Thursday, August 6, 2009

Feedback Policy Unfair to Seller / Hostile ebaying

Dear Mam98031 It's Aug 2, 2009. You responded to a post I made about a week ago? Not sure on that date. Anyway, you took the time to respond to my comments as to how - in my opinion - the 'new' (well, not so new anymore) policy on feedback has really 'hurt' or 'harmed' sellers. I thank you for the response, the comments, suggestions, etc. - and for taking the time to write such. Two things stood out to me, however, ONE being that I email (forward) threatening or hostile emails to eBay (and call), and Seondly, you mentioned that it's not fair or nice for me to give out neg feedback and be a part of the problem, rather than part of the solution (those are all my words, of course.) On more than one occasion, I DID report several buyers to ebay - and on one, I actually ended up calling. Via phone, I was told that 'unless emails and/or feedback has obscenities or direct threats, such as I will hit or kill, etc., there is nothing we will do." The one I called over was a buyer who said I was a liar and would be hearing from her attorney... and this was AFTER I left the buyer positive feedback. (Person is a blocked buyer now, of course.) So, I have 3 attempts at taking matters to ebay, and one on phone, and all 3 - I was told there wasn't anything 'threatening', just angry words, insults, etc., and as long as there isn't an obscenity on a posted feedback - there is nothing they will do. Secondly... I know you wrote it wasn't proper or fair to give negative feedback to sellers just because of this entire issue (I noted/wrote that I gave a neg feedback recently.) In that instance, I bought a pin, paid $9 for shipping, and when I emailed the seller, the response was, quote: "Be patient!" But, I don't know how to explain this... the response seemed to be written by someone who didn't normally write in English. I read their bio - and they noted location and 'them' being in the USA. 10 days after the purchase, which I paid $9 for, I saw it came from an Asian continent, and it looked like it was a 'pin-mill' where someone was just packing non-stop (again, hard to explain in this format, but, I could just tell.) I'm not picking on Asia... I'm just saying the seller was being deceptive. They could have been in Germany or Norway - etc. - but if you list you're in the U.S.A., then you should be mailing your items from there. My point of both stories are that for 8 years, I have given the 'benefit of the doubt' as a buyer myself. Now, now that I am being treated so poorly (immensely, since the new feedback change), that I am not going to give that benefit of the doubt as a buyer anymore. If someone lies, or doesn't keep their word - etc., I'm going to leave neg feedback now, and not think twice. Hey, if we're going to play by the rules, then, I'm going to play by the rules. I shouldn't have to pay $9 and wait 10 days after confronting the person about them saying they're in the U.S., when they're not. Again, the point is that the way eBay is treating sellers, it CREATES this 'culture'... which wasn't so much like this five or so years ago. I know TWO power-sellers, personal 'ebay pals' of mine that feel the same way I do, and rarely (if ever) list anything anymore. I only have one negative feedback, and the buyer lied and was horribly rude to me. When I opened a case on the matter, ebay came back with "a buyer being rude is not a reason for us to take action. They did not threaten you and did not post vulgar and/or curse words." So, a buyer telling me I'm a complete liar and that I'm harassing them (a lie)... and that I'll be hearing from their attorney over harassment... That's not a 'hostile' email? That's not something to intervene with? Hmmm... can eBay have not looked at my perfect record and the many thanks of 'thanks for sending the extra gift/pin/etc.'... Nope... they did nothing. What made that situation so bad was I had already left that buyer a positive feedback - and they were being 'nice' to me 'at first' - then BAM - went insane on me, left me horrible feedback with a lie. It's more than hurt feelings, because your score affects how much they charge you as a seller. So, when 'people' like that leave a lie, a negative feedback that is a lie - it hurts the seller in the money department, sales decline, and so forth. In about 75% of my sales, when I send a Disney pin, I add in an extra 'fun free pin'... a good one, too. And 9 times out of 10, I either don't get ANY feedback, or I get a simple 'thank you.' My feeling is, my gut is - the way eBay is changing the rules, it's turning eBay into a sort of cheap-flea-market atmosphere. Since they don't want to 'get involved' with EXTREMELY rude buyers who send horrifically 'mean' emails... it leaves a real sourness for sellers who go the extra mile. Now, I am still strongly considering just stopping ebaying all together, or be very business like. No more extras, no more free stuff, etc. And for a Disney seller - a Disney fanatic - that's not easy to do. I don't sell on eBay for a living. I'm not a power seller, etc. I just do it off and on. But, more and more often now, I'm noticing buyers using this feedback issue 'more and more' as a tool to manipulate. Now.... well, I have about 25 people on a blocked list (block buyer list.) So, as you can imagine, I'm tired of adding people to a block list, and super-dissatisfied with how eBay handles disputes, especially when a buyer send super-rude emails. They seem to want to take a 'no action' policy - when they could easily just enforce a 'neutral' feedback when these rare instances come up and it brought to their attention. I appreciate your comments, however. I really do. I see you are trying to HELP a lot of folks - a lot of sellers. That's kind of you. I still think a boycott would be helpful, however. I mean that in all honesty. If all sellers did a one week - heck - a ONE DAY boycott, eBay would take notice and listen. In the long run, I think this "seller can only leave positive feedback" policy is insane, and bad for everyone all around. Hey - thanks for your input, advice, and being so kind, etc. Honest. My apologies for typing errors in this post. Shawn / CompleteDisney

Orignal From: Feedback Policy Unfair to Seller / Hostile ebaying

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