asap so paypal can release the money??

Buyer Requirements

Lets give Ebay a standing ovation on these as they are very helpful. The ability to block buyers who only have negative feedback saves so many prblems as there are so many of those people actively shopping here, as they keep these id's and never just start new ones that say 0 feedback. The ability to block buyers with 2 strikes also provides outstanding protection as buyers who make a habit of not paying for only one item per month are not at all a problem to deal with. Blocking buyers who have bid on many of your items is also a great asset as why have people who constantly buy and pay from you continue to do so? And it is much harder to specifically block those who have bid and did not pay. Blocking to countries where you do not ship is also great as we need added protection to help us not do something we have all ready stated that we will not do.

Orignal From: Buyer Requirements

Wonderful Weirdoes Wednesday Chat 09-09-09

Orignal From: Wonderful Weirdoes Wednesday Chat 09-09-09

Should I cancel my transaction, avoid feedback

I, as a buyer, had a problem with a seller. I was sent a non-working refurbished item, after much delay, and threats of raising a dispute with paypal within my 45 days, I was sent back all the money I paid. Of course I'm still not happy (but I am relieved). The camera I had planned on getting for vacation never arrived, and the vacation came and went. Now the seller wants to cancel the transaction, perhaps so to avoid an ebay fee. If I agree to cancel the transaction, will I not be able to leave any feedback? I would like to leave a neutral feedback. I did get a refund, but seller was very slow to respond, and even sent me an instruction manual instead of a replacement camera by mistake, delaying the whole process. I wish we had the following feedback system. __ Did you get the product as described? __ Did it arrive on time? __ If not, was seller communication and response quick and adequate after you alerted them of the problem? __ If not, did seller provide a full refund or replacement product? __ Were you satisfied with the refund or replacement product? __ Did you begin a dispute process with Paypal or other means? In other words, a seller can jerk people around and still get good feedback. They can send a defective product, delay the response, and not send a replacement, and if the buyer persists, they can send the correct product finally. Is a buyer to then give good feedback because the seller (FINALLY) came through with the product? (How many buyers didn't complain quick enough to resolve it with Paypal!) How I wish ebay would send an email reminder to all buyers after 40 days who have not left feedback, to remind them of their need to open a dispute if the transaction is still not resolved. ?? Should I cancel the transaction ?? ?? Should I give negative or neutral feedback, which??

Orignal From: Should I cancel my transaction, avoid feedback

Ebays unfair feedback policy

Why does Ebay allow buyers to leave negative feedback for a seller when the buyer made the mistake? For example, a buyer who buys a used item, does not ask specific questions prior to purchase, then complains after they receive it that it is used, are offered a refund, refuse the refund, and then leaves negative feedback. The seller has done nothing wrong. Second example, the item description describes exactly the product including any flaws in the product, the buyer buys it, then complains when they receive it about the flaw that was described in the listing, is offered a refund, and leaves negative feedback. Again the seller has done nothing wrong. In both cases the negative feedback hurts the reputation of the seller and reduces the % score, but they could not have done anything different - they are at the mercy of a feedback policy that is unfair, discriminatory, and serves absolutely no purpose in accurately describing a fair seller.

Orignal From: Ebays unfair feedback policy

Sellers who refuse to fix SNADs

We've seen a few stories lately. Apparently some local posters find themselves aligned with such sellers, and against those mean buyers who would post undesired fb when seller refuses an acceptable remedy. Common is a seller hiding behind "buyer didn't want to return the stuff". This whole dynamic is why the DSRs are changing. Sellers who refuse to fix SNADs are going to get crushed, come April. They need to be changing now, such that they no longer collect any negative description stars, and the older ones age off before April. Local posters who encourage such behavior will share in that pain. "Buyer didn't want to return the stuff" isn't going to save anyone.

Orignal From: Sellers who refuse to fix SNADs


As a buyer, my part of the transaction is completed when I pay for my item in a timely manner. It is at that time I expect feedback from the seller. The seller's part of the transaction is complete when I receive my item as described and in a timely manner. I do not appreciate sellers who wait til the buyer leaves FB first. If the seller is reputable and knows they are selling thier items as described, they should not be worried about negative FB when the item arrives. Sellers that state they "wait to leave FB to see if the item arrived" or other excuses make me think they have some reason to think the buyer may not be satisfied with the item, which should not be the case if described accurately, with pictures of the exact item itself, not a catalog picture...If I ever had a problem with an item, I have always contacted the seller first (only 2 or 3 times), got the problem resolved, and left excellent FB because the issue was solved promptly. Perhaps, to be fair to the sellers who do get subjected to "buyers remorse customers", negative FB should not be allowed to be left unless the buyer has contacted the seller first....


You Know You're a Real EBay Seller When ...

. ... you consider a scale and a scanner "vital" equipment. ... you know what a PITA is without being told. ... you have archived links to the Postal Inspector and a local law enforcement database in case you run into a scammer. ... you think not getting Feedback is a good thing. .

Orignal From: You Know You're a Real EBay Seller When ...

New Buyer negative feedback process? What do you think?

Suggestion to improve seller protection: I'm sure everyone has a say about how ridiculous the new feedback system has placed sellers in merciless predicament. Perhaps eBay should create a regulated process prior to a buyer's negative feedback? eBay should not hand a grenade to the buyer and not be responsible for what they are going to do with it!! Simply asking them to read the instruction will not suffice. Some new buyers may think it is harmless when what it does is actually blow away not only the honest seller's business, but also eBay's chance at more sales. The process should include a text field for buyer to include email correspondence with the seller, inclusive of the email headers, etc. This will remove the risk of buyers simply leaving a negative without even an effort to resolve the matter amicably. The facilitator should regulate with reference to the item description, and the seller's follow-up action, such as full refund, etc. I doubt no sane seller will take it lightly when this process is initiated.

Orignal From: New Buyer negative feedback process? What do you think?


Hi, I recently purchased a gold lot from an ebayer. This ebayer put a description that was different from what i received and produced a picture that was a highly magnified version of this gold and put a ruler to show the size. I received it in the mail and I knew it was going to be small but it looked nothing like described or shown in the picture. I contacted the saler and requested a refund. This saler offered me one but minus about half of the cost and originally he stated in his description that he didn't offer any refunds. I was worried that I wouldn't even received a refund if I sent it back by the way this saler began to act. I did leave negative feedback after he offered me a refund but it only stated that his auction description was misleading and was not the same as what I received. He intern reneged on his offer and put a positive feedback so I could not revise it and stated that I was a bad costumer, I couldn't read, that I had LIED, and that salers were to beware me. Is there something wrong with this?

Orignal From: Feedback

Overplaying a SNAD hand

Two threads yesterday involved sellers who got negged after overplaying a SNAD hand, refusing to make peace with buyer, but wanting to wail afterwards. Another new one today, from buyer's side. Any poster who advises some other seller to take a hard line in a SNAD case had better consider these cases. If a seller can afford the neg/bad stars, fine. But that's what happens.

Orignal From: Overplaying a SNAD hand

Cannot leave feedback, no option to.

I made a purchase, and received the item, and when I logged in to leave pos feedback there was no option to do so. In fact, the transaction didn't even show up in My Ebay.. I am in contact with the seller and they have the same problem. I want to leave feedback but dont know what to do.

Orignal From: Cannot leave feedback, no option to.

DSR's - Free Shipping = Automatic 5 Stars

Would it be a good idea for eBay to adopt the policy of automatically granting 5 stars in the "Shipping and Handling Cost" DSR category to any seller offering items with free shipping and take that decision away from the buyer when they are leaving feedback? Presently, eBay does not do a very good job of educating buyers on the meaning of the 5 star DSR categories. Then there are buyers who love to mess with seller's DSR's by intentionally leaving low DSR scores. Sellers should not have to suffer from either circumstance if they have given buyers free shipping, or given free upgrades to Priority delivery service. I always incur more expense for shipping than I charge, when factoring in delivery confirmation, yet buyers are leaving more and more lower scores for shipping and handling charges than ever before. Anyone else experiencing the same?

Orignal From: DSR's - Free Shipping = Automatic 5 Stars

Why do sellers have to act so defensive?

On my buying id I had an auction end on Sunday and paid shortly thereafter. Seller says he "usually" ships within 2 days and will send me the confirmation number when shipped. Well today is Wednesday and still no confirmation number so I shoot him an email asking rather tersely "So when can I expect the package?" He emails me back saying how sorry he is and that Monday was a holiday and how there was a death in the family and I'm like whoa, I only want to know when the item will be shipped. He didn't have to be so defensive about the situation. Maybe it was because of the email I sent. No hello or how are you or things like that. Just a simple, direct email that cuts to the chase. I always send these kinds of emails to get their attention if I feel I've been ignored. It works every time.

Orignal From: Why do sellers have to act so defensive?

How do I block the final auction price from my feedback page?

When I look at what other sellers have sold in their feedback profile, many have - where the price exists on my feedback page. I don't know how to keep the price from being present. Can anyone help me figure this out? I like the idea of that being private without making my entire feedback page private. Thanks!!!

Orignal From: How do I block the final auction price from my feedback page?

Is EBay Growing Again - Blip or Trend?

. This analysis and graph is very interesting - it actually shows growth in sales for eBay for the first time this year. The data compares monthly data for this year compared to the same month last year. EBay sales had been declining -5% each month this year, while Amazon's are up about 50% each month. But this August, eBay saw a 4.6% rise! Link Has eBay turned the growth corner? A particularly interesting question, and one month does not a trend make. Last year, eBay sales never recovered from the summer slump, which led to a disastrous holiday season (for eBay anyway). Factor in WalMart's entry into the arena, and eBay really needs some good data, and quickly. Amazon continues to grow by 50% month over month, and that line has been consistent. .

Orignal From: Is EBay Growing Again - Blip or Trend?

automatic feedback

i am getting frustrated with the luck of the draw feedback. i ship all items with delivery confirmation, and when i buy an item i leave feedback as soon as i receive my item,but i keep dealing with people that dont leave feedback both buyers and sellers. there should be an automatic positive feedback left at the deadline if no complaint or feedback is left for the ebay member.

Orignal From: automatic feedback

How NOT to respond to a negative feedback...

Was looking at bidding on 2 items from a seller. The items totaled $850.00. and I would have went to $1,000.00 on them. I looked at their feedback and found this: BUYER: NEGATIVE "AVOID. Had to file a claim for significantly not as described (I did pay). SCAM!" Ok, no biggie, seller had numerous other postives so at this point I'd probably still bid... but the seller replied with: Reply by I did refund money Not my fault 5X didn't fit Try a diet lady or buy a tent next Holy freakin' moly... I hit the copy and got the heck outta there. I wouldn't buy from that seller now if they were the last source on earth for what I need. Point is the buyers negative wasn't my deciding factor... the sellers comments were. This guy needs to go find another line of work 'cause selling ain't for him. He needs a job out on a deserted island somewhere far away from other people ROFLOL

Orignal From: How NOT to respond to a negative feedback...

Monday, September 7, 2009