Thursday, August 6, 2009

Seller slaps me…and then leaves positive feedback?

I won a set of shirts on July 13, using an automatic snipe service. The auction had a very simple description, no indication about payment terms, deadlines, etc. Somehow, the auction fell off my radar, so I didn't make payment as promptly as I usually do. Which I regret because… On July 16, I received an e-mail from the seller stating that if he did not receive payment by 1:30 pm, he "had a guy who wants to make him a second chance offer." This was my FIRST correspondence from him – no prior e-mails, reminders or invoices. I responded that I would certainly make payment immediately (which I did, before I even sent the response), but I felt somewhat surprised by the tone of his note, especially as it was the first correspondence I had ever received from him. He responded with this: "Well tuck your lips in and suck it up. I have never not made immediate payment when I buy something on ebay nor have I ever had to wait more than 2 days for someone to send payment." Ouch! It was at this point I considered myself slapped. Anyway, I took it on the cheek and did NOT respond - I thought I would just leave it be. Plus I reasoned that I was somewhat at fault for not making faster payment (though I really, really, wished his tone on the first e-mails had been nicer, but I guess that was for me to "suck it up" as he said). Anyway, the shirts arrived, in okay condition as described, though he sent them a week later than the "1 business day" turnaround stated in the auction. And there it was left – no correspondence, interaction or feedback (from either party)…until yesterday, when seller left me positive feedback: "Great buyer." Color me actually surprised. What kind of feedback would you leave for the seller?

Orignal From: Seller slaps me…and then leaves positive feedback?

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