Sunday, July 26, 2009

Economic crises bad feedback policy = E-bay revenue drop a record 29%

It was reported that e-bay's earning drop 29% this 2nd 2009 quarter. A little over a year ago, as of 04/2008, E-bay profit jump 22% for a revenue of 2.2 billions. Since June of 2008, it has gone down hill. We all know that the world is going through a severe economic crises that started well over a year ago. With all the "advantages" for buyers to buy online for goods, deals and savings. Wouldn't it be normal that E-bay would be, the online company, to maintain the strongest selling/revenues base and "weather out" this economic crises like no other. Their main competitor is. My question: Could it be that added to this situation, since they change a somewhat "fair" policy to their totally "buyer side" and seller you are NOT important one, it is killing many sellers and deterring new ones? You can have as many buyers that walk into your store, but without merchandises, what would they buy? When looking on this discussion board, how can they say that the "witch hunt" on "bad" seller is working. It's doing more harm than good!!!

Orignal From: Economic crises bad feedback policy = E-bay revenue drop a record 29%

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