Sunday, August 16, 2009

People Just Not Leaving Feedback Period! Fuebay!

I am just losing my mind over this feedback crap. I make on an average 20 to 25 sales a month. And guess how many people leave feedback about 2 or 3. So what happens my feedback Search comes off Raised. This makes me so mad I am ready to close my store. When my store is raised I get twice as many sales and so much more traffic it's not even funny. Why is it my fault that nobody leaves feedback so you don't get more than 10 feedbacks a month so you come off the raised position. Screwed again by Fuebay! Just spell out the first 2 letters you will get it! There's gonna be a point where people might just really say this I am at that point close my store and refuse to ever buy anything or ever come back to the webpage period. If I want something I will go to craigs something to buy whatever I need!

Orignal From: People Just Not Leaving Feedback Period! Fuebay!

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