Sunday, July 26, 2009

Feedback slow and screwy

Hi, when is eBay and all their smart brainy high tech people going to fix feedback "LOL" what am I thinking. Look what they've done to eBay as a whole the last year or so. Anyway I was leaving feedback for 100 listings. It took forever. When I'd moved my mouse if I came close to the "view item summary" tab It would lock up for around 20 or 30 seconds. Than when I clicked the leave feedback I wait and wait and wait for it to leave only 25 feedbacks. Like I've got the time. It's been slow a long time and it usually drops a few. But 75 out of 100. Give me a break. They must've had one of the high dollar brainy guys working on it. I bet that's what wrong. And you'd think it couldn't get much lower but it can. I know for me I'm about at the end of my rope. About to trun it loose.

Orignal From: Feedback slow and screwy

OT A look back for some

A LICK AND A PROMISE SOME OF YOU WILL UNDERSTAND THIS (FOR THE REST OF YOU IT WILL BE A LEARNING SITUATION) 'I'll just give this a lick and a promise,' my mother said as she quickly mopped up a spill on the floor without moving any of the furniture. 'What is that supposed to mean,' I asked as in my young mind I envisioned someone licking the f loor with his or her tongue. 'It means that I'm in a hurry and I'm busy canning tomatoes so I am going to just give it a lick with the mop and promise to come back and do the job right later. 'A lick and a promise' was just one of the many old phrases that our mothers, grandmothers, and others used that they probably heard from the generations before them. With the passing of time, many old phrases become obsolete or even disappear. This is unfortunate because some of them are very appropriate and humorous. Here is a list of some of those memorable old phrases: 1. A Bone to Pick (someone who wants to discuss a disagreement) 2. An Axe to Grind (Someone who has a hidden motive. This phrase is said to have originated from Benjamin Franklin who told a story about a devious man who asked how a grinding wheel worked. He ended up walking away with his axe sharpened free of charge) 3. One bad apple spoils the whole barrel (one corrupt person can cause all the others to go bad if you don't remove the bad one) 4. At sea (lost or not understanding something) 5. Bad Egg (Someone who was not a good person) 6. Barking at a knot (meaning that your efforts were as useless as a dog barking at a knot.) 7. Barking up the wrong tree (talking about something that was completely the wrong issue with the wrong person) 8. Bee in your bonnet (To have an idea that won't let loose) 9. Been through the mill (had a rough time of it) 10. Between hay and grass (Not a child or an adult) 11. Blinky (Between sweet and sour as in milk) 12.=C 2 Calaboose (a jail) 13. Catawampus (Something that sits crooked such as a piece of furniture sitting at an angle) 14. Dicker (To barter or trade) 15. Feather in Your Cap (to accomplish a goal - This came from years ago in wartime when warriors might receive a feather they would put in their cap for defeating an enemy) 16. Hold your horses (Be patient!) 17. Hoosegow (a jail) 18. I reckon (I suppose) 19. Jawing/Jawboning (Talking or arguing) 20. Kit and caboodle (The whole thing) 21. Madder than a wet hen (really angry) 22. Needs taken down a notch or two (like notches in a belt usually a young person who thinks too highly of himself and needs a lesson) 23. No Spring Chicken (Not young anymore) 24. Persnickety (overly particular or snobbish) 25. Pert-near (short for pretty near) 26. Pretty is as pretty does (your actions are more important than your looks) 27. Red up (clean the house) 28. Scalawag (a rascal or unprincipled person) 29. Scarce as hen's teeth (something difficult to ob tain) 30. Skedaddle (Get out of here quickly) 31. Sparking (courting) 32. Straight From the Horse's Mouth (privileged information from the one concerned) 33. Stringing around or piddling (Not doing anything of value) 34. Gallivanting around (Out running around or out chasing women) 35. Sunday go to meetin' dress (T he best dress you had) 36. You clean up real good (You look pretty good when washed and dressed up.) 37. Tie the Knot (to get married) 39. Too many irons in the fire (to be involved in too many things) 40. Tuckered out (tired and all worn out) 41. Under the weather (not feeling well; this term came from going below deck on ships due to sea sickness, thus you go below or under the weather) 42. Wearing your 'best bib and tucker' (Being all dressed up) 43. You ain't the only duck in the pond (It's not all about you) Well, as I have nothing better to do, let me try this, if you hold your horses, I reckon I'll get this whole kit and caboodle done and sent off to you. Please don't be too persnickety and get a bee in your bonnet because I've been pretty tuckered out and at sea lately because I'm no spring chicken. I haven't been just stringin' around, and I know I'm not the only duck in the pond, but I do have too many irons in the fire. I might just be barking at a knot, but I have tried to give this article more than just A lick and a promise. Oldklutz's This That and the Other Hug your parent(s) ...some day they won't be here.

Orignal From: OT A look back for some

ebay's feedback polices

fellow ebayer's, just encountered a problem i want to share. I sold a 45 RPM record on june 28, 2009. buyer paid thru paypal and i shipped item on june 29,2009 thru online USPS 1st class with DELIVEREY CONFIRMATION. a couple of weeks later, buyer sent me a message claiming she had not received item. i contacted her back giving her the DC# and telling her to check with her post office. I never heard back from her that she did this. today(7-21-09) she's left me Negative Feedback. I contacted Ebay by PHONE. Ebay says it cannot remove this unfair negative feedback. WHAT RIGHTS DO WE SELLERS HAVE WITH EBAY!!!!!!! this woman could be trying to defraud ME!!!!! USPS confirms delivery on 7-1-09 at 4:33 pm(DC #9101 7850 9140 1084 1798 01) check for yourself!!!!!! On every invoice i send buyers, I offer insurance, she DECLINED to purchase insurance. I offer insurance at face value and make no money on insurance. My question to my fellow sellers is: has anybody else had this problem with a buyer or EBAY. I think EBAY could do FAR MORE for us sellers than they do.(afterall, if there are no sellers, thers no EBAY) As a seller, what can i do when buyer's claim they have not received the item, even though USPS CONFIRMS A DELVERY. I AM VERY DISAPPIONTED WITH EBAY.......WE NEED NEW FEEDBACK POLICES THAT PROTECT SELLERS MORE!!!!!! I'm no rookie at this, I have been an ebay member since january 2001 and have over 2680 feedbacks. So there it is, frustrated as i am. Any fellow ebayers care to comment??????????????

Orignal From: ebay's feedback polices

feedback shows items as private

I would like others to be able to view the items I have sold when checking my feedback. The last two items are listed in the feedback as private. How do I change that?

Orignal From: feedback shows items as private


I wana know why Sellers cannot leave negative feedback for winning bidders that they end up having bad experiences with? Shouldn't Sellers be able to post their experiences with those people to let others see so they can be aware? I have had several people win auctions.....not pay and no cmmunication with Seller but yet while I'm waiting on pay they bid and pay others and all they can get is an unpaid item strike until they get so many to be suspended..Isn't all they have to do is make up another screen name then back over to square one we go? I think SELLERS should have a right to be able to voice their experiences with transactions. It's either good FB or none...That's just not right.....ANYONE ELSE FEEL THE SAME?? CAN THIS BE CHANGED????/


You will like this one.

Buyer buys item, I ship, she contacts me outside Ebay with "I got an empty box" I go to refund and find a dispute in Paypal already, call paypal and they inform me that the payment failed the first place. Buyer states she threw away the box. So she wants the item plus the price of the item. Just funny.

Orignal From: You will like this one.

No message, Neutral left? Can i do anything about it?

330343980527 I put up my phone for $75 shipping with included insurance. I get an offer from a buyer with 1 feedback for $60, i accept. A day goes by, no payment. Around 36 hours or so after the auction end i get this message: "does this phone work well?? if not what are the problems that you had with it?" im asking to myself why is the buyer asking this 36 hours after winning the auction weird? so i respond i used this phone for 2 years, i just upgraded my phone i dont need this anymore everything works fine, no issues, no water damage, etc. She responds back ok just wanted to make sure. She pays immeditely and about 4 days later she asks if i shipped the phone even though i mailed her a dc number the same day she paid. I tell her yes you should of got shipment conf etc. Nothing since Dc shows it was del july 18th. No feedback, no nothing. Today i sign on i see neutral feedback: The item not discribed completely. card slot in phone didnt work. was not told. This is with no message to me at all complaining about this issue. I used that slot daily with no problems. How am i supposed to solve the problem if you don't tell me about it and how do i know shes not doing something like using an incompatible card. I emailed her and asked why she left it and what the problem is and no response. Do i just wait it out? I know im probably overreacting, but i hate getting neutrals or negative when i was honest and did what the auction stated especially with no message before the feedback.

Orignal From: No message, Neutral left? Can i do anything about it?

100% drops to 95.2% why?????

for over 4 years I had perfect 100% [feedback] then Xmas Eve I got a neg. from a scrooge and without opportunity to negociate my 100% droped rapidly down to 95.2 % why?? how is this corrected. fashlady

Orignal From: 100% drops to 95.2% why?????

EBay earnings fall 29% in second quarter

Link here: Link Full report with tables here: Link EBay released their second quarter reports today. Still no good news, the stats are still in decline, for the third quarter in a row. Here are q/q revenues for the last five quarters: 9%, 1%, (18%), (18%), (14%) As you can see, doing fine before Donahoe and his "disruptions", then the growth slows and losses set in. Donahoe's take on all this? "We are managing our business with focus and discipline, delivering on our commitments while investing in our growth priorities. I'm pleased with our pace, our progress and our performance." You and Jeff Bezos, John.

Orignal From: EBay earnings fall 29% in second quarter

Thursday July 23 Chat

Wacko For Jacko...just cause...something to wake up the feedies Link

Orignal From: Thursday July 23 Chat

OT: I Was A Star Dinger cartoon - FREE TO USE

Hello! As you know, many eBay sellers are frustrated that their stars can be dinged by well-meaning buyers who think that 4 stars is a perfectly satisfactory rating. I wrote a cartoon to illustrate the point. Anyone on this board may use the cartoon however they wish on the internet or in print, at no charge. Some sellers have expressed interest in printing the cartoon and including them with their eBay packages. You are welcome to do that if you like. A higher resolution color image is here: Link A high resolution black and white image is here: Link Thanks! Enjoy! Check out INTERNET FUNNIES -the comic strip for eBay buyers and sellers.

Orignal From: OT: I Was A Star Dinger cartoon - FREE TO USE

I want to leave Neg feedback and can't

I recently won an Ipod. The seller sent me a USPS conf #. The shipping box arrived 10 days later. It contained a small glass ball that was broken. No Ipod I contacted the seller and she replied "I don't know what happened." Paypal would not pursue it because she supplied a DC #. When I try to leave neg FB, the "Confirm" icon will not light up to leave the FB.. Do I have any recourse on getting my $150 back.

Orignal From: I want to leave Neg feedback and can't

Buyer Satisfaction rating

How about a simple buyer satisfaction rating system that shows based on feedback they have left- It seems they could not be a drawback to this because they could just leave feedback only when completely satisfied. Any real problems would result in a transaction being cancelled so there would be no fear of a buyer not reporting problems as you could limit it to cases where the buyer kept the item. This would eliminate negative or neutral feedback in cases where you have an unreasonable buyer. You could also judge the landscape alot better- a 90% satisfaction rate on 1000 purchases- good buyer- 50% on 10 transactions add to blocked list. This lets the seller know who they are dealing with and would cause any buyer to think twice before leaving unwarranted feedback. I cant see a drawback because if a buyer has been taken advantage of and leaves negative feedback-will a seller really turn down their money if they have only done so once or twice-about the average amount of actual bad transactions.

Orignal From: Buyer Satisfaction rating

Helping Buyers, Helping eBay

I know this topic gets brought up time after time. I would really like to see a way to block buyers from my search results without having to go in and list them specifically in a search. It's a real pain to do it that way. I think we could help eBay make selling better by being able to block and give a reason at the time we block. Maybe even have a 30 day or 60 day expiration on the block. When the expiration date hits have a message that asks if we want to continue the block. The reason we blocked may have been fixed and this would remind us to double check. If we had to give reason for blocking a vendor, eBay could pull a list of vendors with multiple blocks on them and look at the reasons, then follow up with the vendor to fix or ban as needed. I constantly fill out the excessive shipping and handling reports. I hate people selling items for ,99 and charging $30 for shipping. I report them every time, but nothing seems to be done about them. I see the same person time after time selling that way. I have gotten to where I almost never buy anything without free shipping. Then you even have to watch those for people adding $3 "insurance" required to a $1 sale. Yeah, I want to insure something for 3 times the cost... If we chose to block a seller, we would have to fill out the report form or something similar with a few more choices as to why you are blocking them. I can't even block a seller I had a bad transaction with. I buy hundreds of items. I only have a few vendors who I want to block. The biggest reason is screwy shipping charges or I don't like their store policy (usually something that is against the rules anyway.) If I am going to take the time to report these vendors, I should be able to block them also. Reporting vendors does not help me at all. I still have to wade through that persons listings or make a basic search that I have to go through for everything. I find a lot of things just by browsing the different categories. I have even searched for non-eBay created search engines to find one that blocked specific vendors. Heck, I would even pay for a search engine that I could block specific vendors. I still think that adding some categories to the reporting system, like "bad purchase experience", "store policies", "suspect merchandise" or whatever should allow us to block that vendor for at least 30 days with the option to continue the block at the end of that time. I would actually buy from more vendors if I could block ones I don't like. As it is now, I stay with a few main vendors because I know their policies and I have had good experiences with them. But that also means a lot of items that I just don't buy because it's so time consuming to look at the store policies of 50 different stores every day.

Orignal From: Helping Buyers, Helping eBay

Ok I don't get it

A buyer left really good feedback for me, yet she marked the transaction as neutral....... Huh? I know my stars are really a mess but almost every comment is good. I feel like I am in the twilight zone.

Orignal From: Ok I don't get it

Seller leaving feedback

I used ebay like it was crack a few years ago. Went to college and came back, now i had to make a whole new user id because i forgot my old one. Had my first deadbeat buyer recently, upon closing the case after this person not responding for almost 4 weeks, I wanted to leave negative feedback. Found out I can't? Is this a joke? Why as a Seller can you not state if a buyer is good or bad? Someone needs to change this.

Orignal From: Seller leaving feedback

Someone is impersonating my feedback profile for Craigslist scams.

Help! The last week, I've been getting messages from eBay members asking for tickets I was(n't) selling on craigslist. How do I stop this person from impersonating my feedback profile to try

Orignal From: Someone is impersonating my feedback profile for Craigslist scams.

OT - Need any information or help with an eBay Motors transaction

My niece just called me and said she had purchased a car on Craig's List, but that the seller sent an invoice through eBay and was given an eBay Motors Vehicle Purchase Protection case id number. The invoice indicates that payment is to be made via MoneyGram Money Transfer to an eBay Motors Agent in charge of this transaction. The invoice explains how to get a MoneyGram and provides the name and address of an "eBay Motors Agent". It also request the buyer email payment information to eBay Motors Financial Department, however the link to do so is not accessible. In my attempts to find out some information through eBay Motors "Help" pages, it states clearly under "Complete Your Purchase: Pay the Seller" to Never use instant money transfer services, like Western Union or Moneygram, to pay for a vehicle.Does anyone have any suggestions on how she should proceed? I have never dealt with eBay Motors and have no idea who to contact or if this is legitimate. Any help would be appreciated. Why doesn't anyone ever think to ask, "What the heck was this chicken doing walking around all over the place anyway?"

Orignal From: OT - Need any information or help with an eBay Motors transaction




Feedback Changes Cause Problems

I am a fairly new seller to Ebay. We started about a month ago and in our 12 transactions are 100% perfect for positive. We decided to sell our Nintendo Wii and someone came in at the last second to buy it. We sent our invoice as we should have and after about a day we got an email saying "I have questions about the items". We explain that these should have been asked before winning the auction, but kindly answer all the questions. He then informs us that he is running low on money and could we give him $30 off if he pays now or "I am going to make you wait". I decide enough is enough and forward all the emails to ebay. They respond in 3 days (not too quick I might add) and say that there is nothing we can really do except wait the 7 days and then open up a claim. Which we have done. Of course this buyer still has not responded to the open claim that we also have to wait 7 days for. Call me crazy or a newbie, but would this not be the perfect scenario in which a buyer should be given negative feedback? Of course that cannot happen anymore, so as a seller, what in the world am I supposed to do?

Orignal From: Feedback Changes Cause Problems

I left feedback and then item dont work

I have bought an item and when I received it it worked fine.So I left positive feedback.When I went to use it again(about 2 hours later) it wouldn't even turn on.I emailed the seller and haven't heard nothing.What can I do?Can I get my feedback taken off?Can I file a claim?HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Orignal From: I left feedback and then item dont work

Economic crises bad feedback policy = E-bay revenue drop a record 29%

It was reported that e-bay's earning drop 29% this 2nd 2009 quarter. A little over a year ago, as of 04/2008, E-bay profit jump 22% for a revenue of 2.2 billions. Since June of 2008, it has gone down hill. We all know that the world is going through a severe economic crises that started well over a year ago. With all the "advantages" for buyers to buy online for goods, deals and savings. Wouldn't it be normal that E-bay would be, the online company, to maintain the strongest selling/revenues base and "weather out" this economic crises like no other. Their main competitor is. My question: Could it be that added to this situation, since they change a somewhat "fair" policy to their totally "buyer side" and seller you are NOT important one, it is killing many sellers and deterring new ones? You can have as many buyers that walk into your store, but without merchandises, what would they buy? When looking on this discussion board, how can they say that the "witch hunt" on "bad" seller is working. It's doing more harm than good!!!

Orignal From: Economic crises bad feedback policy = E-bay revenue drop a record 29%

Attention ALL BUYERS INTRODUCING..... LOGIC please put to good use

I feel the need to post this. I will never sell again so now I am solely a buyer but wanted to point out a few things about shipping and handling costs. 1) The mail is not free-sellers do not have an unspoke of agreement with the post office to ship items for free. It would be nice if they did but they do not. Have any of you ever been allowed to send something free of charge using any of the shipping companies or the US mail. 2) Packing materials are not free and some are actually rather expensive. There is no place you can go and get free bubble wrap, tape, packing materials, paper, large boxes or envelopes. The post office does provide some boxes and envelopes free of charge but sizes are limited. 3) Tracking confirmations are not free. If shipping is 1.89 via the US mail and the envelope costs 5 cents and a tracking number is 60 cents the buyer chaarging $2.50 for shipping is not excessive or unreasonable. Handling charges Say you buy a blender or blanket or curtains or pillows. You look and see that a seller has sold many of these. If you knock on that sellers door you will not likely enter a home with these items filling up the kitchen and living room. In most cases items will be stored in a storage unit which is not free. The buyer has incurred this cost and can add that into the handling fee. My point is it is insulting to everyone on EBAY to complain and deem shipping and handling fees unreasonable. Why should a buyer lose money selling you an item. Please ask what you have done for this seller to warrant your assumption they should basically give you something for free. It hurts everyone if good sellers leave Ebay because they did not reach 5 star service and have done nothing wrong. If a seller recoups his costs he is not cheating or beating you out of any money so how can such costs be unreasonable. If you would like free shipping you can modify searches to only show such items but if you do bid on items that have a shipping charge please be logical when leaving feedback.

Orignal From: Attention ALL BUYERS INTRODUCING..... LOGIC please put to good use

This ratings system is flawed!

I sold a Bass Guitar recently. I asked 18 bucks for shipping and mentioned Priority mail. The buyer complained because I had sent it by regular mail due to the expense which was more than I collected. Had I sent it priority I would have had to pay 20 bucks more than ebays mail quotes listed for the box size. He complained over and over by email although the mail took only 2 days longer. He then destroyed my communications rep with bad feedback causing my rating to drop to the pint where placard warning were issued to me. I have sold thousands of dollars worth of items on ebay and all of my feedback has been positive and now this. I even threw in a gig bag for him too which he apparently claimed was worthless. He got it at no charge and the bass was essentially new so he had no room to complain attitudes about that Some buyers love to do this to sellers and have horrible attitudes and we seem to have NO recourse which I feel is illegal. What are my remedies?

Orignal From: This ratings system is flawed!

Separate Shipping tabs are effecting my feedback and Seller Dashboard

I don't think people are looking at the Shipping and Handling Tabs before they bid and it's effecting my seller dashboard. Before, buyers could scroll the whole page and see at the bottom of the page that I only ship on Fridays and be aware of the wait before they bid or send me an email asking "where's my item". I have noticed a huge drop in overall feedback in the shipping time and charges catagories because people don't look at Tabs and the "hidden" information. Anyone else notice this?

Orignal From: Separate Shipping tabs are effecting my feedback and Seller Dashboard

Feedback extortion? What is this?

I bid and won an item. I then found the same item much cheaper and with free shipping from a different seller. I told the original seller to cancel my order and issue a refund because I wanted the item at a better price and with the free shipping. Seller refused to do this so I told them I was going to leave negative feedback unless they did but I did say I would not if they agreed to match the better price and not charge for shipping. I feel they are being totally unreasonable and am giving them the opportunity to make everything right. Economic times are tight and I need to save money any way I can. The seller refused to do this and said that I was committing "feedback extortion". What is this and how am I doing anything wrong when I am the buyer and they should be doing whatever they can to keep me satisfied. To me this seller is dishonest because if one seller can ship this item for free so can they. There shipping was $3.95 for priority mail with confirmation which I think is very expensive. If they dont issue a refund can I dispute this with paypal. I am new to Ebay and I am not happy to have dealt with such a difficult seller so early on. Are all sellers this unreasonable or was I unlucky enough to get a bad one you hear those stories about?

Orignal From: Feedback extortion? What is this?

who are these (***) ppl buying everything up?

I am sorry if this is new to me buy every time I bid on something there's always the same type of eBay member buying everything up. There names usually start with a letter and have three stars in between and then another letter, Like so s***s. Who are they? are they companies buying everything up? if so that's wrong, leaving the regular people who could get a hold of items they want at a nice price just to have it ripped away from them just because a greedy company wants to snatch it up and sell it again for more. boo!

Orignal From: who are these (***) ppl buying everything up?

feedback policy violation

Hi all. i need some help. I sold 2 items to a person. she sent me a message the next day demanding that i combine shipping. i informed her that i do not combine shipping. needless to say that i was polite and explained that i did not feel i was charging an unnecessary anmount of shipping and that both items would not fit in the envelopes that i had purchased for the purpose. the whole thing went back and forth for a while. mostly with her calling me a liar and assuring me that i did have a larger envelope in my house, informing me of the postal services flat rate enveolpes and informing me that it was ebay policy that i have to combine shipping. it all ended with her paying what she owed and her telling me that she would be leaving me negative feedback. i have looked it up and i believe that this is in violation of ebays feed back policy stating..... Members cannot undermine the Feedback system using practices such as: Feedback Extortion - Threatening to leave negative or neutral feedback for another member unless the other member provides goods or services not included in the original listing as i did not agree to comine shipping in my auction or afterwards. my question is, what if anything can i do about this? any help would be greatly appreciated.

Orignal From: feedback policy violation

ok how in the world did this happen?

I bid an off number, a very off number. Ok if the other bidder won, he bid more than me earlier. Because I was out bid right then. But the funny part is he won it for the same exact amount I bid. The very off number. There should be anywhere from a penny to a full icriment (sp) for the other parson to win. The off number is $20.13. When I bid it must about have been anywhere from 12>25 to 12.50. Oh yes I nibbled, because I like to nibble. I have my reasons for liking it, it is not for getting the item at the cheapest price, but I do like nibbleing.

Orignal From: ok how in the world did this happen?

Why do many sellers refuse to use the feedback program the recommended way?

How it would help sellers to use feedback the recommended way: It would cause the seller to have a higher percent of positives and higher DSR ratings. It would cause fewer customers to be dissatisfied because of the seller's feedback practices, causing more repeat sales. It would benefit other sellers by causing more people to buy on eBay instead of buying somewhere other than on eBay. It would cause more buyers to give positives and 5's to good sellers, making it easier for buyers to find the good sellers. What some sellers say which causes more buyer to be displeased with sellers, and causes fewer buyers to give positives and 5's to good sellers: They tell buyers that the positives for buyers are not worth anything to buyers. This sounds ridiculous to many buyers because logically a seller would want his/her customers to feel that positives are of some value. Also, eBay tells buyers that it is important to the reputation of the buyer to accumulate positive feedback. The same sellers who tell buyers that they don't need positives also say that some sellers feel more comfortable with a buyer if the buyer has several positives. They ask buyers questions on the feedback board which offend buyers. Like: What can you do with 75 positives that you can't do with 74 positives? Are you buying items or feedback? Why are you trying to force someone to give there voluntary opinion about you? They make remarks on the feedback board which offend buyers. Like: When I buy something, I don't need the seller to give me an "atta boy" or a "pat on the back". "I'm not obsessed by getting positives". My self esteem is not so low that I need a stranger to tell me how wonderful I am". They imply that the buyer is not being a good member of the eBay community when the buyer refuses to give a positive first to a seller who refuses to give a positive first, without criticizing the seller who refuses to give a positive first. It is important for buyers to leave appropriate feedback: It is good for buyers to leave feedback after the seller has done everything he/she needs to do regarding the transaction, or after the seller refuses to do as he is supposed to do after being given enough information and time. Below are eBay's statements with links: Be sure to leave positive feedback for your customers. It makes them happy and encourages them to leave positive feedback and high DSRs for you. Leave Feedback as soon as you receive payment or once payment has cleared. It sends a signal to your buyer that your are responsive and opens communication on a positive note. Link -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Under "When should I leave feedback" Sellers are encouraged to leave Feedback as soon as payment is received (or has cleared). That will start the Feedback process off on a good note. Link -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Under "What is Feedback and how does it affect my reputation?" Positive Feedback tells prospective buyers the seller will deliver what's described, and lets sellers know a buyer is going to pay on time. Because trading online depends on trust, your Feedback is an important way to build your reputation on eBay. Link

Orignal From: Why do many sellers refuse to use the feedback program the recommended way?

Ebay Feedback Policies Need To Change. What Changes Would You Like?

Hi, I recently received my 1st negative feedback. I was sad, but for the first time I did not let a buyer run over me. I sold an item in great condition, and the ebayer was not satisfied with the item. I offered a refund minus shipping charges as stated in my listing, but the buyer threatened to leave me negative feedback if I did not give the shipping charges back. For a resolution I offered half of the shipping charges back, and the buyer accepted, but after finding out the cost to ship the item back the buyer sent me a message giving me the option of allowing him/her to keep the item and give him/her $30, or he/she would file a claim, and would get all their money back. I advised the buyer that I would not allow him/her to keep the item, and give them $30, but that I would stand by my return policy. The buyer filed a claim with pay pal, then improperly stuffed the item which was a heavy garment in an envelope, and shipped it back. The envelope partially opened, and the garment was ruined and partially sticking to the bag. Pay pal gave the buyer a refund due to tracking info, but then gave me my money also back because I provide photo evidence of the condition the item was received in. The buyer then left me a negative feedback referring to the pay pal claim, and the comment was removed, but the negative feedback remained. The buyer then left a follow up so he/she could make sure he/she defamed me saying the item was broke. Is this extortion? No, not according to eBay. According to eBay the buyer was negotiating. Will eBay remove feedback for someone lying? No Can a seller leave negative feedback for other sellers to be aware of for the buyer? No If a winning bidder doesn't pay, or respond, does the non paying bidder get negative feedback or a lower rating? No Can a seller ever leave a buyer negative feedback? No Feedback Policies on eBay need to change! Is what happened to me fair? Is what may have happened or may happen to in regards to feedback to any seller fair? Do we need to give to lose time, money, and be fearful of bad feedback that is undeserved, and not be able to leave bad feedback for buyers when it is deserved? Can we decide on a fair policy for both sellers and buyers? Please post your thoughts, and opinions here. We would all love to know what you think. Also, speak up to eBay, and tell them you want changes to the feedback policy by clicking on site map in the upper right corner, and clicking on suggestion box under connect.

Orignal From: Ebay Feedback Policies Need To Change. What Changes Would You Like?

Funny Friday, 24 July, 2009

After all, it is Friday,

Orignal From: Funny Friday, 24 July, 2009

So now eBay is deciding When and Who we can leave feedback for?!?!

I was attemtping to leave neutral feedback for a vendor that sold me a substandard item that required me to do extensive modifications to make the items fit and when I tried to post the feedback this is the response I received... You cannot leave negative or neutral Feedback for this PowerSeller within 7 days of the transaction. In the mean time, email the seller or request additional contact information, such as a phone number, to resolve any issues. I am sorry, but this is a crock! What are you doing messing around with BUYER feedback? I AM THE ONE SPENDING THE MONEY HERE NOT YOU, EBAY... Get your nose out of my business. Dont think you have grown so powerful that you dont need your members. This is a terrible policy and smacks of censorship...

Orignal From: So now eBay is deciding When and Who we can leave feedback for?!?!

How About A Friday Night Chat Topic?

Has everyone heard the story of the pet dog taking the 4 day old baby from his crib? Some say the dog should be put down, although from what I've read the dog was apparently not trying to harm the baby. And what about the parents, and their role and responsibility in this? Your thoughts? Link

Orignal From: How About A Friday Night Chat Topic?

Anger over Neutral feedback

To let everyone know this is a posting ID because I was told to post under a different name to avoid any retalliation. I recieved a very nasty message from a seller after leaving neutral feedback. Here is the story I bought an item-price was good and shipping was free. When I recieved the item it was as decribed but just not what I anticipated- I rechecked the listing and saw that it was accurately described and I had just gotten my hopes up thinking it was going to be like a knife set I had seen at the store. I had to wait 6 days to recieve the item. Taking that all into account I left neutral feedback and a one star for shipping time. I was not happy with the transaction but admit I had anticipated better through no fault of the seller so I cant say that it was negative, my satisfaction was just neutral which I made known through my feedback. Seller now sends a nasty email asking that I retract-why should I feedback is supposed to represent the buyers satisfaction level with the transaction and mine was neutral. Seller did leave positive feedback for me right after payment which was nice-but also his obligation considering I bought an item from him and was the least he cold do with the long shipping time. In his email he points this out like he did me some favor- do I have to retract the neutral? he is saying he will report this feedback to Ebay and they may sanction my account because of that. Any imput is appreciated.

Orignal From: Anger over Neutral feedback

eBay Feedback Extortion is a J-O-K-E

Buyer claimed that the item (a digital camera) should have included a memory card. A memory card WAS NOT listed as included as part of the auction and told me that I need to credit him $10 so he could buy one or he would leave negative feedback. I told him that I would accept a return of the camera and would refund the price of the item minus my original ship cost as the item works fine and is as described. He never responded and subsequently left negative feedback. I am being penalized for negative feedback by a buyer who failed to read the content of the auction properly and tried to blame me for his mistake, then threatened me with negative feedback and carried through on it. I have contacted eBay several times regarding this and have waited the estimated reply time after each contact and I have yet to receive the courtesy of a reply. eBay could care less about its sellers and the FB system is a total, unmitigated joke. This buyer basically tried to con me into giving him an item not included in the auction then retaliated exactly as he said he would yet eBay can't be bothered with even replying to me? However, my original post in this forum was censored by eBay...they sure are on top of that. I realize I am just your average seller (and buyer) but there is no way I given a dime's worth of business more to this total wreck of a company. Good riddance losers.

Orignal From: eBay Feedback Extortion is a J-O-K-E

Opinions on this sellers shipping tos....

I ship on Thursdays upon receipt of cleared payment. Your package will be shipped in the least expensive form available, unless you request otherwise, prior to receipt of an invoice. Shipping: $9.99US Postal Service Priority MailSee more services See discounts | See all details Estimated delivery within 12-13 business days

Orignal From: Opinions on this sellers shipping tos....


Ok! Hi! My name is Mike and I'm new here! So I buy this cool 1967 model PlayTape player. It says new in box. Pretty self explnitory. No questions asked. I open it up and it still has the original baterries installed from 1967! OMG!!! half the player is eaten up from the acid spillage. The OP's TOS says sold as is. Do I leave the guy a neg? What would you do? First feedback by the buyer should only be left if it is negative. That way we help ebay and ourselves! Mike Martin

Orignal From: NIB!

transmission parts distribution

we bought a transmission from these people and said it would work or we could get our money back, well the transmission doesnt work and when we called the seller he hung up on us and when we finally did get a hold of him, he's making up all these excuses, im disappointed that ebay would let him do business this way. now im stuck with a broke transmission and he keeps my money to, dont think this is fair at all.

Orignal From: transmission parts distribution

You know you a FB obsessed when....

Just a fun thread, for people WITH A SENSE OF HUMOR I'll start you know your a FB obsessed when ... The mailman delivers the mail later than usual and you have the urge stick 1 star sticker on his forehead. Your driving and you slow down for the Neutral light and stop when it turns negative. If it ain't broke... fix it til' it is.

Orignal From: You know you a FB obsessed when....

tried leaving a neutral feedback and couldn't. has anyone....

had this same problem??

Orignal From: tried leaving a neutral feedback and couldn't. has anyone....

Getting Blocked From Biddding

I discovered to my horror that a seller had blocked me from bidding on her items. I had left her positive feedback but with the comment that the shipping was slow (which it was in comparison to many other sellers I had been dealing with). She had actually left me positive feedback, so when I wrote to find out why I was blocked she went into a tirade about about my "negative feedback" I explained, offered to retract the comment, offered to do whatever was necessary. She was intractable and quite vicious in her replies. I thought buyers were supposed to be protected from vindictiveness, which this clearly is. Obviously, I don't want to deal with this person again, but I would like to warn other potential buyers about her. How does one do this?

Orignal From: Getting Blocked From Biddding

Ebay assisted negative feedback

Recently I had a bidder give me negative feedback with no prior comment until the NFB was listed 54 days later. I had offered a return policy indicating I would, repair, replace or refund if I got notice within 3 days of delivery if what I sold was not as stated. After a little sleuthing I realized that the user had 2 accounts and he was on my "no bid list" for a prior bid cancellation which caused me to cancel my auction. I found another auction where he inquired as to why he was on my no bid list so it must have bothered him. His NFB said I packed poorly, slow shipped, but I shipped same day and had delivery confirmation 2 days later. It was obvious retribution for the "no bid listing". Ebay investigated and found nothing wrong. I asked if that was license for this kind of transaction and they never responded. I have over 700 positive FB and this one negative by a nut. This tells me to sell the good stuff on other websites and use Ebay in a residual capacity. Vote with your feet. What say?

Orignal From: Ebay assisted negative feedback

Want to know why eBay allows non paying bidders to leave feedback?

Here's what they say: ----------------------------------------- Thank you for writing eBay in regard to your Feedback concerns. The legally binding contract is created when the auction ends, the consideration to bind the agreement is a mutual exchange of promises; that the buyer will pay the bid price and that the seller will sell the item for the bid price. That is also the time when the parties are given the right to leave feedback. Since eBay, as a venue, is not a party to the auction, and since we do not guarantee either payment or delivery of the item, we do not track either payment or delivery. So we don't make the right to leave feedback dependent on whether the party has paid or delivered the product. Thank you for your time. ----------------------------------------- Huh? The feedback was false to boot.

Orignal From: Want to know why eBay allows non paying bidders to leave feedback?

OT - cat related - my first kitty is OLD

Keykat (short for Kitty Cat) is at least 16 years old. When he first went to a vet with me, vet said he was at least just over a year old. (1994 Christmas) He braved the 2 dogs I had in order to take over the whole household. He won. One dog loved cats and was very happy to meet a cat who was not afraid of him. The other would just stand rigidly shaking. He stood that way for the many years Keykat was with us and would go and rub against his legs. So funny to watch. More info than you want to know: My 2nd husband hated cats (he'd never had one) and refused to let me 'adopt' Key, or later, to take him to the vet. LOL I was feeding him outside every day and he knew it! Both of us smoked heavily (1994) We went to visit family at Christmas. When we came home after a week, we found that Key had been fighting and had a really serious bite on his shoulder. It became infected. After a couple of days, I was holding Key and walked into his office. He asked why my hand was all yellow. I looked down and saw my hand was covered in yellow pus. Key's shoulder was badly infected. He finally then said take him to the vet. Did so. Vet treated for the infection and of course ran other tests. Key's tests came back and showed he tested for FIV. I had the test done 4 times. I was told to reduce stress as much as possible for him because he would not last 5 years and that additional stress would kill him faster. As it was, they said he would not live 5 years. That day, he became an indoor only cat - and Lord he hated that for at least the first five years. But he didn't try as hard as he could to get out. I really think he knew that being with me was better for him than getting back outside. The few times he did manage to escape, he'd stop within 20 feet of the door and sit. I think he was waiting for me to come get him, which I did, before he would slowly start walking away as if he hadn't just been waiting for someone to see him!! (He'd do it still if it just didn't tire him so much!) He is a strong cat. In the past 15 years, the changes have been: Husband died of cancer. (learned to love cats beforehand, so must have gone to heaven) Moved to Mobil home I could afford. Got another stray, a kitten this time, whose mother was being abused. (had to lure kitten with food, which to this day kitten prefers to eat while being petted). Moved in with new boyfriend. We quit smoking in 2005. Moved to Georgia with boyfriend into an RV. Bought and renovated a house with boyfriend and moved in 2005. Have boyfriend's kids coming up at least a couple of times a year. Married boyfriend in 2006. Now grandkids come up 3 times a year. (Dobby hates it. Key takes it in course. He is so adjustable.) KeyKat has breathing problems. I suspect that he has (sp) emfasema (phonic spelling). He frequently makes noises while he breathes. But other than that he seems to enjoy life during the times he is awake. Like an old man, he spends alot of time asleep. However, he is very very thin. You can see every bone on his body. When I was telling my mom about him, she wanted to know why I haven't put him to sleep. My reply was that he still likes attention and purrs. The last time my grandkids saw him, one of them said, why isn't he dead yet? He looks dead! When do you know that it is the time to put a beloved pet down? Key still loves being petted and spends most of his day asleep. He does not appear to be in pain. He has problems breathing, but does not appear to be unduly struggling for breath. I don't think it is yet time to put him down, but I don't know. My question: How do you know when it is time to put down a beloved pet? KeyKat has been my constant companion through many life changes. I believe he has lived so much longer than the vets said he would because he accepts changes as a fact of life. He remains calm no matter what is happening. I wish I could remain as calm as he does when things are going array. He really is a very calm cat no matter what is happening around him. Even fireworks don't seem to bother him much. When do you know it is time to save your pet from pain? My grandkids look at him a couple of times a year and lately have started saying "is he still alive?" I understand the statement. He really is so thin that every bone is visible. But I don't know if it is time to put him down. He still purrs when I hold and pet him. He still follows me into bed and lies where his nose is close to my face. How do you know? Many of you are cat people. I've never had a cat this old. I don't know what is best for him. And I don't want to cut his life short if he still takes pleasures. I'm asking for advise about when I should ease his suffering. I don't want to cause him more suffering than he gets pleasure out of life, but don't know how to tell which is which. Most of the people who love cats that I have questioned have told me that they let their cats run loose outside and many have never come home. I hate this, as to me, it shows they did not care for their pet in todays times and traffic. None of them figured they had anything to do with when their pet died. I don't tell them, but I think that, when you let pets run loose close to a highway (like where I live or within any major city) you do not really care for your pet. I don't think that way. Key will live as long as his body functions. That doesn't mean that he is happy. He just jumped up and is sitting beside me in my lazyboy chair. He seems happy. I don't know what to do with him. Beth

Orignal From: OT - cat related - my first kitty is OLD

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Please need opinion on a Neg

Sold a store item (lingerie) I been asked to deliver the item for a "show" the following weekend, which I agree. She needed a certain size, I told her that I have different size at home but I'll ask the company to send it directly to her. The item was shipped next day, arrived 3 days later, I get a message that one of the under wire in the bra missing. "what should i do?" she ask.. Told her that I will arrange the replacement and I'll make sure that it will arrive no later then Friday. Contacted the company, without any problem the new item was shipped same day with delivery confirmation, and the return label for the "damaged" one without any question or problem. I was tracking it indeed the item WAS delivered Friday around 2 PM. Same day unfortunately cant recall the time I received the message that "I needed it this weekend and never come I want refund" Replied with the tracking # and "I don't understand because according to the tracking it was delivered this afternoon" Didn't heard nothing until today stating that I was away I need it for a weekend but I don't want it anymore, I want refund. I said I'm truly sorry but I'm not able to help further I did what I could and the item was indeed delivered on the requested time, and due to the nature of the item UNLESS it is defective AGAIN I cannot help, and I would think that a lingerie item is not for one occasion only. Get a respond that take it back or wont be a positive feedback. Indeed she left a nasty one that the item doesn't worth the money, she doesn't wear trash and beside it was damaged. Clearly buyer remorse with a lie, needless to say trashed my DSR badly too. Any chance for removal? What you think?

Orignal From: Please need opinion on a Neg


This buyer left me neg feedback without ever contacting me to make things right. She claims my auction was confusing then refused to pay extra costs and has bashed me in the answers forum. I want to let her know I want to work this out but she isnt answering any of my messages, not has she ever before... How do I convince her to remove the unfair feedback and work this out... EVERYONE is so MEAN and RUDE in the answers section please be kind!


Offered 100% return, Still threatened with Neg FB

Hi, first I want to say, yes we are still new. but we do take great pride in what

Orignal From: Offered 100% return, Still threatened with Neg FB

My ebay store got restriced cause buyers did not read my discrription

I lost all my listings in my store cause of 2 negative and 2 neutral feedback. My feedback was 100% before this and everyone loved my hats. I had in my store that purchases and payments must be made before Dec 8 in order to go out before Christmas, other then that they would be made and shipped after Christmas. Well lots did not read, I got those bad feedbacks. I lost everything in my store, over 300 items. I do not think its fair for me for this, they will reevaluate me in 30 days or more and if it dont improve I will not get my store back. I am working on trying to work things out with the ones who left back feedback but I do not think that will work. And how can I get more good feedback when I cannot sell nothing. I sent emails to everyone that did not leave me feedback in the last 60 days which was 68 emails. Has anyone every had this happen to them and is there anything I can do about it...please help me...Jolene

Orignal From: My ebay store got restriced cause buyers did not read my discrription

Not sure which feedback to leave for this seller.

I purchased 3 books and when I got them they were so smokey from cigarettes that I had to put them outside for days to air out. I contacted the seller that I was not too happy and she said she bought them at a garage sale and was sure glad to get them out of her house! So do I give her a positive or a nuetral? She wasn't the smoker, but was the seller.

Orignal From: Not sure which feedback to leave for this seller.

Feedback drop off time

I have a neutral that is 13 months old and a neg that is now more than 12 months old but they still show up on my board. my last neutral is dated 12/12/07 and my neg that should have dropped is dated 1/26/08. Why are these still showing up?

Orignal From: Feedback drop off time

Shipping feedback compared to sellers stated shipping time

On a purchase, seller states shipping will take up to 5 days. Feedback asks how quickly the seller shipped the item. The seller took the full 5 days to ship. What kind of grade should I give? Their shipping info was accurate. Do I give a lower score because they did take a full 5 days to ship? Maybe I am thinking too much on this.

Orignal From: Shipping feedback compared to sellers stated shipping time

where can i find the certificates for different feedback stars

i never printed them off when i got them and now i would like the paper. maybe its stupid, maybe its not. i still want them though. any thoughts or ideas?

Orignal From: where can i find the certificates for different feedback stars

3 not 2

I have 3 referals but it only shows 2. Three seperate referals but only a 2 next to my name?

Orignal From: 3 not 2

Pays after FVF granted can still give negative

Sold item after going through the proper resolution and waiting out the whole time we were granted a FVF. Then the buyer decideds to pay and ebay says even if we refund her money she can still leave us a negative. What can we do?

Orignal From: Pays after FVF granted can still give negative

My auction clearly stated USA BIDDERS ONLY but Netherlands buyer won and...

... says he did not see my shipping limitations. He begs me to send my item to the netherlands anyway. I say no, report the transaction to ebay. The buyer agrees to cancel the transaction, ebay emails me telling me they have "GOOD NEWS! the buyer has agreed to cancel the transaction". I'm thinking it's over now but no. The buyer leaves me a negative FB because I wouldn't ship to him in the netherlands! I looked at the buyers (bright_reel) "feedback left for others" column and see that he does this thing all the time to sellers in the USA. Since ebay changed its feedback policies back in april or may, this ebay has left USA sellers 8 negatives and 2 neutrals! Prior to ebays FB policy changes this ebayer never left negative or neutral feedback for any seller! Ok so I send the info to ebays FB removal team (they need a "team" to remove FB?!). I get an email back from them saying that my NFB does meet the requirements for removal! Huh?! WHAT!? Later that night I spend 40 minutes talking to a CSR rep and then a supervisor about the NFB. They both agreed that the FB removal team should remove it. I contacted the FB reomoval team again. This time I gave them the live help session ID number (like the supervisor told me to do) and asked them to reconsider removing the NFB. They emailed me back and said the NFB does not meet their requirements for removal. I'm amazed that ebay makes it so tough for sellers to sell on here. Sellers are the people that make ebay money. We pay ebay to sell here. Without sellers ebay would make no money. Is there a box in my account that I can check so that NO ONE outside the USA can bid on my items???

Orignal From: My auction clearly stated USA BIDDERS ONLY but Netherlands buyer won and...

reading description well before leaving feedback

i just sold an item and the buyer who is new he only has a feedback of 4,left me feedback but left me short on my 5 star rating, but anyways my item description was right,which means he didnt read it before he purchased it because if he had he whould have left a 5 star rating what do you do about that???i followed up with him and informed him it was in item description,he has not replied....

Orignal From: reading description well before leaving feedback

Why can't I leave a Negative Feedback to a non-paying bidder?

As a seller, i always have the dilemma of not getting paid by the winning bidder. The buyers have the option of not paying at all since they will not get a negative feedback. They can change their minds. What's the seller to do? File a dispute...the dispute ends with no payment...buyer gets a strike! The sellers don't have any idea what kind of buyers they are dealing with. Since the inception of this feedback system, i already have 5 non-paying bidders. Other sellers don't know who these buyers are nor do they have a clue. Sellers are left on the mercy of the buyer. What I want to suggest is that non-paying bidders should and must get negative feedbacks from the sellers. I have no qualms if the buyer pays, we all want that. The problem is if they don't pay up. You lose you listing fee right there... more importantly your time! Fellow sellers, let's push for a system where we can leave negative feedbacks to non-paying bidders without the fear of retaliation.

Orignal From: Why can't I leave a Negative Feedback to a non-paying bidder?

Seller satisfaction on ebay, anyone??

The fee increases are over inflated, adding to the new requirement of paypal instead of checks, MORE FEES. Then there is the Feedback policy that allows buyers to blatantly lie and hurt a sellers feedback score, with no consequence. HOW can ANYONE run a business and have such little regard to their clients? AND yes, the "True" clients are the sellers who actually get BILLED for all those fees that make ebay fatter. SO, just curious how many of you sellers are like me, waiting for someone to come up with a great competitor for ebay that I can take my business to in a heartbeat????

Orignal From: Seller satisfaction on ebay, anyone??

Leaving seller positive FB.

I recently made a purchase, I received my widget quickly and also in excellent shape so I immediately left my seller positive FB and asked if the seller would consider doing the same. No FB yet, as a matter of fact I checked the seller's transactions for the last year, although the seller received glowing FB from his or her buyers the seller chose to leave no FB for any of the other buyers including me. In the future should I not be so quick to leave a seller feedback if the seller does do a good job in getting my widget to me on time and in great shape, should I sit back and wait to see if my seller will leave me positive FB before I decide to leave my seller positive FB? It's all about building up those FB scores isn't it? I guess there are some sellers here who choose not to leave any FB period.

Orignal From: Leaving seller positive FB.

If you were the seller

If you were the seller of an item I won and I had already paid for it, what it the time length to leave feedback. This is normally what I do... When I win an item I pay for the item via pay pal within 24 hours. I then e-mail the seller letting them know I won the book, just paid for it via paypal and then leave feedback once book has been received. Is this okay or as a seller what would you think from your end. I don't want sellers getting upset because I don't leave feedback as soon as they think I should. Have received a few e-mails wanting to know where feedback was.

Orignal From: If you were the seller

Monday Feb 2 Possum Snipes the Biddies AND the Feedies Chat

Feedies Biddies = Best Friends 4ever I ain't judgin' I'm just sayin'

Orignal From: Monday Feb 2 Possum Snipes the Biddies AND the Feedies Chat


I'm fuming right now and am hoping to share my concern with someone out there. I've been a member with ebay now for almost 5 years. I've had nothing but 100% positive feedback. Low and behold, to my surprise, I sign onto ebay today and found a negative feedback from an obviously new person. She purchased a Footprint in the Sand placque from me. The description of this placque was quite clear, yet she leaves me a negative feedback stating that the placque was not in good condition. This item sold back on December 16, there was NO communication from this person. All of a sudden a negative feedback. I really feel that ebay should step in, review the circumstances and reverse that feedback. I'm also not understanding WHY buyers are permitted to give negative feedback and not sellers. The second part of my frustrtation is ...... I CAN'T SEEM TO GET HOLD OF ANYONE AT EBAY ABOUT THIS. Don't have the live chats anymore and the # in San Jose is disconnected, or at least the number I found. Can someone help me out here? I'm about to explode!!!!! Conban47


Ebay has the grace of a cheesy used car saleman.

I had an item end with a non-paying bidder, so sent a second chance offer to the next highest bidder. I typed a brief message explaining... I later clicked on messages sent, I saw this at the top of the best offer message box.. "Lucky you, xxxxx! The seller has offered you a second chance to buy this item. The second time can be a charm." To me this seems cheesy, used car salesman like, and no where near how I deal with the people I sell to. I wouldn't have put that silly crap in my message. I don't work for eBay, I only rent here. Does anyone else think it's a tad arrogant for eBay to put that affixed to my message without my consent?

Orignal From: Ebay has the grace of a cheesy used car saleman.

can you leave neg. feedback to a buyer if they dont pay???

is there a way to leave neg. feedback for a buyer if they dont pay, or only give them a strike? also, can they in turn leave you negative feedback even if they dont pay??

Orignal From: can you leave neg. feedback to a buyer if they dont pay???

Question About Parcel Post

Please note that we are not considering how to rate feedback because if the item arrives in the next few days in good condition we will give positive... I just have a few questions about parcel post. We ordered a very large item (not on this ID). The shipping is via Parcel Post and it said 9 - 21 days. All it has to do is go from FL to MS. We had several parcel post packages (much smaller) arrive from MI to MS in five days, or PA to MS in four days. It has now been well over three weeks we have been waiting for this item from a state much closer. Does the size of the package affect when a parcel post shipment will be delivered? The seller is in the brink of suspension for slow shipping anyway (which she wasn't when we purchased the item, these all popped up a couple of days later). At any rate it was a unique item that I badly wanted. It is for my babies and I really want them to have it soon. I'm trying not to be impatient. At the two week mark we messaged the seller just to ask her nicely if she could provide the tracking number, and she said it didn't have one. No tracking number on a very large, $80 item? LOL. I thought she would have sold enough to know to use tracking numbers. I just want to know how long to wait now that it's been over the three weeks, and if the fact that it is a large item would make a difference to delivery time?

Orignal From: Question About Parcel Post

Negative Feedback Reponse Disappeared

I unfortunately had to leave my first negative feedback on eBay. The seller posted a response to my feedback which I promptly (and professionally) replied to. However, when I look at my feedback now both responses are gone. Any ideas? "The most dangerous lies are the ones we tell ourselves."

Orignal From: Negative Feedback Reponse Disappeared


I would not recommend anyone buy from this seller, his feedback looked okay when i bought an Xbox 360 for $300 which never worked, and no refund was giving, only an exchange for another unplayable unit. dispute was opened and sent to the trust board, and is pending. He basically said i was lying and just saying they didn't work but why would i open a case dispute case and leave negative feedback if it worked???

Orignal From: imuhrez909


Denny's GRAND SLAM breakfast is FREE till 2 pm. today! Check it out! I am!


Forbidden word in feedback: COZY

I couldn't figure out what was wrong with the feedback I was trying to leave for a cloth diaper I purchased, here is what I wrote: "Absolutely beautifully sewn diaper, VERY soft

Orignal From: Forbidden word in feedback: COZY

OT: What was your first sale on eBay?

Just wondering. When you started selling on eBay, What was the first thing you sold? Mine was a Coca Cola Puzzle. And Happy Birthday to our sweet Traci Ann. Would have been 21 years old today.... My Puppy is cuter than yours! TCB ~ Takin` Care of Business....

Orignal From: OT: What was your first sale on eBay?

Ebay's Head Honcho

Does anyone knows the email address of Mr. John Donahoe?

Orignal From: Ebay's Head Honcho

Waiting for Buyer Feedback

Waiting on the buyer to give me feedback. How long should I wait? Should I give him a nudge or what. I am relatively new seller and need the feedback so I can build up my reputation. What say you. 8953Robin

Orignal From: Waiting for Buyer Feedback

FYI for sellers

A few days ago I caught a blurb on the morning news stating the post office is thinking of stopping Tuesday or Wednsday deliveries, as a cost cutting measure. Then yesterday I happened to be outside when our carrier pulled up. She informed me that February is "count month". According to her, this years count will have profound effects on individual POs. Things such as Lobby hours, and Scheduled pick-ups, could be affected. Some rural POs may be closed all together, or have thier carrier numbers reduced. Shipping is one of the things that cause enough problems for sellers. Any more reductions in services could affect us even more. Just thought I'd pass it along.

Orignal From: FYI for sellers

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Broken Item..Seller denies responsibility

I bought an antique glass item..paid for it immediately when I won the bid. It came and was broken to pieces..I could hear it before I even opened the box. Box was flimsy..I put a book on it and the top smashed in! Box was NOT marked fragile anyway..even though seller says she marked it so. It was not wrapped well at all..I took pics of everything. So I gave honest feedback. The seller comes back and calls me "an AWFUL" buyer cause I blamed her and not the post office. It wasn't the post offices fault. I bought quite a few items on ebay for first time. I paid for each within minutes of winning the bids. Shouldn't I give honest feedback about the condition of the item?? I think I'll just refrain from buying on ebay...although most of the many items I purchased came quickly and not damaged at all. Heck, I bought a full set of dishes and not a one of those were broken!!

Orignal From: Broken Item..Seller denies responsibility


According to dd, we're celebrating choklit cake today. I had no choice but to start the chat. Dig in, feedies.......and chat away!!!

Orignal From: **TUESDAY CHAT ~ JANUARY 27 **

Non Paying Bidders from bad to worst

Incredible, I can't believe it. Out of about 40 sales (weekend) still 13 have not paid, I know that 5 will pay but that leaves 8 unsure, one fift of my sales. Check my feedback and DSR and tell me I do not (as most sellers do) follow the rules, why is this tolerated by eBay. I refuse to believe it is because they want listing fees. I think they do not realise that they have taken the wrong turn somewhere and if they do know they are simply to proud to admit their mistakes. This is getting close to the breaking point, In total I have more than 10% of unpaid items. Whoever is running the show better wake up before its curtains.

Orignal From: Non Paying Bidders from bad to worst

NEW- What sellers are doing to cause loss of sales, bad fb, and low DSR'

answer: They're selling....

Orignal From: NEW- What sellers are doing to cause loss of sales, bad fb, and low DSR'

Found this article about eBay.....

Not sure if it`s been posted here before or not. Found this while reading some news on the net...Thought I`d share it. Link My Puppy is cuter than yours! TCB ~ Takin` Care of Business....

Orignal From: Found this article about eBay.....

Where did all my stars go?

I have 39 positive feedbacks in the past twelve months. My stars were all 5's, now they are gone. Anybody know why this would happen?

Orignal From: Where did all my stars go?




Buyers Dashboard-Good Idea or Not

I am trying out a new idea of my own. By adding 5 new columns to my spread sheet I download my sales to, and one new line, helps me keep up with buyers without researching. The columns are for my buyer's dashboard, Timely Payments, Communication, Curtiousnes and feedback left. The buyer is rated from 1 to 5 in each column and the extra line is for the average for the month. Negative feedback left without communication, the buyer is automatically block from my sales. If at the end of 30 days the buyer accumulates the minimum of 4.5 percent, I leave positive feedback.

Orignal From: Buyers Dashboard-Good Idea or Not

Seller receives neg fb even tho eBay gives FVF credit

The Buyer purchased an item but never paid for it. After several emails to her with no response, I went through the resolution system. Buyer said she would pay for it, but didn't. After 2 weeks, I closed the case saying buyer didn't pay. I received FVF credit. Buyer has left negative feedback saying she never received item. EBay says they can't do anything because she said she would pay. What recourse do I have? I have emailed buyer explaining that I never received payment and if she paid, where did she send it? Then I checked the listing again and now it says buyer claims payment was made Jan 24. Neg. fb was left Jan 24. Any ideas on how to get negative fb off my record?

Orignal From: Seller receives neg fb even tho eBay gives FVF credit

HELP! I'm scared of my bidder!

I need a little help.... I've got an item up for auction under my other ID. It has 10 bids, all from the same person. I thought that was a bit odd. What is the point? Then I looked at the bidders feedback left and I find that they have left 9 negs in December out of 55 total feedback. They left 6 Neutrals in November. The negs were left for 3 different sellers and all the items were under $10. They also left lots of soft positives. I'm a small seller but I should be getting my PowerSeller status back this month. This person makes me nervous. I am really wondering what they did to all of these peoples DSRs. What would you do? What can I do? The item isn't going to sell for much so I don't feel the profit is worth the risk of some nut bashing my stars. help!

Orignal From: HELP! I'm scared of my bidder!

New Forum Sucks

Anybody find the new forum Hard to navagate? So-o-o many people are complaining about it -BUYERS and SELLERS alike. From reading the desktop forum (a must see) I take it not only myself but alot of the changes are unhappy. Feedback changes, ways to find items under search engine, the new rating system, to finding listings now as a sub-category (if you happen upon it somewhere...... So what are you other BUYES and SELLERS thoughts?

Orignal From: New Forum Sucks

?Why Dont Ebay Do Something?Buyers Who Leave Lots of Bad FB????

I have seen a few buyers who just leave bad feedback constantly. Why dont Ebay realize that they can't possibly be buying from so many bad sellers? I truely believe there should be something done about this. I mean, if a buyer buys items from different sellers and leaves half of them bad FB, theres something wrong here. I have bought a ton of items in the past few months and have yet to come across a bad seller. There is one out there who is destroying sellers, leaving them bad FB and then making a false dispute through Pay Pal. She has on more then 1 occasion kept the merchandise and recieved a refund through Pay Pal, and now is selling the items, Whats up with that? How can Ebay let these liars get away with this?

Orignal From: ?Why Dont Ebay Do Something?Buyers Who Leave Lots of Bad FB????

Why does Ebay only protect Buyers?

This seem's to be an unfair business practice on ebay's part. When in fact, if we did not have seller's here, ebay would loose all profit. I am tired of being harassed by buyers who say ebay's shipping calculator is wrong and are only looking to get a better deal. Then they get to leave bad feedback for the seller who is only trying to make an honest buck. If this does not stop and ebay give sellers the right to some protection, then I believe we will be taking our business else where! I mean does anyone else feel this way or are we all going to keep making this company rich?!

Orignal From: Why does Ebay only protect Buyers?


January 2009 ***Coming Soon: New Discussion Board Improvements


DSR rating

Ok I have put a few items on for sale just like usual and this time I get a warning saying that your one of your ratings has fallen below 4.3 stars or whatever so the items will be less visable to buyers. Yeah to bad that is not true and none of my stars are that low. wehat is the deal with this? Not only are they screwing you by not letting us give feedback or anything now they can't count the DSR stars apparently.

Orignal From: DSR rating