Friday, September 11, 2009

Negative Feedback to Buy Back

A buyer posted a negative feedback saying bad packaging and item not new as described. Duh, item was damaged in the mail. I will no longer ship without insurance, lesson one. My issue is, the buyer has admitted the damage was done in the mail and they did not choose the insurance option but they will remove my feedback if I send them money. I feel this falls under the ebay buying feedback rule. It is also extortion which I also found in the help area. The response I receive is, we can not do anything about it. Also, why can't sellers leave negative if feedback was left unfairly like this in order to warn other sellers? Ebay has never responded to that question. Anyone else deal with an issue like this? Does anyone have any ideas or feel I am wrong?

Orignal From: Negative Feedback to Buy Back

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