Sunday, July 26, 2009

Feedback slow and screwy

Hi, when is eBay and all their smart brainy high tech people going to fix feedback "LOL" what am I thinking. Look what they've done to eBay as a whole the last year or so. Anyway I was leaving feedback for 100 listings. It took forever. When I'd moved my mouse if I came close to the "view item summary" tab It would lock up for around 20 or 30 seconds. Than when I clicked the leave feedback I wait and wait and wait for it to leave only 25 feedbacks. Like I've got the time. It's been slow a long time and it usually drops a few. But 75 out of 100. Give me a break. They must've had one of the high dollar brainy guys working on it. I bet that's what wrong. And you'd think it couldn't get much lower but it can. I know for me I'm about at the end of my rope. About to trun it loose.

Orignal From: Feedback slow and screwy

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