Thursday, August 6, 2009


first i want to apologize as i know this is an Ebay board. this is a last resort thing as my Vet can't provide a diagnosis... my cat is very sick. by next week i will have to make a decision.... my cat Caviar is 18 years old. she was diagnosed with kidney disease in 2006. since then she's been on KD and her kidney values, her weight, have been doing fine. until 4 weeks ago... i noticed she had lost some weight. just to give you all info a few months before that, i realized she had fleas. i gave her a topical treatment; 1rst time since 1997, the year i decided to keep all my pets inside. i took her to the vet; the kidney values are still within the norm her thyroid was way high she has anemia she has a slight problem with blood cells red/white??? the xrays are inconclusive she is a little congested BUT she is NOT vomiting she WANTS to eat by doesn't seem to eat much she DOESN'T have diarrea HER BEHAVIOR; very strange miaw; sounds like she is pain. very strange sitting/resting posture. wants to eat often, little bites. she is resltess; comes to me every time i enter the bedroom. she doesn't look good; very skiny, poor hair/coat, very unstable walking around. she stayed a the vet for 2 weeks. we did blood tests, xrays, fluids, antibiotics etc... her thyroid level was back to normal with treatment; actually it was LOW. but NO diagnosis... the vet recommended an ultra sound; i'd have to go to a specialist. i took her back home only to go back to the vet 5 days later. she looks worse. she is still trying to eat and is totally restless... still not vomiting etc... we redid the blood tests and her kidney values are still within the norm... in between this 2 visits i have already spent well over 400 dollars; and the vet didn't charge me for the boarding, the exams and the xrays as i have many other cats and a dog. so i am asking all pet lovers on this board any idea what's wrong with Caviar? the problem all feline diseases have many of the same sympthoms... again my cat is NOT vomiting and doesn't have diarreah, which could eliminate many. we even tested for worms, leukemia... she is even flea free, her congestion has been treated but she is still fighting it .. AGAIN i apologize to post on this board. but there is a lot of traffic here and somebody might be of some help. i am desperate; i would hate to let her go without knowing why? it could be something very easy to cure... PLEASE HELP... letoulousain

Orignal From: LAST RESORT Help w sick CAT

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