Thursday, October 8, 2009

Automatic Feedback?

I don't know if it has been suggested before, but how about giving buying and sellers automatic feedback for people who do not give any feedback. Personally I work with the idea that if you are selling something that you should give feedback once payment is received and before you ship the item. At that point the buyer has fulfilled their side of the process. Like I said that is personally what I believe and that is how I work when I sell something. I know there are people on the eBay that will not give feedback until they get something in return. I have personally gotten email from sellers when I buy from them reminding me to give them feedback and they will follow (which seems like cohesion to me). On the flip side the buyer should give feedback once the item is received, reviewed and everything checks out well. They should not be coming onto eBay and waiting to see if they got feedback from the seller and refusing when they don't have anything. I just got through a few weeks of selling off my worldly possessions I sold or bought from 27 different people (2 buying, 25 selling) since September 1. Fourteen of them have replied with feedback and 13 have not; some of these are now 3 weeks old. All but one of my buyers got feedback before shipment. The only person who did not receive feedback was someone who ignored all emails and didn't pay for the item until I took out a claim (this person I obviously wouldn't give positive feedback to anyway). My suggestion is why not make it so after 31 days if you do not receive feedback from a person that eBay automatically give you the feedback. I am under the impression if there is a problem with the purchase that a buyer would be on immediately trying to hash out the issue (at least I would be) so if a month passes from when you would buy something and you had nothing bad to say the experience must be somewhat good. Maybe 45 days for international shipping. Just from my example there are 13 outstanding ratings that as far as I know everything is positive with. As it stands now they are 13 ratings that I should have as positive and I will never get them (why .. maybe because I already gave them feedback so there is no leverage for me to get them to give feedback?).

Orignal From: Automatic Feedback?

Check this out.

Do you guys think this is odd (Link)? The seller has 66,000 items listed and only 285 feedbacks.

Orignal From: Check this out.

Do you find it is now hard to leave feedback on EBAY.

Hi,, I have always been very good about leaving feedback. But recently something has changed, and sometimes I can't figure out even how to leave feedback. A friend and I was talking about this the other day and she is also having problems. Today, I went in to catch up on a couple of items and thought I new how to do it and it just doesn't seem to work. It should be easy to do, or people like me won't do it.

Orignal From: Do you find it is now hard to leave feedback on EBAY.

buyers leaving negative feedback for stupid things

i had a perfect feedback rating. i sold a shirt to someone . they said it was the wrong size. i told the person i'd give them a refund if they returned it. the person left me a negative. i sent ebay an email and they did nothing about it. i 'm so pissed at this bs system they have going here.

Orignal From: buyers leaving negative feedback for stupid things

Block users without Paypal? Neg by mailed payment buyer!!!!

I was at 100% then I get a neg from a buyer who dida buy it now on a fixed price listing thatwas set to exclude buyers without a Paypal account!!!!She insisted on a mailed payment, and did not pay.Why should I get negged because ebay was supposed to block such users from buying my items!!!I am so pissed I will be removing my items for sale.This site has really gone too far against sellersand I for one have HAD it with this unfair feedback system.UGHHH!Sewbusybiz

Orignal From: Block users without Paypal? Neg by mailed payment buyer!!!!

No feedback

I have noticed I give sellers feedback, but sellers don't always give me the buyer feedback. I always would pay for my items ASAP thinking this is what I would want someone to do for me. Can anyone give me one good reason why I should give feedback when I don't get any.

Orignal From: No feedback

Would you bother to leave feedback for this seller?

I filed a claim via paypal for an item won back in sept, when I received no item or response from the seller. She's rapidly gaining lots of Negs for the same reason. Her phone's been disconnected, and she's probably headed for NARU status, but should I bother to leave feedback of any kind in the meantime? I haven't come across this situation before, but as a former seller I try to give other sellers the benefit of the doubt. WWYD?

Orignal From: Would you bother to leave feedback for this seller?

Sorry goeasy*go, will not respond to any more

You have always posted good advice and I have usually tried to listen. This just made me mad as I knew this was not you. I don't always agree with you, but you have never been biased in the way your imitator was. By the way, you have advised for many years, and some of your advice really helped me in the pinch. I really appreciate that.________________________________________ Live and let live. Life will take care of it's own.

Orignal From: Sorry goeasy*go, will not respond to any more

I like the new feedback system

It warns me of sellers with less than 100% feedback.

Orignal From: I like the new feedback system

Post an after-sale message to

Hi all I'm new to this board. How do I post an after-sale message to a seller. I'm having issue getting the seller to respond to my emails regarding an defective item I received, I was promised a replacement would be sent out on Sept. 3rd ...I have not seen it yet. I emailed them for its status, they stopped replying my emails, btw they are power seller. Ebay resolution center is not much of a help because the transaction has been more than 45 days. It took 20-25 days for an item to get to USA from HongKong and vice versa, but ebay policy has put a cap of 45 days max in order to post a complaint in their resolution center. I also need some advice as what to do to get my money back. The seller sends stuff in from HongKong, btw. Thanks,

Orignal From: Post an after-sale message to

OT: Please keep me in your prayers......

My cat is in very poor health at the moment.Her health just took a turn for the worst all at one time.She has lost alot of weight also.She started getting this way about a week ago.She has got to the point now to where she will not eat and her walking ability has gotten real poorly.I had to take her to the litter box this morning and she just laid in it.I have been montoring her very closely and making sure that she is comfortable.She is around 14 or 15 years old and the best cat in the world! I may have to take her to the vet but I am very afraid of what they will tell me.I can't imagine the thought of having her put down.She means the world to me and she slept on my bed every night beside me until this past week as she has got too weak to jump on and off the bed.I fixed her old cat bed and laid it beside the bed so that she does not have to jump.This is taking a very emotional toll on me.I prayed to God last night for him to heal her or not to let her suffer with any sort of pain.I know he knows what is best.Her name is "Pumpkin" because of her cute orange nose.Please keep me and my cat in your prayers as I am going through a very tough time at the moment.Thanks

Orignal From: OT: Please keep me in your prayers......

new feedback option

it takes an act of congress to leave feedback for someone. am i the only one feeling this?

Orignal From: new feedback option

How would you like to get this question from a buyer?

Q: hello I am interested with your vintage xxxxx Serie xxxx which was made in Tchekia for xxxxxxxxx. . Is he playable as is ? In low pitch (Axxxx or Axxxx?) I have no credit card nore cheque nore paypal. I can pay via International Post order in your national currency. Can you accept or no ? In Belgium and in Europe we only pay via bank transfers from count to count with no tax fees. Thanx for your feedback. Quid shipping cost to Belgium ? I recently payed 65 $ for a xxxxxx xxxx with UPS from USA to Belgium. Regards, Claude - Sorry I WON'T have NEVER PAYPAL : it is US bullxhit and not completely secured. LAst week in Belgium an informatician has seen his count used by a thieve who was using all his paypal count. Besides one has to pay fees to an American company (paypal is NOT European). # answer is no # 2....he is so blocked, no matter what anyone may think.

Orignal From: How would you like to get this question from a buyer?

Buyer now NARU'ed..question on reinstatment/neg

I had a thread about one buyer under 2 id's and 7 unpaid items (6 under one ID, 1 under the other ID). I opened 7 disputes, 6 have closed with no reponse from the buyer to the dispute. That name NARU'd right after I closed the first 6 cases. I still have one open dispute that has a few more days to go before I can close it, but I noticed today that that ID is now NARU. I'm not entirely sure if this means that I can go ahead and close that dispute and relist the item. Or if I have to/should wait as I would as if the member was still registered and close on the 8th day. Is it possible for the member to get the ID reinstated and then because I didn't wait the 8 days before I closed the dispute give me a neg? I'd like to go ahead and relist the item, but I'm not sure if I should because the case isn't closed, even though the buyer is NARU. Am I in the clear to relist or no? Stewie Says Relax

Orignal From: Buyer now NARU'ed..question on reinstatment/neg


WAKEY WAKEY FEEDIES. The sun is up, birds singing, squirrels gathering nuts. A good day to be alive..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The beatings will continue Until seller morale improves


10yrs 2020 feedbacks and my 1rst NEG!!!!!

ebay is making it hard on sellers that try to do right. I get this negative feedback and never had a chance to resolve the buyers problem with the item. Where is the justice!!!

Orignal From: 10yrs 2020 feedbacks and my 1rst NEG!!!!!

no feedback for a long time

Can I still sell with this name? I have had no new feedback for several years I think. Not sure quite ebay for a while. Although ebay doesn't look all that anymore. But can i still use it? to sell?

Orignal From: no feedback for a long time

Sellers that don't leave feedback for buyers???

Recently I have found that sellers don't want to bother with feedback. Am I alone in this? I'd like to hear from others. I always pay for my auction wins promptly, if not immediately then within a few short hours. Sellers do not leave feedback based on my performance as a buyer, but instead wait until I leave their feedback upon receipt of the item. Okay, I accept that. Twice lately I have given 5 Star ratings to sellers (which I almost always do), and I can't get them to leave feedback for me as a buyer who paid promptly and left them perfect feedback. I've contacted them both twice now, and they still don't or won't leave my positive feedback in return. Is feedback just a crock or what? I'm really weary of this.

Orignal From: Sellers that don't leave feedback for buyers???


Subject: HSN JUST RAN A STORY ON RATING SYSTEMS BEING REDONE BY EBAY AND THE LIKE: I was just sitting here listing some items and a story came on hsn about internet retailers overhauling feedback and rating systems BUT HOLD ON.............. the story said buyers were too nice and in fact left overly confident and inaccurate information on feedback when buying on line . Then went on to say ebay and the like would be overhauling their systems to reflect more accurate feedback . WHAT!!!!!!!!! They also said most people want to believe they got a deal so they leave positive feedback even if it was not , Who get's this . When recipricatory feedback was removed any chance of that went away I do not get this at all - unless they are looking at more specific information


What has changed? Buyers are no longer leaving feedback

Can someone please explain what has changed over the last month or so because I am noticing buyers are not leaving feedback. I know it is not mandatory, but thought it would be completed out of common courtesy. I do not sell tons of items at a time, so all positive feedback helps with my future sales. Is there anything we can do to enforce buyers leaving feedback when they have encountered a positive experience?

Orignal From: What has changed? Buyers are no longer leaving feedback

Buyer scams Seller

A buyer bought a gift card from me. Never contacted me after that. He quickly filed a dispute and escalated it to a claim. I called him and sent him many messages. No response. He filed saying the gift card had no balance when he clearly used it. Hence, I called the gift card customer service and they quickly sent me proof of all his transactions. He goes ahead and leaves me negative feedback. First time I received a negative in my 5 years on ebay. How can I remove his negative feedback because he actually tried to scam me? He won the the claim but currently there is an appeal so I am providing documentation, an affidavit and a police incident report. He also "returned" to me a different gift card that says $25 but of course has no value. I sent him a full $100 gift card.

Orignal From: Buyer scams Seller

Release of PayPal funds

Thanks to all who answered. I had no idea. We normally open packages immediately but because of illness hadn't. We will open it shortly. Again thanks to all who responded.

Orignal From: Release of PayPal funds

eBay's New Feedback Policy Thrills Scammer Buyers !!

eBay has allowed another buyer to post fraudulent negative comment, by saying "sorry, we understand you are probably frustrated about someone not being honest....yada yada, but it doesn't qualify for being removed, but you have alot of other good comments.....!! "...goody goody. SO BASICALLY, eBay is fully representing fraudulent buyers. Sellers have no representation, even when they completely follow procedures.... I have over 1000 seller feedback comments with 100% positive rating. Until now. Does eBay really think this is a fair solution? Eventually every seller WILL experience the unfairness of the feedback procedure. There will be huge competitor soon, and sellers will show eBay how it feels to be dumped on.

Orignal From: eBay's New Feedback Policy Thrills Scammer Buyers !!

I deleted items in 'my won' section, can't leave feedback

Hi, everone, I deleted a ton of auctions from my ebay, the items won, it use to be that when you deleted items, you could get them back, that you only deleted them temporarily. But now I can't seem to find an option to get them back. I have bought tons of great merchandise over the last weeks, and dealt with some wonderful sellers, and I like to give 5 star ratings to all my sellers, even if the shipping was slow, because I know there are so many 'impossible to please' buyers out there. Can anyone tell me how I can either get them back into my ebay, or is that impossible? Also, it use to be, that when you did just one feedback, if you hit the button that says, 'leave more feedback', that it would automatically bring up all the auctions you had purchased, and gives you an option to leave feedback then. But I hate to wait until I'm ready to leave it all, before I start leaving it. Any suggestions?

Orignal From: I deleted items in 'my won' section, can't leave feedback

What a shame...

I received a response from eBay about a negative I received, and this was in the response... *Fortunately, your eBay reputation is based on all the Feedback you receive, not a single comment. * That one negative knocked me out of everything that I have worked so hard for...makes no sense to me... Since they feel this way about the public preception, then they need to reconsider the way they treat an eBay seller... Been doing this since 1999 and this is the first time that I have really been completely dissappointed... The negative was because an item was lost in the mail...mailed timely, but not delivered for nearly a month.

Orignal From: What a shame...

Can non-paying buyer leave feedback

Can non-paying buyer leave feedback? If seller files UID, can buyer file feedback.

Orignal From: Can non-paying buyer leave feedback

follow-up feed back

There should be a way to bulk list a follow up feed back to to our customers,rather than having to do each one seperatly. This would be a great asset and Time saver.Food for thought Mr.C's This

Orignal From: follow-up feed back

Feedback Blues

Purchased Christian Dior Men's Pajamas. Photo did not portray correct pattern at all. I was going to send back, but husband liked them - so we kept them. I sent seller an email asking if I could expect better photo representation in future, but no reply at all. I'd buy from them again, but since they haven't responded - no deal. I tried to leave negative and neutral feedback (since I did keep the item), but it seems ebay feedback will not accept anything but positive feedback. At least that's what's happening to me. I also will not do any more buying from any sellers who do not leave feeback for me, and that's been several. You scratch my back.......

Orignal From: Feedback Blues


I have run into the WORST BUYER EVER. It is a long story but my question is am I required to refund shipping cost. I know I am being scammed. He has sent me numerous nasty emails. Reported me three time to ebay. I tried to have him cancel this sale before he received and return. He even tried to get home telephone number. This is all in less than a week. This started before he even received. I have written to ebay, of course it can take 2 days for them to respond, (that is what they say I have seen it take a week). And my next question is can I leave any kind of warning for futhur sells in feedback. I am not nasty, I try hard to be a good seller, have never had any complaints before. Any kind of advice would be helpful. will they take a complaint on this buyer? I know we have no rights as sellers. He has done this before I talked to other sell he makes up things. I will refund him I understand, For what ever reason he has a bowl that is broke. He just let me know it was broke gave me 1 on my dsr and a neg feedback. For the last couple of month my dsr are a hair under 5 maybe overall 4.93 or somewhere close. See I am not a bad seller. I just want to know how to handle this.

Orignal From: Refund

Can a Power Seller leave negative feedback?

I had a problem with a Power Seller and it was settled in my favor by Paypal. The seller has since contacted me and stated that new eBay policy allows him to leave me negative feedback if I leave him negative feedback. Is this true?

Orignal From: Can a Power Seller leave negative feedback?

Friday, September 11, 2009

Sellers not leaving feedback for excellent paying customers

I pay instantly. Almost every item I receive I have to repair. As long as I can repair it? I leave the seller a very excellent feedback. However, sellers will not take the time to leave feedback for the buyer. Between the quality of the product being misleading. Still I've left every buyer except one out of 60 some odd purchases a very positive feedback, about a dozen or so sellers that I only dealt with once, did not leave any feedback for me. Again, I paid instantly with pay pal. I left them an excellent feedback. They are too lazy to do the same for me. Even when I e mailed them about it. The seller said everything on my end was perfect. Most still did not leave a feedback rating for me. Also, if you receive a defective product that is brand new? Some sellers only issue a partial refund. If a seller advertises a rebate on multiple purchases? Good luck trying to collect. Seller complain about Ebay customers. Well some sellers do not take care of their best paying customers. So to all the sellers that I've dealt with that snubbed me on my feedback rating. I'll never do business with you again. You just lost one of your best paying customers. Finally, if the quality of the items continue to be far less than what is advertised? I'm leaving Ebay altogether. I wish the other stand up buyers all the best. BTW, I'm aikstudiobass40. So the sellers that recognize my handle and did not leave me any feedback? You lost me as a customer.

Orignal From: Sellers not leaving feedback for excellent paying customers

Negative Feedback to Buy Back

A buyer posted a negative feedback saying bad packaging and item not new as described. Duh, item was damaged in the mail. I will no longer ship without insurance, lesson one. My issue is, the buyer has admitted the damage was done in the mail and they did not choose the insurance option but they will remove my feedback if I send them money. I feel this falls under the ebay buying feedback rule. It is also extortion which I also found in the help area. The response I receive is, we can not do anything about it. Also, why can't sellers leave negative if feedback was left unfairly like this in order to warn other sellers? Ebay has never responded to that question. Anyone else deal with an issue like this? Does anyone have any ideas or feel I am wrong?

Orignal From: Negative Feedback to Buy Back

Is it by feedback or stars or what??? I have just noticed this little yellow ribbon and am wondering how do you get one.... Any info is appreciated! Thanks a bunch NanaJules

Orignal From:

Slow Shipping?

I was perusing several sellers' profiles, and I noticed a common theme--buyers' leaving negative feedback for slow shipping. While I have never sold anything, only bought, I have the intention of starting. I don't understand how something like the speed of shipping is the seller's fault. If anyone else has thoughts on this, feel free to respond.

Orignal From: Slow Shipping?

Feedback for buyer

I'm I doing something wrong, I can't leave negative feedback for the buyer........they left one for me, saying that it took to long for item to ship.....I shipped as soon as check cleared thru pay pal, I can't control how long it takes pay pal to clear a check - AND - pay pal never notified me when check did clear!

Orignal From: Feedback for buyer

wow what a problem

I went to buy several items from a seller I don't know If I can give u the name of this seller but I was tring to buy 14 items from this seller and all the shipping and handling was suppose to be free and when It came to the end of the sale the invoice had S

Orignal From: wow what a problem

negative feedback

I received a stone that was ok and somewhat similar to the displayed stone I bought. I contacted the dealer and questioned the discrepancy. He/she replied back " if you want to get what you see go to my store" I do not feel this is warranted and I tried to leave a negative (neutral) feedback - after a week - but this hasen't appeared and I do not know why - I would not treat customers that way. Any comments?

Orignal From: negative feedback




Tuesday I Feel Better Chat

I'm getting over a nasty cold. Even sellers look good!

Orignal From: Tuesday I Feel Better Chat

Crazy harassing buyer left 7 neg feedbacks in one day, what now?

I have a buyer who kept me waiting for payment over a month, I started the proper procedure and then she promised to pay if I take off the report thingie, I did and shouldnt have, she paid, I sent the goods. She didn't buy insurance or tracking so did put it on. From day one she wanted a tracking number, Couldn't get it thru her brain that there was not since she didn't pay for it, then she started harassing me for my unprofessionalism. Then she started accusing me of not sending her items and only taking her money plus DAILY beratement for not putting tracking on the package. About the time the package was to arrive she she upted the accusations about me not sending the patterns. I even sent her a copy of the receipt showing that I had sent it. The upshot of it is that she daily harassed me about the package for almost 3 weeks, I eventually ended up calling the post office in her small town 3 different times. Seems the post office knows about her and have had on going problems with her about a number of things and I eventually gave her a full refund to get her off my back. Yesterday she left bad feedback on all 7 items in the package with more accusations. I replyed to the feedbacks and need to know what more I can do. I have kept every message and am so angry I could spit, I wish I could post the proper feedback in this buyers feedback area but we know how that is. With what she said in the last couple of e-mails after the refund was sent, I think she had infact got the package and just wanted to harass me because of not putting tracking on her package out of my own pocket. Any suggestions? My other feedback is great and can only hope folks read further than the bad stuff posted yesterday. Terry

Orignal From: Crazy harassing buyer left 7 neg feedbacks in one day, what now?

What Would Happen If All Sellers Boycotted Ebay For A Day

What would happen if all seller decided to boycott Ebay for a day? Would they finally realize that they cannot exist without us the Sellers?

Orignal From: What Would Happen If All Sellers Boycotted Ebay For A Day

Feedback error message

I am trying to leave feedback for a seller, and no matter where I click on the word "feedback," I get the same error message from the eBay website. The order is through, but it keeps redirecting me to the eBay site and not letting me input feedback anywhere. I tried clicking on "leave feedback" near the "contact seller" button/drop down menu on My Purchases, and it didn't work. I tried looking up the seller through the Feedback link and that didn't work. The seller even e-mailed me steps on how to do it, and those didn't work either. Is there something wrong with the site? Can anyone help me out?

Orignal From: Feedback error message

non paying strike

i am really getting tired of these people that bid, and dont pay. the ebay policy should be changed. i think this is the way it should work. hold the buyer and seller responsible . this is the way it should work. buyer doe's not pay. 1.waiting time should be reduce to 5 day's to pay. 2. after 5 day's two emails should be sent to buyer. 3. buyer does not respond. after two email's. case should be close. 4.seller get's credit, buyer get's a nonpaying strike. 5. buyer should get a negative for not paying, and also this should also affect his percentage. 6. ebay, must enforce the sale of the item ,cause the buyer is responsible for paying. ebay has a credit card on file, make them pay. plain and simple. hold the buyer accountable for his action, just like ebay hold's the seller liable. i bet if this rule was to be applied, all this non paying people would go away, and the problem too. just my two cent's.. alreyna007

Orignal From: non paying strike


i recently started to send emails to buyers asking them to return feedback. i have had numerous buyers give me feedback in the message area instead of the feedback area most of them were new buyers with less than 10 feedbacks. i think ebay needs to do a better job of educating new buyers on how and were to leave FAIR feedback. considering all the things they affiliate it with when you are a seller and the onesided nature of it is it to much to ask that ebay do a better job teaching buyers how to leave feedback. have others had this experience? and i have yet to figure out how to improve my dsr's when i don't know who leaves the low ones, it's like fixing a leaky boat in the dark with no tools in the middle of a deep lake. you know you could sink anytime but what can you do but keep bailing water.


Feedback system ... I rate it Negative!

I know I'm probably preaching to the choir...but I just want to vent! eBay will tell you that they made the changes to the feedback system to help make it more 'acurate'. The previous system caused buyers to be afraid to leave acurate feedback for the seller...fearing negative feedback for themselves in return. So eBay decides to forbid sellers to leave negative feedback for buyers. Wait, HOLD THE PHONE???!!! O.K. while this will allow buyers to openly express themselves without fearing retaliation from the seller, it leaves most sellers fearing leaving feedback for any buyer until they have received favorable 'positive' feedback from the buyer. All eBay accomplished is shifting the fear from the buyers to the sellers. It did nothing to aid in making the feedback system more 'acurate'. I have posed the following to eBay Customer Service numerous times in the past couple of months, after dealing with a number of transactions and not receiving the appropriate feedback from sellers because they are afraid to leave feedback before I leave them positive feedback. I have always paid for my bids within 15 mins of the auctions' close. I consider that immediate payment. It takes a couple of minutes for me to go through the PayPal system and create a specific message to the seller regarding shipping, etc. So within 15 mins the seller has their money, shipping instructions, and my initial correspondence to them regarding the transaction. I am a firm believer that once I have done that, as a buyer I have met all of my obligations in the transaction. Should I not then receive feedback regarding my actions? Most of what I am hearing from sellers these days is... "once you leave me positive feedback, I will post feedback for you." This leaves me feeling 'extorted' from, being that the feedback I deserve is being held for no reason but to ensure the seller receives positive feedback and all 5's in their feedback from me. As a seller, my only interest in the winning bidder's feedback is the member's payment history from previous auctions; do they pay promptly and communicate promptly with sellers. Other than that, I could care less about anything else, honestly. I suggest the following senario to help correct the flaws in the Feedback System: 1.) Use the payment flags already set-up between the PayPal site and eBay to automatically generate 'payment history' feedback for the buyers. Currently, when you pay for an item using PayPal, the PayPal system sends a flag to the eBay system to show that the item has been paid for. Use that same flag to either post the amount of time it took for the item to be paid for in the buyer's feedback, or use a grading system to do the same, such as: "POSITIVE" - Payment sent within 3 days "NEUTRAL" - Payment sent within 5 days "NEGATIVE" - Payment sent after 5 days. (Note: the number of days is just an example.) 2.) Reinstate the option for sellers to leave negative feedback for buyers. If they can only leave positive or complain to eBay for help(which other members won't see) then the system isn't acurate at-all. With the automatic payment history feedback, sellers wouldn't need to leave feedback, but could still leave detailed feedback regarding the transaction, i.e. "superfast payment", "horrible communication", "very nice to deal with", etc. With this system, the seller will not be able to lie about the amount of time it took for the buyer to pay, because the automated system would show exactly how long it took the buyer to pay. Also, the seller would not feel that they have no say in how the transaction progressed after the close of auction. Buyers now have the ability to leave acuracy points...the 5's for each area of the sellers' responsibilities as-well-as the standard feedback. I think that was a great addition, as the limited number of characters you can leave in a feedback is inadequate for most negative experiences. I think this would work well, as do all of my close eBay peers, be they family or friends. I look forward to hearing from my other eBay see what they think of my idea. Happy eBaying!!!! Be blessed.... Chris Green a.k.a. Texas Maestro

Orignal From: Feedback system ... I rate it Negative!

Lied in feedback and I have email to prove it

HI Please help with an undeserved neg. I had measurements in listing on a size s item and she did not read lisitng. It did not fit her boy. Listing was accurate! I emailed back and offered a full refund and she could keep the item and sell or whatever. She could not wait a day for the refund. I contacted her about this, but ... -not sure what I am allowed to say about her revising the wrong feedback-ugh! -can this feedback be removed since it is all a lie and I have the email to prove it!?. Thanks!ABBYS808 Abbys Quick Auctions - eBay Store

Orignal From: Lied in feedback and I have email to prove it

positive but a neg?!

I have just gotten a review that was a positive but yet the buyer stated something about me smoking... I DONT smoke! No one in my house smokes, and this item has never been around smoke... it was a freaking dvd... what gives?! Is there any way to request a positive review be altered? I don't want any future customers reading it and thinking my items are from a smoking house, because they are NOT!

Orignal From: positive but a neg?!

dsr is a night mare!!

Apparently even thought i have 4.8 or better in all my star catagories, i will not be set up for a "recommended seller in october" is this typical?It seems that even though a buyer changed their feedback from a neutral to a positive the dsr they left originally sticks. is that true? how can i bring up my dsrs in the next few weeks without selling a million more units? Does anyone know? And what does that little ribbon on your tag mean anyway?

Orignal From: dsr is a night mare!!

Buyer opened claim left negative feedback

I am not happy. Buyer told item was broken, offered an exchange or refund. She opened a claim at paypal, I provided how was packed. Paypal want her send back a package , and refund everything. She will get her money back and still gave me a negative. What can I do?

Orignal From: Buyer opened claim left negative feedback

Tell Me Please, Just What Is The Purpose of.......................

Buyers feedback????? Everyone has beauty but not everyone sees it. -- Anonymous

Orignal From: Tell Me Please, Just What Is The Purpose of.......................

Warning to All

I went to leave feedback on my buying ID for an item I recieved today. Item had free shipping but the reminder did not come up as I clicked to give feedback. I went and double checked the item and it did have the free shipping as I recalled so I dont know if there is a glitch or change has been made. Sellers who rely on this may want to do some checking and contact EBay. Buyers, if you are of the mind a seller owes you something for free, should lose money on transactions and as a result only leave five stars if the shipping is free, please double check and dont rely on the lack of a reminder when leaving feedback.

Orignal From: Warning to All

Links to informaiton regarding seller rules changes for Oct, Apr.

Incoming email, along with general lack of focus prompts this posting. Link The most discussed changes: 1. Seller can no longer offer postal insurance as an option or a separate line item. 2. Seller can no longer misrepresent transit responsibility in the listing. 3. Shipping is being tightened up. 4. International sales have less impact on stars. 4. The restriction line is changing from 4.1 to a percentage of star negs. The most crucial (in my opinion) is the change away from 4.3/4.1 as the mechanism to detect sellers who ebay thinks need to be making changes. Instead, there is a focus purely on 1-2 DSRs as a count and a percentage of total sales ("star negs"). The intense focus is on the description star, which for higher volume sellers must stay below 1% negative or be restricted. An important percentage of sellers must make changes to achieve this goal.

Orignal From: Links to informaiton regarding seller rules changes for Oct, Apr.

To many bad dealers/sellers.

My last two Ebay transactions where disasters. First I got a defective item, the seller naturally blame it on the shipping, in the second one the seller simply won't send the item. I guess because it went for to little money. Most of the sellers are so cheap, they list the items for nothing and no reserve price set. Than when nobody is bidding and the final sale price is to low, they trying to weasel out of the transaction. Here's the letter what I received today from the seller: "parcel post out of ketchikan can take up to a month I know what else I can do....julie" and the previous one after two weeks: "its been well over a week i need to go to the post office dont worry you will get your product or a full refund". I think the sellers negative feedback or feedbacks should be on the top of all the feedbacks he or she received, so everybody could see them immediately, and they sould stay there.

Orignal From: To many bad dealers/sellers.

one Neg feedback out of 420 and my ratings 98.7 ???

I dont get the math I guess... 1 neg feedback recently after about 7 years and 420 transactions..... shouldnt it be 99.7?

Orignal From: one Neg feedback out of 420 and my ratings 98.7 ???

What in the world is so hard about leaving feedback?

I don't understand some people. You sell the bloody item, package, send off, you get email they're happy with the product, you send them a kind email to please leave feedback and this is the point where everything implodes. Why? It takes what.....15-20 secs. to give feedback? What in the world is the problem? Sorry for the rant but it is frustrating.

Orignal From: What in the world is so hard about leaving feedback?

Misleading Titles Headings

It is the buyer's responsibility to read a listing and this is can not be debated. In life you shouldnt spend money on anything without atleast taking some measure to know what the item is. I am curious as to the majority view as to sellers that constantly post/use misleading titles. The buyer should read a listing but a seller who constantly does this should not be able to say read the listing when they are pulling a fast one misrepresenting items in the title. If a seller puts in the title "Outstanding condition" or just give the title of something without indicating it is a reproduction, then the fact it is a reproduction is in the "fine" print, I tend to believe they are trying to mislead buyers. What is the prevailing view on this because I am starting to get annoyed at a few sellers. Fine I read the description, which is my responsibility, but shouldnt the title at a minimum not be misleading and inaccurate? I bought an item like this once. I left a positive because all of the other aspects were very good, and my thought was "live and learn" I wont buy from seller again. The seller I bought from is constantly misleading in his descriptions and as I do searches his items come up and you have to examine the picture closely to see that he is not telling the truth in the title. If everyone takes my initial attitude he is getting away with alot and I dont know if a buyer has to carefully read a description to see any disclaimers that the item is not as it is represented in the title. Basically it is a practice of describing items in very good to outstanding condition then a line saying "over" graded but still nice. Problems could easily be avoided if what the item is is stated in the title rather than "perfect" condition, 1958 Widget. There is nothing to prevent just saying 1958 Widget. He also tends to find items where the description he uses is actually accurate and posts his items at a few dollars less, when in reality they should be much less. I would like others opinions on this.

Orignal From: Misleading Titles Headings

Shouldn't eBay have a 'product review' rating?

So...I went over to Amazon dot com last night. NOT to shop...I went to get 'product review' information so that I could make a more informed buying decision here on eBay. And then it hit me...why doesn't eBay allow for such a thing? Then another thing hit much negative feedback is due to a poorly performing or inferior grade product? Buyer's remorse surely gets worse when the quality or performance are lacking. Maybe because we the buyers and sellers are not asking for it? Or is eBay considering or implementing such a function and I just missed that information when I decided not to read one of the messages eBay Inc. sent to me? Dean

Orignal From: Shouldn't eBay have a 'product review' rating?

Seller wants FB asap so paypal can release the money??

Ok, a friend of mine won a used computer this weekend through BIT. The computer was so oddly cheap as compared to the others, that she snatched it up just an hour after he listed it. She paid for the item instantly with paypal (visa on file) the next day. However, the seller contacted her today and asked.... if he shows proof he mailed the item, will she leave positive FB so that paypal can "release" the money to him. Note: He also made it seem like the shipping came up more than he thought and he needed the money to help with the shipping fee (applying the guilt trip). Even if that's the case, how will he get 'proof' of shipping if he hasn't shipped it out as yet. Ok, I'm confused here. I advise her to NOT leave feedback until the transaction is completed, meaning that the computer is also working as described etc. What do you think of this? I didn't know paypal holds money until feedback, or is he pulling a fast one. I smell fish.

Orignal From: Seller wants FB asap so paypal can release the money??

Buyer Requirements

Lets give Ebay a standing ovation on these as they are very helpful. The ability to block buyers who only have negative feedback saves so many prblems as there are so many of those people actively shopping here, as they keep these id's and never just start new ones that say 0 feedback. The ability to block buyers with 2 strikes also provides outstanding protection as buyers who make a habit of not paying for only one item per month are not at all a problem to deal with. Blocking buyers who have bid on many of your items is also a great asset as why have people who constantly buy and pay from you continue to do so? And it is much harder to specifically block those who have bid and did not pay. Blocking to countries where you do not ship is also great as we need added protection to help us not do something we have all ready stated that we will not do.

Orignal From: Buyer Requirements

Wonderful Weirdoes Wednesday Chat 09-09-09

Orignal From: Wonderful Weirdoes Wednesday Chat 09-09-09

Should I cancel my transaction, avoid feedback

I, as a buyer, had a problem with a seller. I was sent a non-working refurbished item, after much delay, and threats of raising a dispute with paypal within my 45 days, I was sent back all the money I paid. Of course I'm still not happy (but I am relieved). The camera I had planned on getting for vacation never arrived, and the vacation came and went. Now the seller wants to cancel the transaction, perhaps so to avoid an ebay fee. If I agree to cancel the transaction, will I not be able to leave any feedback? I would like to leave a neutral feedback. I did get a refund, but seller was very slow to respond, and even sent me an instruction manual instead of a replacement camera by mistake, delaying the whole process. I wish we had the following feedback system. __ Did you get the product as described? __ Did it arrive on time? __ If not, was seller communication and response quick and adequate after you alerted them of the problem? __ If not, did seller provide a full refund or replacement product? __ Were you satisfied with the refund or replacement product? __ Did you begin a dispute process with Paypal or other means? In other words, a seller can jerk people around and still get good feedback. They can send a defective product, delay the response, and not send a replacement, and if the buyer persists, they can send the correct product finally. Is a buyer to then give good feedback because the seller (FINALLY) came through with the product? (How many buyers didn't complain quick enough to resolve it with Paypal!) How I wish ebay would send an email reminder to all buyers after 40 days who have not left feedback, to remind them of their need to open a dispute if the transaction is still not resolved. ?? Should I cancel the transaction ?? ?? Should I give negative or neutral feedback, which??

Orignal From: Should I cancel my transaction, avoid feedback

Ebays unfair feedback policy

Why does Ebay allow buyers to leave negative feedback for a seller when the buyer made the mistake? For example, a buyer who buys a used item, does not ask specific questions prior to purchase, then complains after they receive it that it is used, are offered a refund, refuse the refund, and then leaves negative feedback. The seller has done nothing wrong. Second example, the item description describes exactly the product including any flaws in the product, the buyer buys it, then complains when they receive it about the flaw that was described in the listing, is offered a refund, and leaves negative feedback. Again the seller has done nothing wrong. In both cases the negative feedback hurts the reputation of the seller and reduces the % score, but they could not have done anything different - they are at the mercy of a feedback policy that is unfair, discriminatory, and serves absolutely no purpose in accurately describing a fair seller.

Orignal From: Ebays unfair feedback policy

Sellers who refuse to fix SNADs

We've seen a few stories lately. Apparently some local posters find themselves aligned with such sellers, and against those mean buyers who would post undesired fb when seller refuses an acceptable remedy. Common is a seller hiding behind "buyer didn't want to return the stuff". This whole dynamic is why the DSRs are changing. Sellers who refuse to fix SNADs are going to get crushed, come April. They need to be changing now, such that they no longer collect any negative description stars, and the older ones age off before April. Local posters who encourage such behavior will share in that pain. "Buyer didn't want to return the stuff" isn't going to save anyone.

Orignal From: Sellers who refuse to fix SNADs


As a buyer, my part of the transaction is completed when I pay for my item in a timely manner. It is at that time I expect feedback from the seller. The seller's part of the transaction is complete when I receive my item as described and in a timely manner. I do not appreciate sellers who wait til the buyer leaves FB first. If the seller is reputable and knows they are selling thier items as described, they should not be worried about negative FB when the item arrives. Sellers that state they "wait to leave FB to see if the item arrived" or other excuses make me think they have some reason to think the buyer may not be satisfied with the item, which should not be the case if described accurately, with pictures of the exact item itself, not a catalog picture...If I ever had a problem with an item, I have always contacted the seller first (only 2 or 3 times), got the problem resolved, and left excellent FB because the issue was solved promptly. Perhaps, to be fair to the sellers who do get subjected to "buyers remorse customers", negative FB should not be allowed to be left unless the buyer has contacted the seller first....


You Know You're a Real EBay Seller When ...

. ... you consider a scale and a scanner "vital" equipment. ... you know what a PITA is without being told. ... you have archived links to the Postal Inspector and a local law enforcement database in case you run into a scammer. ... you think not getting Feedback is a good thing. .

Orignal From: You Know You're a Real EBay Seller When ...

New Buyer negative feedback process? What do you think?

Suggestion to improve seller protection: I'm sure everyone has a say about how ridiculous the new feedback system has placed sellers in merciless predicament. Perhaps eBay should create a regulated process prior to a buyer's negative feedback? eBay should not hand a grenade to the buyer and not be responsible for what they are going to do with it!! Simply asking them to read the instruction will not suffice. Some new buyers may think it is harmless when what it does is actually blow away not only the honest seller's business, but also eBay's chance at more sales. The process should include a text field for buyer to include email correspondence with the seller, inclusive of the email headers, etc. This will remove the risk of buyers simply leaving a negative without even an effort to resolve the matter amicably. The facilitator should regulate with reference to the item description, and the seller's follow-up action, such as full refund, etc. I doubt no sane seller will take it lightly when this process is initiated.

Orignal From: New Buyer negative feedback process? What do you think?


Hi, I recently purchased a gold lot from an ebayer. This ebayer put a description that was different from what i received and produced a picture that was a highly magnified version of this gold and put a ruler to show the size. I received it in the mail and I knew it was going to be small but it looked nothing like described or shown in the picture. I contacted the saler and requested a refund. This saler offered me one but minus about half of the cost and originally he stated in his description that he didn't offer any refunds. I was worried that I wouldn't even received a refund if I sent it back by the way this saler began to act. I did leave negative feedback after he offered me a refund but it only stated that his auction description was misleading and was not the same as what I received. He intern reneged on his offer and put a positive feedback so I could not revise it and stated that I was a bad costumer, I couldn't read, that I had LIED, and that salers were to beware me. Is there something wrong with this?

Orignal From: Feedback

Overplaying a SNAD hand

Two threads yesterday involved sellers who got negged after overplaying a SNAD hand, refusing to make peace with buyer, but wanting to wail afterwards. Another new one today, from buyer's side. Any poster who advises some other seller to take a hard line in a SNAD case had better consider these cases. If a seller can afford the neg/bad stars, fine. But that's what happens.

Orignal From: Overplaying a SNAD hand

Cannot leave feedback, no option to.

I made a purchase, and received the item, and when I logged in to leave pos feedback there was no option to do so. In fact, the transaction didn't even show up in My Ebay.. I am in contact with the seller and they have the same problem. I want to leave feedback but dont know what to do.

Orignal From: Cannot leave feedback, no option to.

DSR's - Free Shipping = Automatic 5 Stars

Would it be a good idea for eBay to adopt the policy of automatically granting 5 stars in the "Shipping and Handling Cost" DSR category to any seller offering items with free shipping and take that decision away from the buyer when they are leaving feedback? Presently, eBay does not do a very good job of educating buyers on the meaning of the 5 star DSR categories. Then there are buyers who love to mess with seller's DSR's by intentionally leaving low DSR scores. Sellers should not have to suffer from either circumstance if they have given buyers free shipping, or given free upgrades to Priority delivery service. I always incur more expense for shipping than I charge, when factoring in delivery confirmation, yet buyers are leaving more and more lower scores for shipping and handling charges than ever before. Anyone else experiencing the same?

Orignal From: DSR's - Free Shipping = Automatic 5 Stars

Why do sellers have to act so defensive?

On my buying id I had an auction end on Sunday and paid shortly thereafter. Seller says he "usually" ships within 2 days and will send me the confirmation number when shipped. Well today is Wednesday and still no confirmation number so I shoot him an email asking rather tersely "So when can I expect the package?" He emails me back saying how sorry he is and that Monday was a holiday and how there was a death in the family and I'm like whoa, I only want to know when the item will be shipped. He didn't have to be so defensive about the situation. Maybe it was because of the email I sent. No hello or how are you or things like that. Just a simple, direct email that cuts to the chase. I always send these kinds of emails to get their attention if I feel I've been ignored. It works every time.

Orignal From: Why do sellers have to act so defensive?

How do I block the final auction price from my feedback page?

When I look at what other sellers have sold in their feedback profile, many have - where the price exists on my feedback page. I don't know how to keep the price from being present. Can anyone help me figure this out? I like the idea of that being private without making my entire feedback page private. Thanks!!!

Orignal From: How do I block the final auction price from my feedback page?

Is EBay Growing Again - Blip or Trend?

. This analysis and graph is very interesting - it actually shows growth in sales for eBay for the first time this year. The data compares monthly data for this year compared to the same month last year. EBay sales had been declining -5% each month this year, while Amazon's are up about 50% each month. But this August, eBay saw a 4.6% rise! Link Has eBay turned the growth corner? A particularly interesting question, and one month does not a trend make. Last year, eBay sales never recovered from the summer slump, which led to a disastrous holiday season (for eBay anyway). Factor in WalMart's entry into the arena, and eBay really needs some good data, and quickly. Amazon continues to grow by 50% month over month, and that line has been consistent. .

Orignal From: Is EBay Growing Again - Blip or Trend?

automatic feedback

i am getting frustrated with the luck of the draw feedback. i ship all items with delivery confirmation, and when i buy an item i leave feedback as soon as i receive my item,but i keep dealing with people that dont leave feedback both buyers and sellers. there should be an automatic positive feedback left at the deadline if no complaint or feedback is left for the ebay member.

Orignal From: automatic feedback

How NOT to respond to a negative feedback...

Was looking at bidding on 2 items from a seller. The items totaled $850.00. and I would have went to $1,000.00 on them. I looked at their feedback and found this: BUYER: NEGATIVE "AVOID. Had to file a claim for significantly not as described (I did pay). SCAM!" Ok, no biggie, seller had numerous other postives so at this point I'd probably still bid... but the seller replied with: Reply by I did refund money Not my fault 5X didn't fit Try a diet lady or buy a tent next Holy freakin' moly... I hit the copy and got the heck outta there. I wouldn't buy from that seller now if they were the last source on earth for what I need. Point is the buyers negative wasn't my deciding factor... the sellers comments were. This guy needs to go find another line of work 'cause selling ain't for him. He needs a job out on a deserted island somewhere far away from other people ROFLOL

Orignal From: How NOT to respond to a negative feedback...

Monday, September 7, 2009

Monday, August 31, 2009

When to end?

Are there studies that determine what day of the week is best to end an auction?

Orignal From: When to end?

Seller wants to cancle, I did receive refund, can I still leave feedback?

I had a recent second chance offer from a seller. I agreed and paid. 10 days later I get an email explaining that they hadn't shipped the item and offered a refund or the item if I still wanted it. I still wanted it so I asked that they ship it. In the next 20 days I made several inquires and requests for information, no luck. Finally, I put in a dispute with Paypal. At that time the money was refunded. No further explanation was given. I left neutral feedback. The seller did refund my money so I'm not out anything but given the poor communication and the long delays I felt that at least neutral was warranted. I considered negative but felt that was too much given the refund. The seller now would like to cancel the transaction. I'm OK with that as I have received my refund. However, I would like the neutral feedback to remain on the seller's record. I am only agreeing to cancel because I feel it is less risk than hoping the item even gets shipped. If I agree to cancel the sale does my feedback get canceled with it? Thanks,

Orignal From: Seller wants to cancle, I did receive refund, can I still leave feedback?

~ Wednesday, July 1, 2009 Cjhat ~ How can it be July already?

Where did the time go? Well, since it's 10:30 this morning and still no chat, I guess time is getting away from us! Happy July everyone! ___________________

Orignal From: ~ Wednesday, July 1, 2009 Cjhat ~ How can it be July already?

Gotta vent first Neg feedback

I got my first Neg. FB today. this is just the gist of it, he was very rude. I stayed calm and watched my words. (1 buyer email ) I received a message from the buyer saying the Item was damaged. Said I sold him junk. He was returning it and Wanted a refund for everything including return shipping. If ididn't reply in 24hrs I will leave Feedback accordingly. - I replied that the Item was fine when I shipped it. And I would give a Full Refund. (2 buyer email ) You knew it was junk there's a very large crack. I'm throwing this in the trash and giving Neg. - I replied that I purchase this needing the other reflector. I'm sorry, I didn't notice the crack. Return the item and I'll refund your money. (3 buyer email ) I don't want you're refund. I'm throwing this in the trash. If you check the pic you can see the crack. - Please return it, I'll refund your money. In the mean time left Neg. I didn't know about. I saw this Emailed him again. -told him to return the reflector and I would refund his money. If it was in the same condition as when I sent it, some one could use it. ( I would have used it, if it was the one I wanted ) All of this happened in 4 hrs, yes, four hours so, three times I made it clear I would give him a full refund. and one more after I found the neg fb I'm I allowed to post the Item # here ?

Orignal From: Gotta vent first Neg feedback

mixed up feedback

I had feedback to leave for two items. I gave very satisfactory for each one, but in my comments, I mixed up the items. The seller asked if I could fix it and I would like to. Is there anything I can do?

Orignal From: mixed up feedback

Is there a way to delete an item reference off my feedback?

I bought an item for someone and don't want them seeing it on my eBay feedback. Is there a way to delete the link to the item from my feedback? If not, how long does it take before the link is removed by itself?

Orignal From: Is there a way to delete an item reference off my feedback?

Raised search standing based on s

This is absurd the way Ebay penalizes you when you charge for s

Orignal From: Raised search standing based on s

Thanks Pink Post-it!

Don't know why my original post was removed, but thanks for the advice! I've submitted it to feedback extortion for review. Have a good one!

Orignal From: Thanks Pink Post-it!

Neutral feedback received

I just received neutral feedback from a buyer who purchased 2 items in May. It really dumped my DSR rating in the trash. The buyer never contacted me about any problems. I did sent an email, but haven't gotten a response back. The items were shipped the next day, and the buyer received them within 3 days after purchase, but they still gave me poor ratings for shipping etc.... We always cut our fabric larger to ensure satisfaction. What can I do about someone who leaves neutral feedback that is not true? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

Orignal From: Neutral feedback received

Probably a ridiculous idea, but I'm doing it anyway.

I received negative feedback from a buyer for something that was not even an ebay transaction. The comment left by this buyer states that he will not remove the negative feedback until he receives an item that was not part of the original transaction. Nor is this item necessary to correct a deficiency with the item in the original transaction. It is something that is of $20-30 value that was sent at no charge to him, and then was lost in the mail because I probably sent it to the wrong zip code that was initially provided by this buyer. I have been going through this issue with ebay for nearly a week now, and have gotten nowhere. Ebay claims that the negative feedback is not eligible for removal, even though the comment is a blatant example of feedback extortion. Apparently, they don't see this as a violation of their own policy on feedback abuse, and they will not take action of any sort. So, I have resorted to filing a complaint with the Better Business Bureau. Now, I have no illusions as to this actually working. But, if other sellers with identical problems report ebay to the BBB, then maybe enough complaints will cause ebay to take notice. Ebay provides a service for a fee. Therefore, they have certain legal responsibilities in this regard, and these are laid out in its user agreement and its policies. When they fail in this regard, they have committed a breach in conduct. The negative feedback I received effected my ratings, which affected how well I can sell. So I have also asked for a refund of all seller fees from the date of the negative feedback until such time as the feedback is removed.

Orignal From: Probably a ridiculous idea, but I'm doing it anyway.


How Do post my feedback all at onetime? Thanks

Orignal From: Feedback


I was born July 2,1962 around 10:30 am on a very hot and sunny day.I weighed 8 lbs.10ozs.My mom still has the flag from one of the cupcakes she had while in the hospital on July 4th.I don't really feel 47 but I guess I am. I have had a pretty rough and action packed year this year.I have been in the hospital 3 times due to infection and MRSA developing in my leg.I thank god that I was able to overcome the infection.Today mom will probably break out the photo album and start showing baby pictures of me with those huge cloth diapers on.I got to wonder as a baby why I was running around half naked.I thank god that I lived to see this birthday and I hope that he will bless me to see many more.

Orignal From: OT:

Would you consider this a threat from buyer

received this message yesterday. I have not had these glasses for 2 weeks and they are broken. The silver DG fell off and I cannot find it. THerefore they are useless. UNLESS you want to get a HORRIBLE feedback rating from me, you can send me a replacement pair of sunglasses and I will be happy to return the damaged pair back to you with prepaid postage. I will expect that you will reply soon. 1) My listings clearly state that all my items are guaranteed. She could have simply requested a replacement or a refund. 2) These are very high quality items, she received it in good condition, and my listings state you may return it with-in seven days if not satisfied for a refund. 3) I would have replaced the item without a threat because I don't want an unhappy customer. 4) I did send a replacement but after the way she spoke to me I must say I was reluctant. What is your opinion?

Orignal From: Would you consider this a threat from buyer




How can you post a feedback when it says the item doesn't exist?

Purchased two batteries from a company in China. Batteries were defective, returned them at my cost. Took the company three weeks to acknowledge that they got them and then shorted me $24 for shipping fees. It doesn't state anywhere on there ad that if you return them you will get charged the shipping fee. I have contacted Ebay they can't help and Paypal won't help either. I got shorted $24 from then and then another $15 to ship the worthless batteries back to them.... any ideas on what I can do. Jodi Levins

Orignal From: How can you post a feedback when it says the item doesn't exist?

integrity of feedback

e-bay is not letting me leave a neutral feedback entry!!!! wants me to change it!!!!! This is ridiculous!!! It keeps saying "are you sure"- yes.... for several days I have been trying - I'm sure..... Makes me question the validity of the feedback feature - is it accurate????????

Orignal From: integrity of feedback


Well, I was cruisin' I thought I'd get it started.


Seller dashboard....I don't get it.....

I paid little attention to this feature as I don't sell much at all. For a couple of months last year, I sold enough to get the stars to show on my profile...4.9/5. But never looked at that seller dashboard thing. I've sold a couple/three things recently, but under the "need 10" mark to show stars on profile. I looked at my dashboard this evening and I just don't get it..... "your 30 day/ your 12 mo"....ALL 5.00 "your 30 day/ebay 30 day".....4.80, 4.77, 4.74, 4.75 "your 12 mo/ebay 12 mo".....4.73, 4.68, 4.62, 4.59 I don't understand this. I don't sell the volume, but the quality of my sales are impeccable. It's really true, the small seller is doomed here if this is the way they are rating. In essence, as a small seller, I MUST get all fives EVERY sale to stay *just above* "eBay's" mark to be able to sell my wares here, yes? My goodness, what has happened to "quality v. quantity"? Not to mention getting that quality at a bargain price? And all this buyer v. seller and seller v. buyer that goes on at this site? It makes me so sad...... I said it before, I'll say it again....I will sell here until it's no longer fun. And even though my buyers do give me all 5 stars but eBay rates them less because I don't sell thousands of items, I can walk away knowing I did the right thing. I'll buy here until there are no more "good" deals.......and there are less and less every day as the "good" sellers are slowly but surely dissipating. There must be thousands upon thousands of folks out there who bought into eBay when it was "good". Stay-at-home-Moms who could give those little "extras" to their kids, Dad's who want to give their family the "vacation of a lifetime", infinitum Just like in "Goodfellas" when Henry says,"but, that's all over now", the same is true for eBay.

Orignal From: Seller dashboard....I don't get it.....

Advice on Feedback Protocol

So I am still fairly new at this, but beginning to understand as a seller are hands are tied, with buyers. Most of my buyers have been great, and leave feedback, now. I was wondering and if you guys can give me insight on this. When a customer buys a product...we confirm by marking item shipped (and in my case I do delivery confirmation or signature confirmation) when I do ship, so we acknowledge the fact that they paid. Now my question is this: Is it okay not to give them feedback until they give you feedback first? Since if we accepted the payment then it stands to reason that the transaction already is valid and good and not to restate that our feedback is payment recieved? Please some thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Orignal From: Advice on Feedback Protocol

DSR ratings do not make sense.

My current ratings are 4.96/4.96/4.92/4.84 for 12 months and for last 30 days are 4.95/4.95/4.95/4.83. These are taken from my seller dashboard. All my seller dashboard ratings dropped in the last 3 days. Now there is a discrepancy in that the 12 month and 30 day ratings dropped in the last 3 days but when I do a report for the 1/6/09 - 4/7 09 it shows that my ratings received for that period are 5.0/5.0/5.0/4.88 and the last one postage charges has gone up in the last 3 days from 4.86. Why therefore have my ratings dropped. This does not make any sense. Average ratings for 01/06/09 to 03/07/09 Ratings (18 received) Average for date range Item as described 5.00 Communication 5.00 Postage time 5.00 Postage and handling charges 4.88 My Feedback Profile page also shows my Postage and handling charges STAR dropped yet the report I created shows my rating increased from 4.86 to 4.88. Average ratings for 01/06/09 to 30/06/09 Ratings (15 received) Average for date range Item as described 5.00 Communication 5.00 Postage time 5.00 Postage and handling charges 4.86 I have only been selling for about 6 months so it can

Orignal From: DSR ratings do not make sense.

One negative feedback in 8 years

I am so feedback quantity is almost 100 and has been at 100% positive until yesterday. A buyer changed the shipping destination country (from a 6/13 sale)

Orignal From: One negative feedback in 8 years


feedback on Ebay is changed a lot over the years. I am not a power seller or buyer. But I do believe that most seller are soo worried about getting bad feedback that they refuse to feedback first. Back in the begining of Ebay people were kind and considerate the system worked quite will, but now??? my thoughts on feedback are: the sellers' are to leave feedback on the sell first, was it quick payment, did buyer ask questions first and such, (when I sell items I almost always leave feedback before I ship item not always.) as buyer, I am to leave feedback on product, is what it was posted is as, time of shipping and such, when I get my item. No time have I bad left feedback on a seller that was honest with thier posting discription of the item. I have had a few bad transactions but I have always contacted the seller first before feedback is left. And in cases, except one no ngitive feedback was left. feedback is what drives sales. I will not buy a seller with bad foodback, no matter how good the deal is. lets get back to using the feedback system correctly. ~James~ "Trust No One." ~James~"HA!"

Orignal From: feedback

Another bad FB

.... for returning a buyer's funds because he tried to get me to ship an item to an address that was not in his paypal profile. I tried to cancel the transaction but he refused. In the end eBay charges me $69.00 (no way to appeal) then to add insult to injury the buyer waited till forever and left a negative. I guess the war of attrition against sellers is still on uh?

Orignal From: Another bad FB

How many slaps before I get kicked off?

I keep offending people. Is it me or their life

Orignal From: How many slaps before I get kicked off?

Feedback system complaint...

I had an auction end June 26th and the buyer never paid. I sent two invoices and an email with no response. Today, after waiting for contact or payment, which never came, I filed to cancel the transaction, which the buyer agreed to. I have received a refund of the seller's fees but what about my listing fees? Also, this buyer should receive a negative for not fulfilling the transaction but I can't do so... this is unfair to other seller's and myself. My listings clearly state that payment must be made via PayPal and received within 48 hours so there was no excuse for this buyer's conduct.

Orignal From: Feedback system complaint...

Power Seller Feed back

Hi, I'm having a heck of a time leaving a neutral feed back for a power seller. I've contacted the seller as required, waited the required time. Now the process just stops when I try to post it. Are the only people allowed to receive neutral or negative feed backs just small time regular sellers like myself ?

Orignal From: Power Seller Feed back

topic disappeared

does any one know why my topic would have vanished?

Orignal From: topic disappeared

Views Now Visible on Dashboard

all i can say is 'THANK YOU!' this is one of the best improvements i've seen in a while

Orignal From: Views Now Visible on Dashboard

Chat For Friday, July 3rd

Wash your red, white and blues for tomorrow.

Orignal From: Chat For Friday, July 3rd

HELP I need kgg60

I need kgg60 to contact smallfatbeagle ASAP. Ebay will not letme email him to comunicate as they say we do not have any business to conduct. Not true. If anybody can help I would appreciate it.

Orignal From: HELP I need kgg60

Feedback DSR Help

OK so this is more of a question of what every one else does to keep there DSR's up. I have 100% feedback and pretty good DSR's all but for one. It is still good but I would like to get it higher. It is my communication. I customized my seller e-mails and things like that, respond to every feedback left, I send a personalized e-mail to buyers through ebay telling them their item shipped, and I even put a nice thank you card in every order that goes out. Yet, my communication is the lowest out of all my DSR's, why is this? I know it is not terribly low but shipping time I have 5 out of 5 so I know its possible and 4.9 out of 5 for my Item as described. So what is the deal with the communication one? Am I trying to hard at it and that is why people score me less for this? What do you guys (and gals) do to try and keep your customers happy with communication? Any ideas for me at all? I just don't want to get down the road with selling and get much more feedback and have this DSR go down lower.

Orignal From: Feedback DSR Help

Value and reliability Feedback left by sellers for buyers in question

With sellers being able to only positive or no feedback for buyers means that buyers will always appear to be good buyers with (100% positive feedback) even if they are deadbeats. That being the case seller feedback for buyers clearly does not reflect reality, I cannot see how feedback of buyers can be taken seriously regardless of how much they have. With this all in mind I question the value of leaving any feedback for any buyers and I will certainly view buyer feedback with suspicion no matter how good they look.

Orignal From: Value and reliability Feedback left by sellers for buyers in question


Why doesn't my feed back numbers increase when I purchase something from the same seller or sell once again to a same buyer? It shouldn;t matter if I already purchased from them before or sold to them before, a purchase is a purchase. a sale is a sale...good or bad!


Sellers who don't leave feedback

i'm a fairly new ebayer and am trying to build up my # of positive feedback ratings. why is it that some sellers cannot bother to post feedback? i leave great feedback and sometimes mail the seller more than once to ask for feedback, but nothing happens. this is so frustrating and makes me want to add a note to MY feedback that was given to the seller! i rarely encounter a seller that will leave feedback before i do. this is interesting to me, since when i pay for the item, my part of the transaction is over. are sellers really waiting to see what kind of feedback they receive and then post accordingly? any comments?

Orignal From: Sellers who don't leave feedback

Bridezillas $60 item Return for any reason

brand new 0 FB Does NOT know even how to check the caculated shipping to her zip or even how to make the purchase. Buyer needs hand holding throughout whole process to even buy it , no clue at all on how to make the purchase $60 fragile item around $12 ship cost too. She made a pest of herself

Orignal From: Bridezillas $60 item Return for any reason


Does anyone knows who owns ebay and who runs its company?

Orignal From: Hi

my first negative! What can I do?? Anything?

I listed 3 pairs of shoes that were in fair to good condition. I listed that the shoes had scuffs on them etc. I took 2 pictures of the shoes and posted them on there. You can see some of the scuffs from the pictures. I had five bids on these shoes and sold them for $11.50 with .$5.50 shipping. It ended up costing me $7.69 to ship. Not a big deal that it was more, I got more out of the shoes then I expected since, like I said I listed them in the condition that they were in. Apparently the seller was not happy with the shoes, said they were in terrible condition (they were not) and asked what could be done about it. Well I spent yesterday at Relay for Life and did not get the message until today when I signed on. She sent it on Friday. I replied that I would refund her money minus shipping and she could send them back at her cost. But after I replied to her about that I noticed that she had already left negative yesterday! I am so mad! Why can buyers just arbitrarilly (sp) leave negative when the description and pictures clearly states what they are buying??!! She did not bid on perfect brand new shoes! Is there anything I can do? My 100 percent feedback is now reduced to 75%! I JUST started selling on here, and am already done. There is no way I'm going to do well now with 75% feedback. I'm so dissapointed. I'm just so upset about this I don't even know what to do.

Orignal From: my first negative! What can I do?? Anything?

Ebay policies

Ebay shouldn't delete posts about experiences with sellers.They call that a violation when you post about experiences with sellers.

Orignal From: Ebay policies

What can be done ...

hi ebay users and ebay Administrators i have brough an item from one off ur ebay seller and payment was made through paypal... the item was shipped to me from Hong kong on the 19-Apr-2009 ... and till this day i have not got the item ..! i have communcating with the seller to get the issue resolve and it seem that they, seem are draging thier foot on the issue and i'm at a lose on it ..? and it seem that during the time for me to make all the feedback and make a case on and about it with ebay they were just string me along on the process... but i know now and its too late so i'm asking any one what can i do to get justice on the matter .. PLEASE I'M ASKING FOR ANY HELP ON THE MATTER

Orignal From: What can be done ...

I'm a gluten for punishment, apparently

So I haven't sold on ebay in nearly a year because of obvious reasons. I've been doing pretty well just selling via rented booths in toy/antique malls. I recently got multiple amounts of some limted ed items that were *only* sold locally, that I knew would just sell better via ebay rather than local. So I posted about 20 items, first items I've sold in over a year. And holy smokes, now I remember why the heck I quit selling on ebay in the first place. Of the 20 items sold, 5 buyers haven't paid. One insists that they never knew they won the item, and already got it from another seller. He keeps saying he wants to come to an 'amicable resolution', yet also seems to think he's under no obligation to pay me. The others just don't seem inclined to even respond to me or the dispute cases. Another buyer is insisting I combine all items into one package and refund the shipping, despite the fact that she already paid for each item separately. I declined. Then she insisted I ship to a 3rd party address, I also declined. Then she resorted to name calling. Apparently, I am a 'tightass' for actually attempting to follow paypal's seller protection policy. Aughghg. I still haven't responded because I can't seem to type up a response that doesn't make me look unprofessional. Thus I am in here ranting. So anyway, how are you guys? Been a long time since I stopped in the feedback board.

Orignal From: I'm a gluten for punishment, apparently

Nu-b wants advice...

Hi, folks. I've been around ebay for a while time, but have never posted. I just bought (tried to buy) a guitar. He claimed there was minor damage in the listing...(260436556987). I won it and paid for it, then got a message from my seller that said, "I'm sorry to inform you that the guitar damage has worsened while transporting it to the post office. It no longer sounds aesthetically pleasing. It is no longer usable; i threw it away. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I will refund your payment immediately, and I will send you a positive feedback also for your quick payment. I'm so sorry about what happened." He did refund, but hasn't followed up on the feedback. My question is, what kind of feedback would you leave? How would you handle it?

Orignal From: Nu-b wants advice...

Neutral Feedback Advice

I need some advice as to how to handle a neutral feedback that I don't believe is deserved. I recently sold a 2pc purse set (item #250450383912) for a whole $.99. Shipping was $5.95. I have a no return policy but do state on my packing slips that if there are any problems with the shipment to please feel free to contact me. The buyer did not contact me at all regarding any problems, they just left neutral feedback that the item was not what they expected and was cheaply made. What is the best procedure for trying to get the buyer to change their rating? Should I open a feedback revision request, or just contact the buyer. How do I approach it politely, since the buyer actually received exactly what they purchased. I could understand it if I portrayed the purse as being a top quality, name brand bag that they were getting for a steal, but that isn't the case. I offered it at $.99 and that's all she paid for it plus the shipping. If it would make matters any better, I would offer to refund her money, but don't feel that I should do that unless the feedback were to be changed to actually reflect the transaction. The item was as described, I shipped in a timely manner, and do not overcharge for shipping, so what do I do??? I appreciate any input you can offer.

Orignal From: Neutral Feedback Advice

4th of July Happy Birthday Nathaniel Hawthorne

What a handsome savage, no? . .

Orignal From: 4th of July Happy Birthday Nathaniel Hawthorne

Seller Dashboard *

Maybe too much information at ones fingertips is not always good. I just checked my seller dashboard and found myself destroyed by one of my happy customers in the category of Communication. I always leave feedback, thank them and in that feedback I tell the date the item is mailed. Is it my fault people don't read their feedback? What do they want...a pen pal?

Orignal From: Seller Dashboard *

Law Suit

Hey get this too funny..i just got a email from someone not to be talking about the law suit on ebay can you believe that maybe i need to tell them about my rights under the law i can say what i want to say!!!!!!!!

Orignal From: Law Suit

Monday, August 24, 2009

Sellers can't leave negative feedback - or can they?

So why did I just notice that a deadbeat buyer of one of my items just received a "neutral" feedback. When I (and a number of other sellers) tried to indicate in our feedback our dissatisfaction with the buyer, our comments were all removed and we were warned about violating rules. We didn't have the option of leaving neutral feedback - only positive. And any negative statements in our "positive" feedback were removed by ebay. Now, I see this guy just got a neutral feedback with negative text. If I could have done that I would have.....Has something changed since we've all been bellyaching about this boneheaded policy?

Orignal From: Sellers can't leave negative feedback - or can they?

***** Friday August 21, 2009 .... Thank God It's Friday Chat! *****

Well the weekend is finally here! What do you have planned for the weekend? Enjoy your day and chat away!

Orignal From: ***** Friday August 21, 2009 .... Thank God It's Friday Chat! *****

Pro seller/pro buyer

Various posters to this forum all have their own notions of good, marginal, and not good behavior, from both buyers and sellers. Some move the line depending on context; others, are more consistent. However, I don't believe any poster considers themselves to be "pro seller" or "pro buyer". For example, giving advice to sellers to help them avoid undesired fb is surely pro seller. I for one truly believe that more negs overall would yield a more accurate identification of the best sellers, a better buyer experience, and more money for all sellers. The cultural suppression of negs, and nearly all sellers running 99 has not served good sellers well. It has served poor sellers well by making them look like good sellers. If by "pro buyer" one means "anti poor seller", so be it.

Orignal From: Pro seller/pro buyer

Buyer Feedback

I just noticed that all of my recent buyers have 100% positive feedback! Now, isn't that a surprise!?!? What can a buyer do when a seller clearly does not deserve positive feedback? What options doesa seller have?

Orignal From: Buyer Feedback

I can't seem to leave feedback?!?

Is it difficult for anybody else to leave feedback, or is it just me? I tried clicking on the "leave feedback" prompt at the top of my item page, and it just keeps taking me back to the Won page. The little star icon at the very right of my item is grayed out, so I can't even click on that. I know that it's taken me a few times to figure out how to do this, and I've always been able to leave fb before, but for the life of me, this time I'm stumped. Any ideas????

Orignal From: I can't seem to leave feedback?!?

check out this CNN article -- Wow

Wow -- blogging can get you canned (good thing I'm retired!) (CNN) -- Blog fans in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, saw PittGirl as their masked superhero -- a comedian and local commentator who jibed the mayor without reserve and ranted freely about her hatred of pigeons. Virginia Montanez says she was fired because she revealed her identity as a local blogger. But despite her effort to keep her real name secret, people started to figure out who PittGirl was. Feeling pressure to take control of her identity before someone else outed her, PittGirl on Wednesday posted pictures of herself on her blog and introduced readers to her real-world self: Virginia Montanez, a 35-year-old married mother of two who worked in the nonprofit sector. "My friends and family call me Ginny," she wrote on her blog. "But you can continue to call me Your Majesty, because I've grown accustomed." On Thursday morning, Montanez was fired from her job because of her online persona, she said. Montanez's and other online coming-out stories highlight the complicated way people view anonymity on the Internet and the high stakes that come with trying to keep up an online persona. The reasons people want to be anonymous online vary. Political whistle blowers fear retribution; employees want to separate the personal from the professional; artists want their work to stand up without an attached biography; and some writers like Montanez take on a sort of Everyman quality by keeping their real names off their posts. Don't Miss Ruling could let model find, sue online heckler But there also are reasons why a person with an online persona might want to come out of the closet. Some anonymous bloggers, like PittGirl, worry their veils of anonymity will be pulled back against their will, and plenty of news events validate their fears. Earlier this week, for example, a New York Supreme Court judge forced Google to reveal the identity of a blogger who had been posting rants about onetime cover girl Liskula Cohen on, which Google owns. No true anonymity That case, and similar ones before it, send the message that the cloak of online anonymity easily can be lifted, said Judith Donath, a fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University. But it's difficult to say whether the Web is becoming more or less anonymous, she said. "What's increasing is the range of forums and the types of anonymous environments people have to choose among," she said. Some sites, like Facebook, encourage people to give lots of information about their real-world selves. Blogs are more of a mixed bag, she said, where many people write under assumed names or put their words in the mouths of invented characters. But such split identities can easily be merged -- either through the judicial process or by using technology. Courts have set general guidelines that a plaintiff must meet before forcing a person out of online anonymity. But the rules are still in the making and are up for interpretation, said Daniel Solove, a law professor at the George Washington University Law School and author of "The Future of Reputation." On one end of the spectrum, a court could out a blogger simply because a legal action is filed against the person. That's troublesome because any good attorney could leverage the courts simply to expose a person's identity, he said. At the other extreme, a judge could say a plaintiff must prove the blogger defamed someone before forcing a company like Google to reveal the person's identity. Technology also can be used to unmask someone. Matt Zimmerman, senior staff attorney at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, which advocates for the rights of anonymous speech, said there are tools people can use to try to hide their footprints online. But none is 100 percent effective, he said. That leaves some online writers who use pseudonyms in the stressful situation of not knowing if or when their real names will be revealed. Blogging waiter wants publicity For Steve Dublanica, a New York City waiter who ragged on his customers for years through a blog called Waiter Rant, the tension of being outed gnawed at his stomach like a bad cheeseburger. Dublanica said his boss and co-workers knew of his blog. But as his site got more and more popular, people started having contests to figure out who he was. He valued his secrecy because he says it afforded him creative freedom and access to good material. "If [the customers] know you're going to write down what they're saying or what they're doing they tend to act differently," he said. Dublanica didn't out himself because of the stress of keeping the secret, though. He got a book deal. And he wanted the publicity and recognition that came with it. "The nice thing about not being anonymous is I can take credit for all the work I do," he said. "The bad stuff ... was that it was terrifying in the beginning. You just didn't know how people were going to treat you." Alaska blogger outed by politician Jeanne Devon, a 43-year-old political blogger in Alaska, had her identity revealed after a state legislator published her name in a newsletter. Devon, who blogs on a site called The Mudflats, says she has mixed feeling about being forced out of the closet. In one sense, she says, she was able to be more herself while writing under an assumed name. "There are things that you know, or that you feel sort of in your heart of hearts, that you might not want to put out there in a public way" with your name attached, she said. "If people always spoke without filters, we'd learn a lot more." She also says she has felt more support from her readers and her community since her real name was published. Some bloggers who post under their real names say that those who write under pseudonyms have something to hide or don't want to be held accountable to their audiences. Getting 'dooced' Heather B. Armstrong, who was fired from her job after her employer discovered her blog, Dooce, where she posted under her real name, said there are few valid reasons a blogger should veil his or her identity. "I think if you're doing something anonymously you've got some issues going on," she said. "There's a reason that you're hiding." People now use the term "dooced" to refer to being fired because of a personal blog. Armstrong, who writes about her family, says she's received all kinds of hate mail -- from people who call her kids ugly to those who tell her she's an unfit mother and should have her children taken away from her. Being honest about her identity has helped Armstrong get through those criticisms and through other hard times. "I credit my audience with saving my life back when I had postpartum depression because of all of the encouraging e-mails they sent me," she said. "The good far, far, far outweighs the bad, and my life has been incredibly enriched through the Internet." Hero unmasked Montanez, the fired blogger in Pittsburgh, said she's trying to find an upside in what's happened to her. Her former employer, the Negro Educational Emergency Drive, did not respond to CNN requests for comment. She doesn't like the idea of being in the public eye. She describes herself as shy and said part of the reason she wanted to remain anonymous was so she wouldn't draw attention to herself. She also feels like her larger-than-life persona has been somewhat deflated now that readers know who she is. But now that she's out, she figures she might as well try to capitalize on her newfound openness. "I just want to write and get paid for it," she said. E-mail to a friend Share this on:

Orignal From: check out this CNN article -- Wow