Friday, September 11, 2009

Sellers not leaving feedback for excellent paying customers

I pay instantly. Almost every item I receive I have to repair. As long as I can repair it? I leave the seller a very excellent feedback. However, sellers will not take the time to leave feedback for the buyer. Between the quality of the product being misleading. Still I've left every buyer except one out of 60 some odd purchases a very positive feedback, about a dozen or so sellers that I only dealt with once, did not leave any feedback for me. Again, I paid instantly with pay pal. I left them an excellent feedback. They are too lazy to do the same for me. Even when I e mailed them about it. The seller said everything on my end was perfect. Most still did not leave a feedback rating for me. Also, if you receive a defective product that is brand new? Some sellers only issue a partial refund. If a seller advertises a rebate on multiple purchases? Good luck trying to collect. Seller complain about Ebay customers. Well some sellers do not take care of their best paying customers. So to all the sellers that I've dealt with that snubbed me on my feedback rating. I'll never do business with you again. You just lost one of your best paying customers. Finally, if the quality of the items continue to be far less than what is advertised? I'm leaving Ebay altogether. I wish the other stand up buyers all the best. BTW, I'm aikstudiobass40. So the sellers that recognize my handle and did not leave me any feedback? You lost me as a customer.

Orignal From: Sellers not leaving feedback for excellent paying customers

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