Friday, September 11, 2009

Is EBay Growing Again - Blip or Trend?

. This analysis and graph is very interesting - it actually shows growth in sales for eBay for the first time this year. The data compares monthly data for this year compared to the same month last year. EBay sales had been declining -5% each month this year, while Amazon's are up about 50% each month. But this August, eBay saw a 4.6% rise! Link Has eBay turned the growth corner? A particularly interesting question, and one month does not a trend make. Last year, eBay sales never recovered from the summer slump, which led to a disastrous holiday season (for eBay anyway). Factor in WalMart's entry into the arena, and eBay really needs some good data, and quickly. Amazon continues to grow by 50% month over month, and that line has been consistent. .

Orignal From: Is EBay Growing Again - Blip or Trend?

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